(Above: [Dawn of 3/12/2022] It seems like whenever there are colors like this in the morning, a weather change is soon to follow. )
3/6/2022: A day beginning in the high 50s and warming to the high 80s. Sunny and breezy.
Dawn of 3/6/2022.
Bovines gathering for lunch in the late morning.
Lunch today consisted of a baked potato accompanied by a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
The freezers on the west side have been emptied and are now thawing. Tomorrow, I intend to vacuum out the excess water and to clean them.
One of this afternoon’s activities consisted of giving an IV to an acidic Wagyu calf.
Late-afternoon in the central beef pasture, looking west (3/6/2022).
In the morning, Padre and I brought 17 filled Moo-Magic bags down to the self serve compost stand. I took this picture around 4:30 PM.
Dinner of 3/6/2022: An oven-roasted chicken accompanied by a ‘green amalgamation’ consisting of garden grown collards, kale, and broccoli mixed with a little bit of polenta, Parmesan Reggiano, mozzarella, and garlic cloves (whole to prevent too strong of a flavor).
Plated-up and looking quite delectable.
3/7/2022: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s (or low 90s). Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 3/7/2022.
The de-iced and cleaned west freezers.
King Elray sitting amidst his subjects.
For lunch, Madre and I ventured to Sushi Bistro to procure soup and sushi. The former was adorned with arugula flowers, and the latter was truly delicious.
Late-afternoon in the farmyard.
Dinner of 3/7/2022: A 12 oz. Wagyner Blue burger-steak accompanied by a salad comprised mostly of garden-grown vegetation (arugula and spinach).
3/8/2022: A day beginning in the low 60s and warming into the high 80s. Bouts of rain throughout.
Morning of 3/8/2022: Before heading indoors to write, I took a picture of the new turkey-fryer + skillet setup. It is now at a better height, and when cooking at midday, I will be doing so in the shade.
Around mid-morning, I helped Padre erect the little antenna-tower at the postern end of Madre’s office container. It was a fairly simple process.
One of this morning’s activities consisted of pulling a calf out of a Wagyu heifer.
It was a struggle, and unfortunately, the calf was already dead before we even got the heifer in the chute. The fortunate part is that the calf was extricated and that the cow appears to be recovering well.
After concluding with the midday farm activities, Padre and I ventured to Lorito’s for lunch. There I enjoyed the two slice special (I had already began on the pizza by the time I took this picture) and a Greek salad. Both were fresh and excellent.
On returning to Jacobhouse, Padre and I observed how the nearest oak tree displays its springtime colors before all the others. Possibly from the constant garden watering?
After venturing indoors, I prepared short-ribs for dinner by seasoning with a combination of salt, pepper, coriander, and just a dash of Worcestershire sauce.
Mid-afternoon in the south-easternmost beef pasture.
Late afternoon in the central beef pasture.
A savory puff pastry made for the Madre.
Inside the pastry: layers of prosciutto, Swiss cheese, a small amount of honey, and a little bit of black pepper. Simple, yet (from the sample Padre and I had) delectable.
For the main course, Padre and I enjoyed a dinner of pan-seared short-ribs accompanied by a garden-fresh salad.
A very well-mixed hand of cards for a game of rummy.
3/9/2022: Today began in the mid 60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s before late afternoon rains arrived.
Dawn of 3/9/2022: The sun cast a unique spring-like glow over this pastoral scene.
The odd lighting continued albeit in a cloudier fashion at Salt-Springs. Still, by the time I ventured into the water, the sun was showing itself once more.
After returning from the Salt Springs, I enjoyed a lunch of long-baked potato (had to roast at a lower temperature – 325 F – due to using clarified butter as the means to adhere salt and garlic powder to the outside). This was accompanied by a Padre-made and Madre-dressed salad.
Dinner of 3/9/2022: A savory Wagyner Blue burger-steak accompanied by a tart cucumber & tomato salad. The combination of the two was terrific.
3/10/2022: Today began in the mid 60s and rose to the mid-70s by midday. Rain fell frequently throughout.
Dawn of 3/10/2022.
One of this morning’s activities consisted of our IV’ing a problematic Wagyu calf. The creature always acts extra-pitiful until the time comes for treatment. It is then that the calf accesses its energy reserves and endeavors to up-and-run-away. We caught it this morning despite these antics.
After a morning of much slogging about, Padre, Madre, and I ventured to Off-Duty Tavern for lunch. There, I finally procured a picture of the fried fish filet along with some fresh, crispy fries.
Mid-afternoon in the south-easternmost pasture.
A calf resting with its muzzle on its mother’s knee.
In a little paddock just west of Jacobhouse, there are a number large stones (lime-rock) covered in moss and lichen. The former was blooming today.
The re-arranged turkey fryer setup. Now I can stand on the mat without blocking my light.
I purposefully set the blocks at a slight offset to make the pan surface level (this offset makes up for some unevenness in the ground).
Dinner of 3/10/2022: Savory fare of pan-seared Belgian Blue short ribs accompanied by a Padre-made salad.
3/11/2022: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 70s. Rain fell very frequently throughout.
Dawn of 3/11/2022: A sky of uniform grey dwells over a pasture grown green from the recent rains.
One of this morning’s tasks consisted of fixing this cow-calf-‘sorter’. It permits calves into the feed lane while disallowing cows from venturing in and gorging themselves on the grain.
Central beef pasture at midday. [3/11/2022]
For lunch, I enjoyed a baked potato, salad, and four cast-iron-fried eggs.
I’m thinking about putting a couple of these shelves up in the office area of Jacobhouse. The only thing preventing me from doing so is that I like the smooth and uncluttered wall that presently resides above my desk.
Dinner: A ‘square’ Wagyner Blue burger-steak accompanied by a piece of fresh homemade bread (dunked in drippings) and a Padre-wrought cucumber salad. Very satisfying after a long, ‘trudgerous’ day.
3/12/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to lower into the low 50s. There was much rain until about 10 AM, a sunny afternoon, and tonight it is going to go into the 20s.
Dawn of 3/12/2022: It seems like whenever there are colors like this in the morning, a weather change is soon to follow.
One of this morning’s tasks consisted of fixing the lid of the oldest freezer in the Master Blend freezer room.
Laying a bead of construction glue along the edge.
A 60+ lb vessel of books was utilized to weight the lid down and ensure firm contact with the glue.
Due to the morning’s lengthy nature, I ventured into Sushi Bistro with Madre to procure lunch as Padre and Wag finished with the feeding. It was a quick trip today, and the food was exceptionally fresh.
The King Gaur (Elray) taking a sip out of a puddle of glassy countenance.
After three or four days of prevalent cloud-cover, the sky cleared.
It was refreshing to ride the Segway in the sun for our afternoon inspection.
Late afternoon of 3/12/2022: Padre decided to get the majority of tomorrow’s feeding done because the morning temperatures are supposed to be in the 20s.
Salt-and-peppered beef short ribs ready for the pan.
Dinner: A few pan-seared Belgian Blue short ribs accompanied by a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad. Some of the greens therein – the kale – came from the garden.
Final Note: I don’t know if it was the weather changes, the extra-miles of walking, or just me, but that week seemed to pass with remarkable swiftness.
1 thought on “Week of March 6, 2022 – A brief return to Winter”
That was quite the week, enough said.