(Above: Before departing Cristo, I saw that the sun was about to be eclipsed by the statue. By waiting a few minutes and altering my position, I was able to get this unique picture of a halo surrounding Cristo.)
Weather: This day began in the low 50s and warmed into the high 70s. Mostly sunny throughout.
To the Cristo at dawn:
Pre-dawn over Taxco [4/8/2022].
I took this picture of a mountain burro (same as the prior one, of course) shortly after I had come across a couple dogs who were barking quite loudly at me. One of them tried to dart in and nip at my heals, and it almost got a boot to the head. Fortunately this dissuaded the creature from further mischief. It also taught me that I should probably stick to the main road in the early hours of the day rather than taking the stairs. That, and find a walking stick.
A picturesque mountain-side courtyard under maintenance. The planked section stretches over an especially steep bit of mountainside (almost a form of ravine). I appreciated the greenery and flowers that are growing in spite of the harsh surroundings.
Cristo standing before the rising crimson sun,
A slightly sweaty Jacob, victorious in reaching Cristo at dawn in spite of many steps and ravenous dog-creatures.
Taxco beneath the rising red sun.
Before departing Cristo, I saw that the sun was about to be eclipsed by the statue. By waiting a few minutes and altering my position, I was able to get this unique picture of a halo surrounding Cristo.
Morning in the alpine forest just below (and above) Cristo
Breakfast at Casa Spratling:
Breakfast of coffee, seltzer, a few of the grapes I had procured at the market yesterday morning, and a bit of reading.
A noontime adventure:
…But it was happening at the Zócalo and consisted of a whole bunch of men (dressed as women) toting something that looked like a cow effigy with Frida Kahlo’s name on it and being followed by a small marching band.This is a portion of the Mercado Tetitlán that I had never visited before. It was filled with colorful produce.
Lunch at Casa Spratling & Hanging Clothes:
After returning from the Mercado, I put together a quick (and admittedly late) lunch of egg tacos accompanied by a banana and two mini-peaches. I should note that on the way back from Cristo this morning, I paid 8.5 pesos for 3 eggs and 5 pesos for cacahuate salsa. With the eggs, I was able to make the ordinary number (5), and the cacahuate made for a new experience. It tasted strongly of peanut, and was a tad sweet and spicy. Excelente.
After being told that I could utilize the washing machine, I put in my clothes, took a short siesta, and then hung them on these lines next to my room.
Dinner at Casa Spratling:
Cena a la Casa Spratling: A large green salad (Romaine, tomato, and onion in a Balsamic Vinaigrette), freshly baked bread (topped with a little garlic powder & fresh thyme), and a ‘knob’ of Noche Buena butter. It made for an excellent and satiating meal.
A picture of the cool, torrential (for Taxco) rain which arrived at about 6:30 PM.
The E (Bass) key was sticking, so I utilized my room key to bend its little pin into a more favorable position. It no longer sticks.
Lo siento para mis ropas.
Final note: From sunrise at Cristo, to the unique parade in the Zócalo, to a refreshing bout of precipitation in a different land, it was a day of many firsts. Every day can contain a ‘first’ for something if one puts forth the effort to find (or create) novelty.