lumber for container house

More wood for Jacobhouse

Entry 2, here we go! Still gotta find a way to change my name from admin.


Today I went down to work on Jacob-house and was notified by Padre that he and Wag (my uncle) had been to the lumber yard down in Sparr. The two of them had seen quite a bit of lumber in the reject pile, and it was supposedly high quality stuff. So, my morning began with going down to Sparr with them in the big white pickup and procuring this lumber.

They had seen correctly, there were a number of 2x8s, 2x6s, and best of all quite a lot of 2x4s both of the pressure treated and the yellow-wood variety. A few of the latter had quite a lot of orange and green mold on them (fuzzy stuff similar to that which I found growing on my door a month or so back), so we didn’t take those ones. Even without them, though, we obtained a good bit of lumber – somewhere upwards of 35 – and because of the reject pile’s 70% discount we got all those pieces for $80.00.

On the way home, my job was to get in the back of the pickup and hold down the few loose pieces of lumber with my feet. On a typical January day, it would have been a frigid duty, but today it was in the high 70’s and made for a comfortable time. Well, that is except for the wind tugging on my shorts and giving the person driving behind us a potential unflattering view.

When we were back, I unloaded the lumber – the fence boards into the haybarn and the 2x4s into Jacobhouse. It took a while, but afterward I still had enough time to cut some 2×6 pieces and tap them down into the wall frame I made yesterday. These are the boards by which I’ll attach the frame to the base of the bathroom floor. I’ll use some self-tapping screws to fasten the base and top 2×4’s to the top and bottom of the container.

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