(Above: Dinner of 6/17/2022 consisted of some ridiculously excellent fare: reverse-seared Angus chuck roast topped with garden-fresh rosemary & blackened cachucha peppers, homemade sourdough bread topped with handcrafted Wagyu butter, and a salad dressed with balsamic vinaigrette.)
6/12/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s. Intermittent bouts of rain and wind throughout.
Dawn of 6/12/2022 in the field just outside of Jacobhouse (close-up lot).
Lunch today consisted of Wagyu Chilaquiles topped with sour cream and accompanied by both lettuce and a cucumber salad.
#41, week #4.
Before heading indoors for the evening, I installed this panel of privacy fence on the gate in freezer room. It fit very well, and it looks like the other portion of paneling will fit snugly, too.
The final of our set of three watermelons acquired a little over 1.5 weeks ago. This one was the best of the bunch. Crisp, sweet, and juicy.
Dinner for this day (6/12/2022) consisted of apple, strawberry, cherry, and some of the aforeseen watermelon accompanied by a bowl of Fage Greek yogurt.
6/13/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Rain threatened but never arrived.
Morning of 6/13/2022: The yogurt-crafting experiment. For a base culture, I utilized one of our favorite types of Greek yogurt. As for the milk? It was 8 cups-worth freshly squeezed from a Wagyu cow.
After heating the milk to 185 F while constantly stirring, removing it from the burner, and then allowing it to cool to 113F, I imbued it with 6 tbsp of the aforementioned yogurt. All I had to do after that was let it set in room temperature for 12 hours and then place the whole pot in the fridge.
Grasshopper huddling within a hibiscus flower.
One of this morning’s tasks was to bring up two ailing calves and to walk them through this mass of bovines to the front gates. Afterward, Padre, Wag, and I captured 5 cows for pregnancy vaccinations.
Lunch today came from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. Padre garnished our soups with snap pea pods and freshly harvested purslane.
The entrée: Delectable sushi chock full o’ fishes.
Due to the day’s warmth and my desire to perform physical activity, I ventured to Salt Springs. There, I paddled about for thirty minutes before returning home for dinner.
Dinner of 6/13/2022: A Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with blackened cachucha peppers and accompanied by a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
6/14/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Sunny in the morning, partly cloudy in the afternoon, and ended with a refreshing late day rain.
The dusty dawn of 6/14/2022.
This morning I drained the Wagyu Greek yogurt which I had placed in the refrigerator over night. After draining, I placed the yogurt into containers for storage. A little bit remained in the bottom of the strainer, so I sprinkled it with cinnamon and scraped it up with a couple chunks of watermelon. The sweet & tangy flavors made for an excellent combination.
Yogurt byproduct: Almost 3/4 cups of whey was drained from the Wagyu yogurt made on 6/14/2022.
By mid-morning, almost all of the bovines had sought out shade.
Lunch of 6/14/2022: Wagyu & cachucha chilaquiles simmered in salsa verde and topped with sour cream.
To accompany the chilaquiles was a delicious Padre-wrought & Madre-dressed salad.
A picture procured during Padre and I’s late-afternoon beef pasture inspection on 6/14/2022.
Impending rainfall on the dusty afternoon of 6/14/2022.
While lightning crackled outside, I set about fastening up the left piece of privacy fence via a single pipe clamp. Despite that clamp being all that is holding the panel place, it is surprisingly sturdy.
One of this afternoon’s tasks consisted of looping an electrical line over the rafters from the soon-to-be outlet location back to the sub-sub-panel I have been wiring.
Eggs destined for hard-baking. (325 F for 25 minutes, followed by 20-30 minutes in an ice bath.)
Dinner & Dessert of 6/14/2022: A delectable combination of freshly sliced fruit accompanied by homemade Wagyu Yogurt. I should also note that I had a delectable piece of Padre-made vegetarian pizza.
6/15/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Sunny throughout.
Dawn of 6/15/2022.
A morning kitchen task: skimming cream off the top of refrigerated raw Wagyu milk. I intend to make butter with this and any other cream I procure from the batch of milk Padre gave me yesterday.
Another morning activity consisted of preparing a Belgian Blue rib roast. First, I had to trim out the bone and silver skin, and then I coated all sides with a mixture of salt, pepper, and coriander.
After trimming, I rolled the rib cap into a tight log and pinned / tied everything into place.
Lunch today occurred at Lorito’s and consisted of a garden salad accompanied by two slices of extra-crispy cheese pizza. Satiating and satisfying to the tongue.
After the late-day beef pasture inspection (and some wiring work in the hay barn), I ventured to Salt Springs where I was refreshed by the clear and delightfully cool water.
On returning to Jacobhouse, I found that the beef I had put into the oven to roast had reached just the right temperature moments earlier.
The rib-cap roast after being seared on an ultra-hot cast iron skillet.
A delectable dinner of reverse seared Belgian Blue rib cap roast accompanied by Padre-made cucumber salad and a glass of Merlot.
6/17/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Very few clouds.
Dawn of 6/16/2022: #326 and her gaurling enjoying the sunrise.
The new outlet for the cattle-treatment chute in the haybarn.
The fully wired panel box and electrical outlet on the east side of the hay barn.
Lunch of 6/16/2022: Migas (egg, crispy tortillas, and leftover ribcap roast) topped with sour cream and fresh molcajete-wrought salsa. Accompanied by a salad.
Afternoon herd inspection of 6/16/2022. Almost all the bovines were hiding in the shade.
The late-afternoon of 6/16/2022, looking into the hay field just west of the central beef pasture.
It took almost 2 days and about 3 ‘skimmings’ to remove 2.5 cups of cream from the top of the gallon of milk that Padre brought me. In this picture, that cream is about to be turned into butter.
After about 4-5 minutes, the fat and the ‘butter-milk’ had separated.
The final product. 6 ounces of golden hand-milked, hand-crafted, Wagyu butter.
Dinner of 6/16/2022: The main course consisted of a Romaine & purple onion salad topped with 4 sliced hard-boiled eggs.
Dessert: A cinnamon-coated banana. I find that cutting it ‘Kielbasa-style’ makes for a photogenic appearance.
6/17/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Very few clouds.
Mid-morning of 6/17/2022: Prometheus and his weanling companions disrupted the trough formation whilst delving in and under them for every remaining scrap of fodder.
Cows & calves seeking respite beneath oaks which appear a tad sun-beaten themselves.
Vaccines destined for a pregnant bovine (6/17/2022).
Lunch of 6/17/2022: I enjoyed a delectable avocado & palm-heart salad topped with grilled fish at Latinos y Más.
While cleaning Jacobhouse, I baked the sourdough I had mixed together earlier in the day. This is the resultant loaf.
The same sourdough prepared for eating (accompanied by yesterday’s Wagyu butter).
Dinner of 6/17/2022 consisted of some ridiculously excellent fare: reverse-seared Angus chuck roast topped with garden-fresh rosemary & blackened cachucha peppers, homemade sourdough bread topped with handcrafted Wagyu butter, and a salad dressed with balsamic vinaigrette.
Dessert: A sweet cinnamon-sprinkled banana.
6/18/2022: Today began in the high 70s and warmed into the high 90s. Highly humid, partly cloudy, and intermittent precipitation throughout.
Late-morning of 6/18/2022. The 95 degree temperature and intermittent cloud-cover made for a truly sultry clime.
Lunch of 6/18/2022: Fried and hard-baked eggs accompanied by a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
A sight of Jacobhouse at mid-afternoon. The turf just outside of my abode has dried to a crisp – result of the heat and lack of rain.
For dinner, Padre and I ventured to a nearby party being held by Gregorio (friend of the family) for his son’s graduation from highschool. The food we consumed there included: hand-made salsa (mild to hot), roasted onion & pepper salad, tacos (both soft shells and crispy-fried shells around beef, pork, and/or chicken), and even a glass of jamaica (hibiscus) juice. It was all startlingly close to the fare that I enjoyed in Mercado Tetitlán of Taxco, and impressively, the meal was prepared in its entirety by a Mexican lady named Yolanda and a single assistant.
On returning home, Padre and I played a couple games of cards, and I enjoyed a dessert of a sliced Granny Smith apple sprinkled with cinnamon.
Final Note: All weeks are memorable in their own way, for butter or worse. Usually for the butter.
1 thought on “Week of June 12, 2022 – Wagyu Yogurt & Butter”
Here’s to things being more on the ‘butter’ side of the ledger. What a hot week, but even more memorable was the extraordinarily unique food.
Here’s to things being more on the ‘butter’ side of the ledger. What a hot week, but even more memorable was the extraordinarily unique food.