Week of December 24, 2023 – A week of family & food.

(Above: Today, Padre, Madre, my brother, and I went to Hacienda Colombiana #2 to eat lunch. The three regulars ordered the “Pechuqueso” and my brother ordered a plate of meats that included pork belly and skirt steak. This plate was accompanied by some beans and rice.
Hoy, mi padre, madre, hermano y yo fuimos a la Hacienda Colombiana #2 para almorzar. Los tres regulares pidieron el pechuqueso y mi hermano pidió un plato de carnes que incluyó panza de puerco y bistec de caballo. Ese plato estaba acompañado de unos frijoles y arroz.)

12/24/2023: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 70s. Mostly sunny morning. Partly cloudy afternoon.

12/15/2023: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 70s. Mostly cloudy and a bit drizzly.

12/26/2023: Today began in mid 60s and warmed into the mid 70s. Mostly cloudy.

The variety of kebabs a little bit after arriving at the table. La variedad de pinchos un poco depués de llegar a la mesa.

12/27/2023: Today began in the low 60s and warmed into the high 60s. Mostly cloudy.

12/28/2023: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 60s. Mostly cloudy.

12/29/2023: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the high 50s. Mostly sunny.

12/30/2023: Today began in the mid-30s and warmed into the low 60s. Mostly sunny.

Final Note: It is 2:04 PM on 12/31/2023, and as I write this, my brother is starting his journey homeward to Washington State. If there is one thing that I’ve learned this year, both from my personal experiences and from talking to many many people from Latin America, it is the value of family — especially the bond between parent to ‘progeny’ and sibling to sibling. That, and food is a universal form of entertainment.

This week has been a perfect ending to 2023.

1 thought on “Week of December 24, 2023 – A week of family & food.”

  1. I’m reading this the afternoon of the first and there’s little doubt that it was an astounding way to end the year; saying that I’m incredibly lucky doesn’t even begin to describe it. A tremendous week sharing great food and time together, it just doesn’t get any better. Chung

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