(Above: Jacobhouse and a rainbow in the afternoon of 9/10/2023. Casita de Jacobo y un arcoíris en la tarde del 10/9/2023.)
Early morning of 9/10/2023.
La madrugada del 10/9/2023.
This morning, there were some visitors outside of my house.
Esta mañana había unos visitantes afuera de mi casita.
A photo of many egrets and ibis in the hack-berry trees.
Una foto de muchas garcetas y garzas en los árboles de almez.
Lunch of 9/10/2023: Pan-seared salmon and tuna accompanied by a salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo del 10/9/2023: Salmón y atún a la sartén acompañados de una ensalada hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
I prepared these beef ribs for cooking later in the day. They were seasoned with salt, black pepper, Worcestershire sauce, mustard powder, and coriander powder.
Yo preparé estas costillas de res para cocinar más tarde en el día. Se sazonaron con sal, pimienta negra, salsa inglesa, mostaza en polvo y semilla de cilantro en polvo.
The most southeastern field in afternoon of 9/10/2023.
El campo al más sureste en la tarde del 10/9/2023.
Jacobhouse and a rainbow in the afternoon of 9/10/2023.
Casita de Jacobo y un arcoíris en la tarde del 10/9/2023.
A photo of Madre installing a bird feeder.
Una foto de mi mamá instalando un comedero para los pájaros.
A dinner of reverse-seared Belgian Blue short ribs. These ribs were accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and by a bowl of bbq sauce made in-house.
Una cena de costillas de azul belga asadas en el horno, y después, salteadas en la sartén. Estas costillas estaban acompañadas de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y de un tazón de salsa barbacoa hecha en casa.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
9/11/2023: Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the low 90s. Sunny, humid morning and a slightly stormy afternoon.
A redstar flower on the morning of 9/11/2023.
Una flor de la estrella roja en la mañana del 11/9/2023.
Today I found a branch on top of the cable on the east side of the central field. I put the branch on the other side, and now the fence is better.
Hoy encontré una rama encima del cable en el lado este del campo central. Yo puse la rama en el otro lado, y ahora la vallah está mejor.
Lunch: A tray of sushi and a bowl of miso soup from Sushi Bistro.
El almuerzo: Una bandeja de sushi y un tazón de sopa de miso de Sushi Bistro.
The central field in the afternoon of 9/11/2023.
El campo central en la tarde del 11/9/2023.
Dinner of 9/11/2023: A Belgian Blue burger-steak encrusted with walnuts, salt, and chiltepins. There was a dollop of sour cream on top of the steak and a green salad to the side.
La cena del 11/9/2023: Un bistec de res molida de azul belga incrustado con nueces, sal y chiltepines. Había una cucharada de crema ácida encima del bistec y una ensalada verde al lado.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a bowl of sour cream for dipping.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de un tazón de crema ácida para mojar.
9/12/2023: Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the low 90. Mostly sunny morning.
Early morning of 9/12/2023 in the shower outside of Jacobhouse.
La madrugada del 12/9/2023 en la ducha afuera de mi casita.
Lunch of 9/12/2023: A fried mixture of eggs and beef ribs. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo del 12/9/2023: Una mezcla frita de huevos y costilla de res. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
A dessert of a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Un postre de una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y de unas nueces.
Afternoon in the easternmost field (looking to the west).
La tarde en el campo al más este (mirando al oeste).
Dinner of 9/12/2023: Some pieces of leftover pizza covered with leftover beef short rib. These pieces were accompanied by a salad of cabbage and fresh tomato and by a bowl of homemade BBQ sauce.
La cena del 12/9/2023: Unos pedazos de pizza sobrante cubierta con costilla de res sobrante. Estos pedazos estaban acompañados de una ensalada de repollo y tomate fresco y de un tazón de salsa barbacoa casera.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
9/13/2023: Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the low 90s.
Dawn of 9/13/2023.
El amanecer del 13/9/2023.
A photo from Madre:
One pastry of the eight that I made this morning. What is inside?
Una foto de mi mamá:
Uno pastelillo de los ocho que yo hice esta mañana. Que está dentro?
Another photo from Madre:
Inside of the chocolate pastry. There were many layers and the center was soft and full of flavor.
Otra foto de mi mamá:
Dentro del pastelillo de chocolate. Había muchos estratos y el centro estaba blando y lleno de sabor.
Lunch: A tuna steak and a fillet of salmon, both of which were cooked in the outdoor skillet. This fish was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo: Un filete de atún y un filete de salmón, ambos de cuales estuvieron cocinados en la sartén afuera. Este pescado estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a small dollop of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada pequeña de yogur griego.
A large and uniquely formed painting in the building where I am taking communications class.
Una pintura grande y de forma única en el edificio donde estoy tomando la clase de communicaciones.
Dinner consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and salmon sprinkled with black pepper and Parmesan cheese. This mixture was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
La cena consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y salmón espolvoreada con pimienta negra y con queso parmesano. Esta mezcla estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
The dessert: A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and walnuts.
El postre: Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y nueces.
9/14/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Sunny morning. Partly cloudy afternoon.
The Belgian Blue #227 in the early morning of 9/14/2023.
La azul belga #227 en la madrugada del 14/9/2023.
A line of Wagyus below the hackberry trees. They were resting in the shade.
Una fila de wagyus debajo de los almeces. Ellos estaban descansando a la sombra.
For lunch, Padre, Madre, and I went to Hacienda Colombiana #2. There, we enjoyed the grilled chicken accompanied by a salad and some pieces of fried yucca.
Para almorzar, mi padre, mi madre, y yo fuimos a la Hacienda Colombia #2. Alli, disfrutamos el pollo a la plancha acompañado de una ensalada y unos pedazos de yuca frita.
Afternoon of 9/14/2023 in the most southeastern field.
La tarde del 14/9/2023 en el campo al más sureste.
Dinner consisted of a piece of leftover beef short rib pizza accompanied by a salad of lettuce and tomato made by Padre.
La cena consistía en un pedazo de pizza sobrante de costilla de res acompañado de una ensalada de lechuga y tomate hecha por mi padre.
A magnificent dessert of a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by some nuts and a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Un magnífico postre de una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de unas nueces y una cucharada de yogur griego.
9/15/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Mostly sunny early day. Partly cloudy late day.
A cow (#979) and her calf in the early morning of 9/15/2023. Both animals have white tails.
Una vaca (#979) y su cría en la madrugada del 15/9/2023. Ambos animales tienen colas blancas.
Lunch of 9/15/2023 consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and birria beef. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo del 15/9/2023 consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y res de birria. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
Dinner of 9/15/2023: A portion of Wagyner Blue roast topped with sliced avocado and accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
La cena del 15/9/2023: Una porción de asado de Wagyner Blue cubierta con un aguacate en rodajas y acompañado de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
A dessert of a sliced pink apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a large dollop of Greek yogurt.
Un postre de una manzana rosada en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada grande de yogur griego.
9/16/2023: Today began in the low 70s and then warmed into the low 90s. Sunny morning. Cloudy afternoon.
Early morning of 9/16/2023 in the central field.
La madrugada del 16/9/2023 en el campo central.
These are some beef short ribs that I sold in the morning. They were of utmost quality.
Estas son unas costillitas de res que yo vendí por la mañana. Ellas eran de la mejor calidad.
The lunch of 9/16/2023: A taco salad that consisted of lettuce, spinach, green cabbage, fresh tomato, avocado, Belgian Blue ground beef, two types of salsa, and a little bit of sour cream.
El almuerzo del 16/9/2023: Una ensalada de taco que consistía en lechuga, espinaca, repollo verde, tomate fresco, aguacate, res molida de azul belga, dos tipos de salsa y un poco de crema ácida.
During the English class of 9/16/2023, we played a game of Kahoot!. This was the final podium.
Durante la clase de inglés de 16/9/2023, jugamos un juego de Kahoot!. Este fue el podio final.
For dinner, I made a pizza with prosciutto, Parmesan cheese, and a balsamic and garlic vinaigrette. Padre made a pizza with ground beef and roasted peppers. Both pizzas looked delicious.
Para la cena, yo hice una pizza con jamón, queso parmesano y una vinagreta de vinagre balsámico y ajo. Mi padre hizo una pizza con res molida y pimientos asados. Ambas pizzas se veían deliciosas.
A piece of the prosciutto pizza accompanied by a salad of cucumber, red cabbage, green cabbage, and tomato.
Un pedazo de la pizza de jamón acompañado de una ensalada de pepino, repollo rojo, repollo verde y tomate.
A sliced Pink Lady apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana dama rosa en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
Final Note: Part 3 of 3 of an ongoing conversation between Court Alchemist Auriel and Philosopher & Satirist Raswald Streeph.
“I think we were wrong to forgo children.”
“Ah, now where’s this coming from?”
“I was in the lab this morning checking the cultures, and I thought about how far we’ve come. What we’ve learned… how life is less about striving and reaching for what we don’t have and more about making the most of what we do [have]. Just think, Raz; those streptostrains were living under our noses – or our feet, rather – all this time. And now? They may well make infection a thing of the past.”
“…and how exactly does this have to do with our lack of children?”
“When we die, no one will know what we’ve found.”
“Nonsense, they’ll have your antibody and your notes, and they’ll have my myriad journals of debatable worth—”
“You know better than I, Raz, that empirical transfer is an inept substitute for hereditary transmission. What was it you wrote? ‘Behavior and bias are passed from generation to generation just as surely as color-of-eye and curl-of-hair—”
“And just as surely as those familial ailments you’ve documented: hemophilia, fibrosis, splitspine—”
“Yes, yes, but we’re devoid of all that. In the case of our children, we could have granted them so much: our passions for exploring world and mind, our imagination… our desire to add more to this world than we take. Who knows, maybe if we’d had enough, they would have carried those inclinations forward to future generations. Not only would they have been our children, Raz; they would have been seeds for the betterment of our race.”
“I think my lady is being a mite optimistic. One mutation, and they could have born with the tails of pigs or with feet for hands. More dreadful, they could have been born fine intelligent children who would have grown into fine intelligent adults with that natural human penchant for semi-permanent dissatisfaction.”
“I know, I know… But I also know this. Had we had children, we all would have learned something. Many things. Many things that we could not have possibly learned otherwise.”
“Now, to that, you have my wholehearted accord.”
“…but then, Raz, would we have wondered similar in the reverse position? Would we wonder what we could have achieved without them? I would hope not. And even if the thought did occur from time to time, I would hope it to be one of those fleeting, disturbing notions that we’d never allow to take root. I would hope—”
“Peace, Aury. We would never have regretted it.”
– former Court Alchemist Auriel and Philosopher & Satirist Raswald Streeph on the uncertain immorality of parenthood.
1 thought on “Week of September 10, 2023 – Metal box, gaur butt, rainbow, and the uncertain immorality of parenthood.”
Thanks for reminding me of a week’s worth of adventures, a new skunk tail after ten years, and how about the ‘penchant for semi-permanent dissatisfaction’ that’s a gift you know… learned much no doubt
Thanks for reminding me of a week’s worth of adventures, a new skunk tail after ten years, and how about the ‘penchant for semi-permanent dissatisfaction’ that’s a gift you know… learned much no doubt