Week of January 14, 2024 – Mud, a hairy mushroom, and a Waybox

(Above: Two calves eat from a feeder in a swamp called a farm.
Dos terneritos comen de un comedero en un pantano se llama un rancho.)

1/14/2024: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 60s. Mostly cloudy.

1/15/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the mid 60s.

1/16/2024: Today it has been raining on and off. Temperatures began in the 60s and warmed into the low 70s.

1/17/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the mid 60s. Mostly cloudy.

1/18/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the mid 60s. Mostly cloudy.

1/19/2024: Today began in the 40s and warmed into the low 70s. Cloudy and slightly rainy morning followed by a partly sunny afternoon.

1/20/2024: Today began in the high 30s and warmed into the high 50s. Mostly sunny.

Final Note: Visual notes help while writing sometimes. Erno’s Box is based on a 2×2 Rubik’s cube. Even though it doesn’t have the 43 quintillion ‘legal’* variations of a standard 3×3 cube, this 2×2 Waycube is not to be underestimated with its 3,674,160 variations.

Erno's Box / Waycube

*Legal variations are variations the cube can reach without being taken apart. With ‘illegal’ variations included, the total for a 3×3 cube would apparently be 519 quintillion.

1 thought on “Week of January 14, 2024 – Mud, a hairy mushroom, and a Waybox”

  1. Two conspicuous aspects of this week, tasty food and much mud, opposites of the enjoyment spectrum no doubt.

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