(Above: The family of Cow #326. The heifer to the left is her daughter, the cow to her right is her granddaughter, the little bull calf in the center is her great grandson, and of course, the large red cow is #326 herself. La familia de la vaca #326. Las vacilla a la izquierda es su hija, la vaca a la derecha es su nieta, el ternerito en el centro es su bisnieto, y por supuesto, la grandota vaca roja es la propia #326.)
10/1/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly cloudy and slightly drizzly morning followed by a mostly cloudy afternoon.
Early morning of 10/1/2023.
La madrugada del 1/10/2023.
Many egrets flying and landing throughout the central field at midday.
Muchas garcetas volando y aterrizando por todo el campo central en el mediodía.
Lunch consisted of a scramble of eggs and beef. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo consistía en un revuelto de huevos y res. Este estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
Dessert: A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
El postre: Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
A Wagyner Blue bottom round roast sprinkled with salt and black pepper.
Un asado de nalga-abajo de Wagyner Blue espolvoreado con sal y pimienta negra.
Dinner: The aforementioned Wagyner Blue roast accompanied by a salad of arugula and romaine lettuce, a bowl of homemade BBQ sauce, and a glass of red wine.
La cena: El asado de Wagyner Blue ya mencionado acompañado de una ensalada de rúcula y lechuga romana, un tazón de salsa barbacoa casera, y una copa de vino tinto.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
10/2/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid-80s. Mostly cloudy with very brief and very light bouts of rain.
Dawn of 10/2/2023 in the central pasture.
El amanecer del 2/10/2023 en el pasto central.
The restored plow atop its pedestal in front of the central barn.
El arado restorado encima de su pedestal enfrente del establo central.
For lunch, I enjoyed one and half trays of sushi and a bowl of miso soup garnished with red cabbage, spinach, and purslane flowers.
Para almorzar, disfruté una bandeja y media de sushi y un tazón de sopa de miso adornada con repollo rojo, espinaca y flores de verdolaga.
Dinner consisted of fried eggs accompanied by a Padre-made salad of red cabbage, green cabbage, cucumber, and tomato.
La cena consistía en huevos fritos acompañados de una ensalada de repollo rojo, repollo verde, pepino y tomate hecha por mi padre.
A sliced pink lady apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana dama rosa en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
10/3/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny. Still hazy like it has been for the past two days.
The sunrise of 10/3/2023.
El amanecer del 3/10/2023.
Padre reclining amidst the mushrooms.
Mi padre reclinando en medio de los hongos.
This is a beef order that I boxed this morning.
Este es un pedido de res que yo empaqué esta mañana.
“It’s broken.” Really, Padre opened this calf in order to find the culprit of its death. There were two sets of intestines. One intestine ended in the middle of nowhere. The other ended at a pristine and unused anus.
“Está roto.” Realmente, mi padre abrió este ternerito para encontrar la culpa de su muerte. Había dos conjuntos de intestinos. Un intestino terminó en medio de la nada, y otro terminó en un ano muy limpio y no utilizado.
The hazy midday of 10/3/2023 in the most southeastern pasture. A little calf was nursing its mother.
El mediodía brumoso del 3/10/2023 en el campo más sureste. Un ternerito estaba amamatando a su madre.
Lunch: Scrambled eggs with cheese and chiltepin accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo: Huevos revueltos con queso y chiltepin acompañados de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
A sliced red apple, some walnuts, and a dollop of Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon.
Una manzana roja en rodajas, unas nueces, y una cucharada de yogur griego espolvoreadas con canela.
Dinner consisted of roasted beef shanks. This tender beef was accompanied by a salad of arugula and romaine lettuce and by a little bit of mustard for dipping.
La cena consistía en pierna asada de res. Esta carne suave estaba acompañada de una ensalada de rúcula y lechuga romana y de un poco de mostaza para mojar.
Dessert: A sliced green apple and a spoonful of Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon.
El postre: Una manzana verde en rodajas y una cucharada de yogur griego espolvoreadas con canela.
10/4/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny.
Sunrise of 10/4/2023 in the central pasture.
El amanecer del 4/10/2023 en el pasto central.
A morning field full of cows and mushrooms.
Un campo matutino lleno de vacas y hongos.
A lizard without its original tail. Now, it is growing two tails.
Una lagartija sin su cola original. Ahora, está creciendo dos colas.
This morning, I planted a lot of seeds in my garden. There are going to be many radishes and carrots. Also, there is going to be kale and arugula.
Esta mañana, planté muchas semillas en mi jardín. Van a haber muchos rabanos y zanahorias. También, va a haber col y rúcula.
Lunch: Some scrambled eggs with mozzarella and chiltepin. These eggs were accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo: Unos huevos revueltos con mozzarella y chiltepin. Estos huevos estaban acompañados de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
Dinner consisted of a taco salad. This salad had romaine lettuce, green cabbage, sliced avocado, ground Belgian Blue beef, taco salsa, and sour cream. It was accompanied by a glass of red wine.
La cena consistía en una ensalada de taco. Esta ensalada tenía lechuga romana, repollo verde, aguacate en rodajas, res molida de azul belga, salsa taquera y crema ácida. Estaba acompañada de una copa de vino tinto.
A sliced yellow apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana amarilla en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
10/5/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny.
Midday of 10/5/2023 in the central pasture.
El mediodía del 5/10/2023 en el campo central.
Lunch: Some eggs scrambled with leftover beef and mozzarella cheese. This food was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by me.
El almuerzo: Unos huevos revueltos con res sobrante y mozzarella. Esta comida estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por yo.
A picture of cow #338 eating the grass and the straw that Padre and I gave her. Maybe it will help her with her diarrhea.
Una foto de vaca #338 comiendo el cespéd y la paja que mi padre y yo le dimos. Tal vez ayudará a ella con su diarrea.
Dinner: A Belgian Blue burger-steak accompanied by a simple salad of arugula, spinach, romaine lettuce, and tomato. Also, there was a bowl of sour cream for dipping.
La cena: Un bistec de res molida de azul belga acompañada de una simple ensalada de rúcula, espinaca, lechuga romana y tomate en rodajas. Además, había un tazón de crema ácida para mojar.
A sliced gala apple and a spoonful of Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon.
Una manzana gala en rodajas y una cucharada de yogur griego espolvoreadas con canela.
10/6/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny.
A weed called coffee senna. I found it in the central pasture on the morning of 10/6/2023.
Un mala hierba llamada sen café. La encontré en el campo central en la mañana del 6/10/2023.
This is a taco salad that consisted of romaine lettuce, spinach, sliced avocado, Belgian Blue ground beef, a little bit of taco salsa, and a little bit of sour cream.
Esta es una ensalada de taco que consistía en lechuga romana, espinaca, aguacate en rodajas, res molida de azul belga, un poco de salsa taquera y un poco de crema ácida.
The cloudy afternoon of 10/6/2023 in the central pasture.
La tarde nublada del 6/10/2023 en el campo central.
An old plow with some flowering purslane on the afternoon of 10/6/2023.
Un viejo arado con alguna verdolaga en flor en la tarde del 6/10/2023.
Dinner: A fried mixture of eggs and Wagyu beef accompanied by a green salad of arugula, romaine lettuce, and a little bit of spinach.
La cena: Una mezcla frita de huevos y res de Wagyu acompañada de una ensalada verde de rúcula, lechuga romana y un poco de espinaca.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur greigo y unas nueces.
10/7/2023: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly cloudy. Brief bout of rain just before dusk.
Lunch: Eggs scrambled with ground beef accompanied by a green salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo: Huevos revueltos con res molida acompañados de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
A photo of the cows that Padre, Wag, and I processed this morning. We gave them vaccines and new tags, and we sprayed them for flies.
Una foto de las vacas que mi padre, mi tío y yo procesamos esta mañana. Les dimos vacunas y etiquetas nuevas y les fumigamos contra las moscas.
Dinner of 10/7/2023: 2.5 pieces of homemade cheese pizza accompanied by a salad of cucumber, red cabbage, green cabbage, tomato, and roasted pepper.
La cena del 7/10/2023: 2.5 pedazos de pizza casera de queso acompañados de una ensalada de pepino, repollo rojo, repollo verde, tomate y pimiento asado.
A sliced gala apple, some walnuts, and a spoonful of Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon and arranged in the form a star.
Una manzana gala en rodajas, unas nueces y una cucharada de yogur griego espolvoreadas con canela y ordenadas en la forma de una estrella.
Final Note: All of these thoughts are interesting, but the green-highlighted text is particularly excellent, and the yellow-highlighted text are my personal thoughts on the matter.
A quote from the Wikipedia Article on Determinism:
Causal determinism, sometimes synonymous with historical determinism (a sort of path dependence), is “the idea that every event is necessitated by antecedent events and conditions together with the laws of nature.” However, it is a broad enough term to consider that:
…One’s deliberations, choices, and actions will often be necessary links in the causal chain that brings something about. In other words, even though our deliberations, choices, and actions are themselves determined like everything else, it is still the case, according to causal determinism, that the occurrence or existence of yet other things depends upon our deliberating, choosing and acting in a certain way.
Causal determinism proposes that there is an unbroken chain of prior occurrences stretching back to the origin of the universe. The relation between events and the origin of the universe may not be specified. Causal determinists believe that there is nothing in the universe that has no cause or is self-caused. Causal determinism has also been considered more generally as the idea that everything that happens or exists is caused by antecedent conditions.
A small quotation on free will’s relation to Causal Determinism from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
Whether or not one can have freedom of action without free will depends on one’s view of what free will is. Causal determinism does not mean that acting agents lack the freedom to do what they want to do. An agent could do what he/she wants to do, even if he/she is causally determined to want to do that action.
Final final note:
Here, it can be seen that free will and choice are different concepts. My definition of free will is “the ability to choose independently of all circumstances and outside phenomenon”. Choice, on the other hand, is “the selection of one perceived possibility from multiple perceived possibilities“.
My take is this. In the case of beings that can perceive various possibilities (such as humans), choice is real. When it comes to the act of choosing, however, that act – like everything else in our current reality – is completely determined by antecedent events and conditions.
In summary, there is no free will, but there is choice.
1 thought on “Week of October 2, 2023 – A family of well-mannered bovines: the result of choices but not of free will.”
Thanks for sharing once again, still struggling with the choice/freewill concept, perhaps its because from my vantage point, it’s a distant one, I perceive a long chain of possibilities that are weaved through via the prompts of prior conditioning, one of which may very well be the belief that freewill or choice or maybe even both actually exist.
Thanks for sharing once again, still struggling with the choice/freewill concept, perhaps its because from my vantage point, it’s a distant one, I perceive a long chain of possibilities that are weaved through via the prompts of prior conditioning, one of which may very well be the belief that freewill or choice or maybe even both actually exist.