Week of December 31, 2023 – Goodbyes, greetings, & tackless toes.

(Above: The dawn of 1/1/2024. El amanecer del 1/1/2024.)

12/31/2023: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 70s. Mostly sunny.

1/1/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 70s. Mostly sunny.

1/2/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Sunny.

1/3/2024: Today began in the high 30s and warmed into the mid 60s. Mostly Sunny.

1/4/2024: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 60s. Cloudy dawn, but sunny thereafter.

1/5/2023: Today began in the high 30s and warmed into the low 70s.

1/6/2023: Today began in the low 60s and warmed into the mid 70s. Very rainy morning, and sunny afternoon.

Final Note: Draft of the epigraph for Lani’s 5th chapter in Book 2 – To Lands Beyond, inspired by recent conversation during language exchange 🌗:

Erno Grutwig opened the door whose bell rang gaily and sparkled brightly beneath the clear winter’s sky. Warmth billowed out onto the cold, grey cobblestones, and he ushered in the rag-clad slip-of-a-boy who followed him. They soon found themselves in a room about twenty feet long and twenty feet wide. It bore a large counter at the back and, at the center, a single neatly-organized shelf of shoes and boots of varying size with each bearing a string and a tag. The chamber was lit by the massive pane of glass at the storefront which displayed the town square outside lined with naked elms.

“Right, little lad,” Erno spoke as the door swung shut with a jingle, “This is my shop, my home, and hall of worship all, and… hey-o! Here’s Gloria. Gloria Grutwig, my fine sister and finer teacher, for from her—”

“Ha-iiii,” the woman interrupted. Her tone bore an odd form of strain to it as did her spasmodic wave of salutation. She was dressed in a billowing gown of blue and was seated in a chair akin a rocker but with two sets of what appeared to be miniature cartwheels attached to either side. As for age and manner, both were near identical to her brother’s, the former being a fine autumn of light hair bearing equal parts silver and gold and of plentiful facial furrows inclined toward good cheer. The latter, meanwhile, seemed an aura of eternal spring accompanied by that season’s propensity for vigor and productivity. Only her clumsy gestures and slumping posture and the stick-like bones protruding through her loose-fitting shift assigned her to the unfortunate status of an invalid.

“Gloria,” Erno indicated the boy who, frightened by the woman’s emaciated appearance, now clung to his coattails, “New addition to the family. Name is Stentin. Seeing as he’ll be staying with us for a good long while, fill him in on the rules, would you?”


“Ah, that’s right,” Grutwig slapped himself atop the skull and spoke confidingly to Stentin, “We used to have three rules, you see…”

He raised his voice, so his sister could hear, “But then you made it one, didn’t you, sis? What was it again?”

Gloria’s lined face scrunched up in concentration, and her eyes narrowed as if physically searching a great vault by the wavering flame of a single candle. As that meager light illumined the sought-after thought, so too did it brighten her face. She spoke three syllables, voicing each with deliberate care;

“Q. O. Q.”

“Very good, sis!” Erno was smiling. The man turned to his little companion who was now staring with perplexity toward the chairbound woman. He tapped the boy on the shoulder to attain his attention, and then knelt to maintain it;

“One rule, lad. Quality over quantity. It goes for our work here in the shop, it goes for our lives, and it goes for the relations we keep.  In the words of my pa who got it from his own, ‘A shoe doesn’t mean shit if you’ve left a tack in the toe, so let’s take our time whether its hammer or sew.’”

– Stentin’s introduction to the Grutwig household shortly after his purchase from the Stiverius Syndicate

1 thought on “Week of December 31, 2023 – Goodbyes, greetings, & tackless toes.”

  1. A week holds many possibilities, this one held the hollow of departure juxtaposed by incredible sunrises and the first birth of 2024, not to mention the excellent repasts, great week, thanks for sharing… looking forward to book two.

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