(Above: A juvenile green anole sitting astride a collard leaf while eyeing a nearby Asian Trampsnail.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and some garden activity. The latter consisted of my drilling holes in the bottom of an orange juice bottle, filling that said bottle with Sevin dust, and powdering the tomato and zucchini plants of gardens #1 and #2.* This was ensued by writing for about 2.25 hours and then by my tending to a few chores and preparing leftover ribcap for pan-frying. Lunch occurred at 12:15 PM and consisted of the aforementioned beef, a garden-fresh salad, watermelon, and cantaloupe.
(6:07 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with writing and a brief rest as it rained heavily outside. This was followed by my helping with various farm activities including: feed-lifting, cow catching & embryo transfer, calf catching & vaccination (11 of the young-stock), and checking the beef pasture for ailing animals. Next, I helped load and move the propane tanks destined for our propane-powered generators and took a seltzer break with Padre. To conclude farm-related tasks, I aided in checking the beef pasture one more time.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I intend to work more on my writing project, venture to Home Depot with Madre to procure building supplies, and visit Sushi Bistro for a delectable lunch-pickup. In regard to this day’s remaining activities, I plan on cutting a watermelon, eating dinner, and taking the remainder of the day off.
*Not a particularly enjoyable process, nor something I wished to do. I figured, however, that if I wanted some tomatoes that I should probably take measures to prevent insects for sucking / injecting juices into them.