(Above: Dinner of 6/11/2022. A tortilla pizza made from a flaxseed tortilla (50 calories), homemade tomato sauce (tomato, oregano, & roasted garlic mashed in a chiltepin-inundated molcajete), 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, and sliced mushrooms. With the olive oil utilized in the skillet and drizzled atop the pizza, this ended up being a very tasty 350-400 calories.)
6/5/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s.
Dawn of 6/5/2022
An almost-full-feed-morning on 6/5/2022. In addition to this, we had to IV a calf and give two esophageal feedings. I should note that one of those calves was Meature (Belgian-Blue & Piedmontese hybrid). He died before 3PM due to a gut rupture caused by clostridial ailment.
The neatly-lined troughs just east of Jacobhouse. They were empty and in want of feed… just like the bovines which had licked them clean. Fortunately, Padre and the wagon arrived shortly afterward.
Due to the morning’s length, lunch was a somewhat hodgepodge albeit satiating combination of oven-roasted fish, baked potatoes, and salad dressed in a homemade Italian Vinaigrette.
A sizeable katydid found just outside of Jacobhouse. It bore some incredibly long antennae.
Sun-shafts were to be witnessed during the late-day beef pasture inspection of 6/5/2022.
6/6/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Late-day cooled off due to proximity of thunderstorms. A little bit of rain after 6 PM.
Early morning of 6/6/2022: Five more sheep arrived on the farm today; one of them is a male whose scrotal endowment is larger than his skull. He’s a healthy guy.
Late-morning of 6/6/2022: Padre, Wag, and I caught eight of the twelve pregnant cows that were needed for vaccinations.
The Ocala-trip of 6/6/2022. Madre and I ventured in today to drop a beef package off at FedEx, procure a ventless oven hood for Madre’s kitchen project, and procured lunch from Sushi Bistro.
The lunch that came after our return from Ocala was delectable. Padre dehydrated some mushrooms (microwaving slices between a couple paper towels) and put them in the miso soup. It made for an excellent addition.
An info-graphic I made displaying the differences of F2 Wagyu and Belgian Blue beef. I plan on including this on a Facebook post and/or subscriber newsletter for Master Blend.
Late afternoon beef pasture inspection of 6/6/2022. The prominent cloud-cover and nearby rain showers made it a pleasantly cool ride.
Dinner of 6/6/2022: A skillet-seared Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with blackened garden peppers, a little bit of fresh-picked rosemary, and a tomato from our gardener friend, John. This was accompanied by a Padre-wrought cucumber salad.
6/7/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 6/7/2022: I was struck by the sheer number of animals residing in this field.
Colorful cachuchas collected from the Jacobhouse garden.
Vegetation prepared for broiling and roasting. These tomatoes from our gardener friend John, cachucha peppers form my garden, and tomatillos will be utilized for homemade salsa.
The results of roasting tomatoes, cachucha peppers, and tomatillos: two bags of prepared salsa-vegetation. To make salsa, I simply need to add some garlic & hot pepper to the molcajete, mash them, and then add the contents from one of these bags. For the miga lunch today (of which, I unfortunately did not take a picture), I used the red-salsa bag.
Late-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 6/7/2022.
After some farm shenanigans in the afternoon – some of which were not the most fun for my recuperating back – I decided to go to Salt Springs to cool off and engage in some recreational physical activity.
The spring proved to be as refreshing and alleviating as I suspected. My swim was 30 minutes of effortless activity (not a single twinge in the back).
The appetizer to dinner of 6/7/2022: A small slice of leftover deep-dish pizza accompanied by a simple salad of romaine lettuce, cabbage, carrot, and a vinaigrette of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
The entrée to dinner of 6/7/2022: Fruit & Fage Greek Yogurt. It made for a refreshing repast.
6/9/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid-90s. Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 6/8/2022.
After a lengthy ride down to Sanford and back (to sign up for the TSA pre-check program) with Padre and Madre, we ate at Lorito’s Pizza. It was a delectable repast beginning with an Italian-dressed salad.
The main-course: 2.75 slices of cheesy pizza topped with red pepper and sprinkling of dried oregano.
The Blue. A growing bovine due in 3 months to a Wagyu sire.
Belgian Blue (not Blue’s) short ribs salted, peppered, and ready for searing.
The entrée for dinner of 6/8/2022: Pan-seared Belgian Blue Short Ribs. These were accompanied by a side of Padre-wrought cucumber salad.
Dessert: A sliced banana and a heap of watermelon dusted with cinnamon. The latter was a surprisingly tasty combination.
6/9/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Breezy and dry.
Early morning of 6/9/2022: 20 bags of Moo-Magic moved down to the compost stand near the road.
During the late-morning beef pasture inspection with Padre, we had slight difficulty finding the latest newborn Wagyu bull. After some searching, we located it in the southernmost tree line belonging to the south-easternmost beef pasture.
Midday in the central beef pasture (6/9/2022).
Bovines entering the barn for luncheon on 6/09/2022.
Lunch of 6/09/2022: Tallow-fried yellowtail filets accompanied by a sour-cream loaded baked potato and Padre-made / Madre-dressed salad.
Dinner of 6/9/2022: Apple, banana, and watermelon coated in cinnamon. A relatively light meal and refreshing to boot.
6/10/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Intermittent bouts of light precipitation.
Dawn of 6/10/2022: An impressive cloudscape was to be seen to the north.
Rain approaching (interestingly, we only received a very light ‘drizzle’ from these clouds).
The aged sub-panel leading from Grandma Cook’s old house and from which the hay barn will be receiving power.
The partially-wired sub-sub-panel in the hay barn. After turning on the power to the old panel box (shown in previous picture) via a breaker in Old-house, I found that all of my new wiring works.
To join the large wires to a 30-amp breaker, I had to split the braided wires to either side of the tightening screw.
You know a the spider’s big when you can see it all the way across the room.
An enormous mother wolf-spider bearing a sizeable egg sac.
Approaching rain clouds at midday (6/10/2022).
Lunch of 6/10/2022 was enjoyed at Latinos y Más where I procured the avocado salad topped with grilled mero and accompanied by a basket of tortilla chips and salsa.
Dinner of 6/10/2022: Skillet-seared Belgian Blue burger-steaks accompanied by blackened cachucha peppers.
Plated up: The previously seen burger-steaks and cachucha peppers accompanied by a Padre-wrought cucumber & cabbage salad.
Dessert: A fruit plate bearing watermelon, slightly fermented strawberries, and sweet cherries.
6/11/2022:Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. There was a brief bout of rain in the afternoon, but not enough to make the dust lay low.
Morning of 6/11/2022. While waiting for Master Blend customers, I painted the ‘white-washed’ fence a brilliant turquoise hue.
Jacob enjoying a pleasant morning painting, tending to a couple beef customers, and drinking a Diet Coke.
Lunch of 6/12/2022: Wagyu chilaquiles made with home-grown beef and homemade tomatillo & cachucha salsa. Topped with a large dollop of sour cream for flavor, textural, and temperatural juxtaposition.
A Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad was enjoyed to the side.
Late afternoon beef pasture inspection of 6/11/2022. Rain fell in the distance.
Dinner of 6/11/2022: A tortilla pizza made from a flaxseed tortilla (50 calories), homemade tomato sauce (tomato, oregano, & roasted garlic mashed in a chiltepin-inundated molcajete), 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, and sliced mushrooms. With the olive oil utilized in the skillet and drizzled atop the pizza, this ended up being a very tasty 350-400 calories.
This was accompanied by some romaine lettuce dressed in a balsamic vinaigrette.
Dessert: A fruit plate bearing cherries, watermelon (cinnamon-coated), and strawberries.
Final Note: The week passed swiftly, I feel, but when looking back through the pictures, it seems incredibly long. Why… the death of Meature seems like it could have occurred a month ago, and similar could be said for that meal of the burger-steak topped with tomatoes and cachucha peppers. Yet it all happened within the span of one week.
Also, Prometheus is a ridiculous animal.
1 thought on “Week of June 5, 2022 – The Antics of Prometheus”
Last week definitely had some highs and lows, more of the former and here we go again into a new week, I suspect it’ll be far from boring.
Last week definitely had some highs and lows, more of the former and here we go again into a new week, I suspect it’ll be far from boring.