A big ole bowl of crab that Padre and I ate for lunch alongside a large garden salad.

Another bit of blog-pruning (and crab).


(Above: A big ole bowl of crab that Padre and I ate for lunch alongside a large garden salad.)

Active Summary: Today began with the early morning regimen which was ensued by about 1.5 hours worth of cattle shenanigans (beef pasture check / IV’ing a calf / running an embryo recipient through the chute). Next, I returned to Jacobhouse and wrote for about an hour before determining it was time to head down to the Farm Market where I commenced to procure the week’s produce. After returning home & putting the produce away, de-shelling crabs for about an hour, and tending to a Master Blend customer, it was finally time for lunch. Following lunch, I visited with Padre in the studio for a brief time before returning here to Jacobhouse where I am presently writing today’s entry.

(6:05PM Update:) This afternoon I helped Padre with a number of cattle-related activities, including: fetching/IV’ing two calves, catching a couple cows (their mothers), checking the field for more ailing bovines, tending to a Master Blend beef customer, and forking feed. Before returning indoors for the late-afternoon break, I turned down the rims of the tomato sacks outside. After another evening of watering, they will be good to go. The final activities for today will consist of performing the duskly beef pasture check-up and fixing/eating dinner.

  • The Fresnel lens (in frame) that I worked on yesterday.

Final Note: Tomorrow I intend to plant the tomatoes & Malabar summer spinach, work on school, and perhaps venture to Aneta’s Bistro when Madre & Padre sign Oldhouse over to the new people.

Additional Note:  After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that something about these daily entries must change (again). As of late – starting well-before the trip to Europe – each post has been taking an hour or more each day to complete, and I have begun to find myself unwilling to share my deeper thoughts for fear of extending that time to a lengthier duration and because some of those thoughts are fit for my eyes alone.

So, for now, I plan on only including an active summary, a picture or two of the daily activities I engage in, and a final note. Have no doubt, I still believe in finding Walden as well as the significance of keeping a log of daily activities. However, I feel that the journey will be much more fulfilling and the destination much more attainable if I do not constantly find myself censoring thoughts based upon content and the duration it will take to write them down.

Additional additional note (10:48 PM Update:) For some reason, as I was attempting to fall asleep, my additional note from earlier did not sit well with me. I don’t know if it’s the blog that has to change or my perspective. Either way, something has to, and it will. Tomorrow’s a new and better day.

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