(Above: Clothes hanging on the improvised clothes line (made out of fence wire) just outside of Jacobhouse. It really was a fairly easy procedure; I almost wonder if I should do it more often even when the dryer does work. I have a feeling it would provide some pretty hefty electric savings.)
Active Summary: This morning I woke up, performed calisthenic exercises, wrote, and checked the beef herd with Padre. Afterward, I returned to Jacobhouse and wrote for a while longer before tending to some outdoor activities. These latter activities included: cleaning vines from beneath the deck of Jacobhouse, affixing the Fresnel lens to a frame, setting the lens up (with Padre’s aid) to burn a small stick, and then improving on that frame. While improving the frame, I was visited by a couple more Master Blend customers in need of beef. To finish off the morning I finished the Fresnel frame and harvested greens from the garden for a lunch salad.
(7:37 PM Update:) Afternoon activities included: cattle-related activities (feeding / catching / treating), tending to a couple Master Blend customers, filling Moo-Magic bags, setting up a clothes line at Jacobhouse, and performing the herd beef check with Padre. Now, I’m hurriedly typing the remainder of this entry so I can make dinner and have myself some leisure time.

TIL: Today I learned a couple primary facts of interest. The first is that the lens that, until today, I have been called ‘Frensel lens’ is instead called a ‘Fresnel lens’. The second is in regard to the washer/dryer unit that as of yesterday evening stopped drying my clothes. It is presently giving an error code: E3A. If these next couple test cycles do not work, I will be contacting Magic Chef and/or Home Depot about getting it repaired. If they only cover parts, I may end up pulling the machine out onto the ‘appliance step’ I made during Jacobhouse construction and delve inside to ensure that there are no clogs in the condenser. If there are not any clogs, it may be a corroded thermistor switch which from the cases I have read about, have a ~ 25% chance of being fixable. It may be time to pull out the drying line (which isn’t all that bad, according to my previous experience in Sicily). Here is a link to some information about fixing a ventless washer/dryer.
Commentary: Today was supposed to be leisurely morning of writing and perhaps some playing Path of Exile. Instead, after learning about upcoming washer/dryer shenanigans, I found that I could not sit still. So, I instead tended to some of the tasks that have been nagging at the back of my mind and then went on to work on the extracurricular lens activity. On a more positive note, I also recorded this video while waiting for lunch to cook:
by Joe Burke (music) & Al Dubin (lyrics)
Final Note: Tomorrow morning I will be visiting the Farm Market and planting some tomatoes.
Just watched/listened it’s Sunday morning about 9:30 and I smiled, needed that, thanks!