(Above: Dawn of 10/22/2020. The sunrise lined up near-perfectly with the central water trough in the beef pasture, and the colors were downright impressive.)
Lunch of 10/21/2020 – A Master Blend sirloin tip steak of exceptional tenderness alongside a spring mix salad.
Support applied beneath the sink drain within Madre’s office container.
More support placed beneath the air intake vent for the sewer line.
Primary support beneath the toilet T.
A visit to the papaya clearing on 10/21/2020. The fruit were still green but still growing.
Egg-sourdough bread amalgamation from 10/20/20. Reminiscent of an English muffin with egg on it.
I found this pen in the beef pasture. It has a press-to-talk button that also moves the figure’s hair and necktie. The slight brown marks on the right side were caused by a cow chewing on this pen (she likely transported it from the feedbarn to the pasture in her mouth). 10/24/2020 Update: We now believe the pen to have fallen off my Uncle Eric’s Gator, because one of his grand-children (my second cousin) stated that it looked exactly like a pen she had lost a short time ago, and she frequently rides on that Gator.
Featured image: Dawn of 10/22/2020. The sunrise lined up perfectly with the central water trough in the beef pasture, and the colors were downright impressive.
On account of the continuing spree of moisture, the Jewels of Opar are growing into small bushes.
Radishes beginning to press their way free of the soil.
Lunch of 10/22/2020: a larger Master Blend burgersteak atop a bed of spinach and springmix. Delectable.
A Brahman-Blue standing with her mother on a sunny autumn’s day.
Dawn of 10/23/2020. Similar to the dawn of 10/22/2020, except with less bovines at the water trough.
Arugula, dawn of the second day after planting. It looked akin to green ‘stubble’.
The radishes are continuing to grow, and even more are poking their way out of the soil.
Lunch of 10/23/2020: a baked potato and plenty of greens. Light and quite delicious.
About 1/2 of my 50 minutes at Madre’s container today was spent attempting to make the brass-to-stainless connection leak-free.
As of 6:30 PM (about 1 hour after the prior picture was taken), there has not been a leak. 10/25/2020 Update: It still leaks. I shall work more on it tomorrow.
Dusk of 10/23/2020. It was drizzling ever-so slightly during the final beef pasture inspection.
I found some bovine comradairy in the barn this day.
Dawn of 10/24/2020.
This morning, I found freshly sprouted dinosaur kale. The lark’s tongue is still dormant.
A radish unlike the others. This is a live oak sprouting from an acorn. I found it growing in the middle of the garden, so I transplanted it into an inactive radish bag. If it grows large enough, I shall transplant it somewhere else.
A pasture Madre and I drove by on the way back from Sushi Bistro. There was an anomalous building in the center that almost looked like a watchhouse. What was it built to watch, I wonder… surely not hay bales.
Lunch of 10/24/2020: Sushi of the utmost quality.
On returning to Jacobhouse after farm activities, I found a fortunate spider and an unfortunate assassin bug surrounded by circling gnats.
A Nickles melon ready for cutting (procured earlier in the day on our way to Sushi Bistro).
Just another evening in Jacobhouse.
Final Note: This week began on the twenty-first of October and therefore is not quite full. Next week’s shall begin on 10/25/2020. I must now go tend to some Picanha and garlic-pizza-bread.
A side dish for picanha, and a main course for those who do not eat picanha.
1 thought on “Week of October 18, 2020 – Planting.”
Great post, very much look forward to happenings in the Jacoblog
Great post, very much look forward to happenings in the Jacoblog