The newly painted container home.

Wiring Jacobhouse, Day 12 (Painting, too!)


Building Summary: Today at Jacobhouse, I installed outlets into all the vacant electrical boxes, and then I went down to Sparr Farm Supply with Padre to obtain ¾” and ½” plywood sheets for the floor / walls (respectively). To go along with this, Madre was painting Jacobhouse all day. It appears that she got most if not all of the first coat on.

Outlets on the panel box frame at the front of Jacob's container home.
Outlets on the panel box frame. (Not all the way seated yet.) Left is for A/C. Right is for Washer/dryer.

Commentary: I was riding around with Padre this evening after a long afternoon at the farm, and I brought up an intriguing quandary about blog-writing and journal writing in general. ‘Why is it,’ I asked, ‘that the mornings where I’ve done the most and the days that last the longest… why is it that they are the ones to have the longest entries?

The answer is obvious, of course. It’s common logic that the more activity fit into a day, the more words it’s going to take to write about it. I think that the real predicament here is that there’s no solution. I can’t simply do less. That would be letting the beast at the end of the day win. Neither will I betray that so-called ‘beast’ by leaving out key details. Why? Because I’ve raised the ‘beast’ from its infant stages, and because it helps me recognize all that I do and have done with each passing day*.

Philosophy aside, I think I’ll move on to today’s primary highlight. That is, the painting of Jacobhouse. Even without the second coat, my container home really is looking just like that: a home. I know it’s part of a ‘labor-bargain’ but I just figured I’d share my appreciation. Thank you, Madre!

Plywood for Jacob's container home's floor.
Jacobhouse’s floor in its prenatal stages.

Final Note: Tomorrow I will put together the outlet in Jacobhouse’s office area, and then I shall begin the process of cutting and fastening in the plywood floor.

* I’m certain future-Jacob will also appreciate my efforts. I’ve learned that much from keeping a steady day-to-day journal for over 10 years.