The Emerald 90°.


(Above: Be sure to visit the listing on Amazon when it turns free in about 2 hours!)

Active Summary: Today began with the normal daily regimen and was followed by writing time and then by my helping Padre with a little bit of cattlework before heading down to the Harbison Farm Market. There, I procured the weekly fruits & vegetables before heading homeward. On the way back, I attempted stopping by two jiffy stores to see if they had butter. None did. After putting the vegetation away at Oldhouse, I returned home where I made a couple minor corrections in my ebook before unboxing the new desk for the Jacobhouse.

(10:14 PM Update:) After a delectable and somewhat lengthy lunch of Chilean Deep Sea Crabs at Oldhouse, I went back to Jacobhouse where I rested before beginning to assemble the desk I had unboxed earlier. Farm time ensued which consisted of feeding bovines, capturing/running a bovine through the treatment chute, and pitch-forking feed. Before heading out for the beef herd check with Padre, I checked on my ebook’s status, and on returning once more, I put together the rest of new desk, moved the computers onto/into it, and disassembled the old desk (all this took place amidst making / baking bread dough). After all that, I ventured to Oldhouse and had a dinner of bacon & egg sandwiches on fresh bread.

TIL: Today I learned how to run an eBook promotion on Kindle Direct Publishing. It is as simple as pressing the ‘run a free book promotion’ button and selecting the sales’ start and end dates. The Emerald 90° will be available for free starting sometime between 12AM and 3AM and will go on as such until the end of Friday.

Commentary: I am presently sitting at a new desk in Jacobhouse. It is comfortable, compact, and makes for an excellent addition to my abode, especially considering that a sizeable upright piano will be taking residence here within the next week. As for other highlights, I would have to include today’s lunch of Chilean crab legs and the fact that my first eBook is officially published on the Kindle store. Actually, it is not that fact itself which is the highlight. No, the highlight is my sense of relief at releasing the story ‘to the wild’ where it is fair game for all who want to experience the story and lesson therein.

Typically, I do my best to exclude ‘you’ statements from this blog, but in this case I will make an exception; I hope you all find as much solace in reading The Emerald 90° as I experienced while writing it.  

Final Note: Tomorrow I plan on writing, completing some school assignments, setting up the outdoor portion of Madre Workshop’s greywater drain, and beginning to clean some more buckets for the raised-bucket garden.