Week of February 18, 2024 – Spring showers, gutter installation, and the ‘Chef King’

(Above: The first signs of spring can be seen in this hackberry tree. Los primeros signos de la primavera se pueden ver en este árbol de almez.)

2/18/2024: Today began in the low 50s and warmed into the low 60s. Drizzly.

2/19/2024: Today began in the mid 40s and warmed into the mid 60s. Sunny.

2/20/2024: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the mid 60s. Sunny

2/22/2024: Today began in the mid 30s and warmed into the high 60s.


2/23/2024: Today began in the high 40s and warmed into the low 70s. Quite breezy, intermittent sprinklings of rain and cloud cover.


Final Note: As of 2024, the USDA estimates that 30-40 percent of the food supply is wasted. That is a startling statistic, especially when over 40 million people in the United States experience food insecurity. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if the US spent a little less on defense (and other countries) and instead allocated more funding to the transportation and distribution of food. What would happen if we lived in a country where everyone not only had access to the same quantity but the same quality of food that I have access to on a daily basis?

“Cleos… Cleos, my friend… eet doesn’t matter how many fine eengredients you have eef you don’t have the cooks to cook them, and eet doesn’t matter how many cooks you have, eef you don’t have the expo and the runners to plate the food and make sure eet reaches the table.

– Qartar Daman, the ‘Chef’ King of Motzaco to King Cleos R. Gilghar

1 thought on “Week of February 18, 2024 – Spring showers, gutter installation, and the ‘Chef King’”

  1. From your blog it’s easy to tell you truly appreciate great food. Quality trumps quantity and I have no doubt been spoiled as a result. The statistic and excerpt, excellent.

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