(Above: Late-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 7/7/2022. Rain forced us to go on foot, but the combination of precipitation and a warm, dry wind made for a pleasant walk.)
7/3/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 90s before nearby storms began to cool temperatures back into the 80s.
Morning of 7/3/2022: A full-feed morning (absolutely all animals required feeding) with the addition of 2 cows for breeding, 2 for embryo transfer, and 2 for calf-nursing / teaching / care-taking shenanigans.
Blackened tomato & cachucha salsa, readied for lunch.
Homemade chips and salsa made the centerpiece of today’s lunch. The chips were slightly overcooked, but the salsa was tremendous.
Central beef pasture at midafternoon (7/3/2022).
Chiltepins ready for picking. I should also note that I found a couple little pepper plants starting at the base of their ‘parent’ plants. I moved them to the other side of the tank and gave them plenty of water. With some luck and resilience, they will probably grow.
Dinner of 7/3/2022: A delicious dinner of Belgian Blue short ribs accompanied by Padre-made & Jacob-dressed cucumber salad.
A dessert of cinnamon-dusted apples and black olives, er… I mean grapes.
7/4/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Late-day clouds and light rain brought temperatures into the high 80s.
Lunch of 7/4/2022. Due to Sushi Bistro being closed on July 4th, we chose today as an opportunity to try out Aki Sushi. Though the repast was satiating, Padre and I rated it at about 75%-80% of value we usually get at Sushi Bistro.
Pinkeye treatment: 0.3 ML Draxxin + 0.2 ML Dexamethasone (Steroid) applied under the bovine’s second eyelid.
Bovine #418 standing sentry over her reposing calf.
Dinner of 7/4/2022: A reverse-seared brisket from one of the most lean Belgian Blues we have ever harvested. This brisket was as tender as filet – a phenomenon that can be attributed to the animal’s double myostatin gene.
A dessert of cinnamon-coated apple, black grapes, and a heaping spoonful of Wagyu Greek yogurt.
7/5/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm to the mid 90s. Late-day cloud cover and rain brought temperatures back into the 80s.
Dawn of 7/5/2022. The morning air was still and thick with moisture.
Midday in the beef pasture. 7/5/2022.
Padre, Madre, and I ventured to Lorito’s Italian Kitchen for lunch. In spite of the kitchen portion having no air-conditioning (and Billy perspiring more-than-a-lot), the salads came out cool and fresh. I should note, though, that the olives were a tad warm, and that’s simply because the cans are kept at room temperature… which today must have been quite outstanding.
Late-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 7/5/2022.
#318 reposing with her Belgian Blue heifer calf beneath the shade of oak and cloud.
Dinner: A grand salad topped with thinly sliced Belgian Blue brisket and hard-baked egg.
Last course for the day: Another Granny Smith apple sliced and “cinnamonned”.
7/6/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Sunny throughout.
Dawn of 7/6/2022: Blue was waiting to lead the herd into the barn for breakfast.
Though it was still morning in this scene, the sun was very strong, and the air was rife with humidity. As such, the majority of the herd were hiding in the shade.
Late-afternoon in the central pasture. Any bovines not at the barn eating were reposing beneath oaken boughs.
Jacob, post-spring-swim. I didn’t get a picture of it this time around, so I took a picture of myself. My hair was a tad damp, so the water is still technically in the picture.
Dinner of 7/6/2022: Reverse-seared Belgian Blue Beef Brisket accompanied by a cucumber salad. Mustard made for a fine condiment.
Dessert: A peach along with four of these juicy cherry-plums.
7/7/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. Extreme humidity and heat throughout midday. Rain cooled late-afternoon temperatures into the high 70s.
Morning in the central beef pasture (7/7/2022).
Lunch today occurred at Hacienda Colombiana #2. There, Padre, Madre, and I enjoyed the midday meal in an atmosphere with a very Latin American feel. My meal was started off with a soup containing egg, rice, (?potato?), and some subtle but delicious spices. Great taste and texture, and served hot in a tin saucepan.
Late-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 7/7/2022. Rain forced us to go on foot, but the combination of precipitation and a warm, dry wind made for a pleasant walk.
#338’s large-horned Gaur offspring. The stance and coloring of this creature resonate of the wilds.
The mighty ram presently inhabiting the paddock just outside of my Uncle Wag’s apartment.
I took this pictures when walking mother cow #404 back out to her calf in the pasture. The hues of the sky and the grass after the rain were vivid and clean.
A Padre-made dinner salad topped with ultra-tender Belgian Blue brisket slices.
Dessert: A couple peaches accompanied by a couple cherry-plums. Both types of fruit were at the prime of their ripeness.
A video my uncle took on 7/7/2022.
7/8/2022: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Clouds, nearby storms, and a short bout of rain cooled late day temperatures into the 80s.
Morning of 7/8/2022: Large cumulonimbus’s were already rising on the west horizon.
A plenitude of ibis hunting for maggots at mid-morning (7/8/2022).
Lunch today consisted of a Belgian Blue taco-salad topped with tomato, purple onion, crisped tortilla strips, sour cream, and avocado-tomatillo salsa.
Bovids grazing happily on verdant grass during a cloud-borne respite from the sun.
A late-afternoon storm: We received very little rain from this system, but its nearby presence provided our beef pasture inspection with a pleasant breeze.
Dinner: A classic combination of spiced (over-hard) eggs and greens.
The pit of a peach and the pith of a day well done. All the juicy flesh is eaten while memory remains to seed a new dawn.
7/9/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and ranged into the mid 90s. Late day clouds allowed temperature to return into the 80s.
Morning of 7/09/2022.
Lunch: Padre-wrought & Madre-dressed salad accompanied by a piece of Belgian Blue beef brisket.
Late day in the beef pasture (looking east). The cloud cover and nearby rains made for a pleasant clime.
A beef box prepared for one of next week’s cowstomers.
Dinner consisted of some fried tacos filled with mozzarella cheese and leftover taco-beef. This was accompanied by a Padre-wrought green salad.
A che(e)r(r)y dessert.
The same plate as the prior picture, excepting that the banana has been denuded and sprinkled with cinnamon.
Final Note: If all goes as planned, there is a new adventure coming at the end of this month: a trip to Seattle to see my brother and cook some delicious repasts for him (and myself, of course).
1 thought on “Week of July 3, 2022 – The rains are here.”
Some tremendous meals this week along with a fair number of farm related happenings, thanks for sharing and inspiring memories.
Some tremendous meals this week along with a fair number of farm related happenings, thanks for sharing and inspiring memories.