(Above: Mid-morning inspection: #335, her white gaur bull, #326’s tiger-striped gaur, and #326 herself stand beneath the tree line’s shade.)
6/19/2022: Today began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Cooled into the high 70s along with a late day rain.
Early morning of 6/19/2022: During our first beef pasture inspection, spotty showers could be seen in the distance. Lunch of 6/19/2022: Salad topped with hard-boiled eggs and accompanied by fried eggs. A remarkably healthy and simultaneously delicious repast. Padre and I took a couple pictures of Wagyu steers for a sale post that I’ll be placing on the Master Blend Facebook page. This is a slightly more “Wagyu’ey” F1 steer. Another F1 Wagyu steer showing more Angus influence. Chiltepin peppers enjoying the reprieve brought on by this afternoon’s rainfall. Dinner of 6/19/2022: A delectable repast of Belgian Blue burger-steak, Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad, and a glass of wine. A close-up of the Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with blackened cachucha peppers and rosemary. I should also note that the burger was drizzled with a mixture of melted Wagyu butter and black pepper. Dessert: A combination of apple, pineapple, and blueberries sprinkled with cinnamon.
6/20/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 90s. Cloudy late day, but no rain.
Dawn of 6/20/2022 in the south-easternmost beef pasture. Ant-bait retrieved from Jacobhouse for Madre and Wag on 6/20/2022. Carpenter ants were invading both their abodes due to last night’s rain. Late-morning task of 6/20/2022: I walked ‘Coyote-bite’ (an imaginative name for the little calf at the forefront of the picture who was bitten by coyotes a few weeks ago) up to the barn for a bovine-coronavirus treatment. Lunch of 6/20/2022: A repast procured from Sushi Bistro. I particularly enjoyed the eel rolls today. There was plenty of meat, and the avocado was fresh. Miso soup garnished with springmix greens and a dollop of spicy chili-sauce. Dessert: A small Granny Smith apple topped with a sprinkling of cinnamon. The late afternoon beef pasture inspection of 6/20/2022. It was cloudy and breezy, but there was no rain. Late-afternoon task: Extracting a Belgian Blue calf from #519, a Belgian Blue cow. In a way, it was fortunate that the calf was already dead before we began. That way, we were able to focus primarily on saving the cow. It was a difficult task, especially for Padre and Wag who did the majority of the pulling. Dinner of 6/20/2022. Originally, I was going to hard-bake some eggs for dinner, but the oven was occupied by the yogurt experiment (video to come). So, I decided to fry some eggs instead and enjoyed them with a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
6/21/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Mostly sunny throughout.
Early morning of 6/21/2022. Mid-morning task on 6/21/2022: A section of fence northwest of Jacobhouse possessed a hole in need of patching. The same section after patching in a piece of no-climb fence. I used rebar / wire ties to do the ‘stitching’. Lunch of 6/21/2022: A repast enjoyed at Lorito’s Italian Kitchen. The salad today was fresh, and the Italian vinaigrette quite flavorful. The main course: A couple of extremely large pizza slices. In fact, they were so sizeable that they were draping over the plate and onto the table. At the center of this picture, #486 (Brahman Hybrid) can be seen to lay beside her reclining Belgian Blue calf. For the dinner of 6/21/2022, I reverse seared a 2.81 lb piece of Belgian Blue brisket. This was topped with blackened cachucha peppers and a few dollops of Wagyu butter. The full dinner: Pan-seared Blue Brisket & Cachucha peppers accompanied by a Padre-made salad and some mustard for dunking.
6/22/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 90s. Sunny.
Dawn of 6/22/2022. Gaurs out of #326 (left) and #338 (right) displaying a wide variation in genetic characteristics. Both of them have the same father. Afternoon activity: I helped Padre and Wag replace the defective charger on one the farm Segways. On removing the top protective plate, we discovered that it bore the charging lights and the antenna which connects the Segway to a specific infokey (an infokey being the key utilized to turn the Segway on). A close-up of the topmost Segway circuit board. At about 6:00 PM, I placed some chicken in the automatic oven to begin roasting at 7:07 PM. This gave me time to venture to Salt Springs for a swim. It was as cool and refreshing as could be hoped. On returning to Jacobhouse, I found that I had timed the cooking quite well. The chicken was at 162.9 F and required only a few more minutes for the thicker portions to reach the appropriate temperature. Dinner of 6/22/2022: The full spread. Roasted farm-raised chicken (and gravy), toasted sourdough bread, and a Padre-wrought / Jacob-dressed salad. Dinner of 6/22/2022, plated-up. Delicious.
6/23/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Early day dryness was ensued by afternoon storms.
Early morning task of 6/23/2022: After helping with the beef pasture inspection and IV’ing an ailing calf, I ventured up to the weanlots and repaired a water trough float valve. This picture was taken after the repair. The feed-barn entrance mound on 6/23/2022 – a day beginning to approaching ‘scorcher’ status. A glance at the desert-like terrain just south of the feed barn’s entrance mound. Lunch: A fresh & flavorful avocado salad topped with a grilled & lightly breaded mero filet and accompanied by some chips and salsa. I enjoyed this meal at Latinos y Más with Padre and Madre. Following the afternoon rains, Padre and I performed the late-day beef pasture inspection. Bovines reposing – finally cooled off after their ‘roasting’ earlier on in the day. After the late-afternoon rains, the chickens often found on the westernmost portion of the farm were roosting. This was likely on account of their being tired by the weather and by the day’s dusky lighting. Dinner of 6/23/2022: A delectable fare of pan-seared Belgian Blue burger-steak & Cachucha peppers topped with Wagyu butter and accompanied by a Padre-wrought cucumber salad. Dessert: A cinnamon-coated Granny Smith apple, sliced thin.
6/24/2022: Today began in the low 80s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Afternoon storms brought temperatures back down into 70s.
Dawn of 6/24/2022. Mid-morning inspection: #335, her white gaur bull, #326’s tiger-striped gaur, and #326 herself stand beneath the tree line’s shade. Lunch of 6/25/2022: A Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad topped with hard-boiled eggs. Delicious. During Padre and I’s walk-around, we found a fallen branch beset by bovines. Wag proceeded to come out with the chain saw and remove it as Padre and I resumed our walk (should be noted that we did not have Segways because it was raining when the beef pasture inspection began). Dinner of 6/24/2022: Fare consisting of thin-(tortilla)-crust pizza topped with molcajete-wrought tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and ultra-tender Belgian Blue beef. Accompanied by a Padre-wrought and Jacob-dressed salad. Dessert: A rather flavorless Granny Smith apple coated in cinnamon.
6/25/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm to the low 90s. Midday rains cooled temperatures down into the low 80s.
Dawn of 6/25/2022. Belgian Blue Migas. A substrate of egg, crispy tortilla, and mozzarella cheese topped with thinly sliced Belgian Blue rump-steak. Lunch, full spread: The aforementioned Belgian Blue miga accompanied by a Padre-wrought & Jacob-dressed salad. The miga itself was topped with sourcream and salsa verde. The late-afternoon of 6/25/2022 about an hour after a drenching rain. Scene from the evening beef pasture inspection. This picture was taken before catching and treating two ailing Wagyu calves and giving another an IV treatment along with esophageal feeding. The evening dessert of 6/25/2022: After enjoying a miniature mushroom pizza on a tortilla crust (akin to the prior evening’s pizza), I sliced an apple and sprinkled it with cinammon.
Final Note: Experiments don’t have to be successful to be interesting, but when they are, that’s just a bonus.
That was quite the week, if there was time I definitely think there’s plenty of material for a YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing.