(Above: Morning of 7/21/2022. We found two coyote-bitten calves during the early beef pasture inspection. This is Padre and Wag treating the first one out of #267 which had already been bitten before.)
7/17/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Afternoon cloud-cover cooled temperatures back into the 80s.
Twilight of 7/16/2022. Padre and I decided to take a ride through the beef pasture due to the fine light and comfortable clime. Though some of the bovines seemed disconcerted by our unusual presence, most of them were quite content.
A couple Belgian Blue calves observing the cameraman during the spur-of-the-moment beef pasture inspection of 7/16/2022.
Dawn of 7/17/2022.
Bovines await their fodder on the full-feed morning of 7/17/2022.
For lunch, I enjoyed some of yesterday’s frittata alongside a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
A scene to be seen during our late-day beef pasture inspection on 7/17/2022.
The sheep eating dinner.
A Belgian Blue London Broil encrusted in salt & black pepper and ready for reverse searing.
Vantage #2: A close-up of the broil’s medium-rare color alongside homemade BBQ (almost entirely free of added sugar) and Padre-made cucumber & cabbage salad.
Vantage #3 – the whole spread.
Dessert: 2 cherry-plums and a free-stone nectarine. All of the fruit was sweet and succulent.
7/18/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Noontime rains returned and kept temperatures in the humid 80s.
Dawn of 7/18/2022. Picture taken during the day’s first herd inspection.
During that first inspection, we found another calf that had been bitten by a coyote. This is a picture of the treatment that ensued.
After shaving the wound area, the punctures were penetrated with a canula and flooded with antibiotic in an attempt to flush out & kill all of the coyote’s mouth-bacteria.
A midday inspection in the central beef field (7/18/2022).
Lunch of 7/18/2022: A repast procured from Sushi Bistro. This soup was garnished with fresh purslane and pea pods.
The entrée: a delicious tray-and-a-half of sushi.
Dinner of 7/18/2022 was a light fare of fried eggs and a Padre-made green salad.
Dessert: A plate bearing sliced nectarine (durazno sin pelo… o en realidad, nectarinas) and banana.
7/19/2022: Today began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90. Clouds and rain brought afternoon temperatures back into the 80s.
Dawn of 7/19/2022.
Lunch today consisted of an Angus London Broil. Rain prevented me from searing it on the cast iron skillet outside, so I roasted it in the oven. It was the first ‘broiled’ London Broil I have ever made, and it was delectable.
#41 at almost 9 weeks here on the farm (video of her original state will be included below).
The mid-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 7/19/2022.
This is the cheese I made from #326’s milk. It cut like a combination of butter and cream cheese, but it tasted like tangy mozzarella.
The #326 pizza pre-cooking. This is the first pizza I have made where I was the one who fabricated the dough, sauce, AND cheese.
The cooked #326 pizza. Oddly, despite the prior ‘cream-cheese’ texture, this cheese browned excellently and exhibited significant stringiness.
The #326 pizza was accompanied by a Padre-wrought green salad. Excellent combination.
7/20/2022: This day began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Midday clouds and rain brought temperatures back into the 80s.
Dawn of 7/20/2022: During this beef pasture inspection, Padre and I found another calf that had been attacked by a coyote.
Test strips after sampling a slightly weak Wagyu’s urine.
On venturing out to treat what we thought was going to be a small bite wound, we found that the coyote attacker had also attempted to rip into the calf’s abdomen.
Later in the morning, Padre and I added some base-boards to this fence in hopes that it would prevent creatures from pushing so hard on the ancient woven-wire fence.
Another piece of fence recently fixed in the close-up lot.
Lunch today occurred after a visit to the Quest medical-testing center. The Lorito’s pizza & salad combination was thoroughly enjoyable.
Between laying bait for coyotes, performing the beef pasture inspection, AND a pre-dinner bout of electric fence fixing, it was a walking-filled afternoon. Fortunately, the clime was cloudy and relatively cool.
Dinner consisted of reverse-seared Belgian Blue short ribs, Padre-wrought/Jacob-dressed salad, and a glass of Yellowtail Merlot. Satiating and delectable.
7/21/2022: . Today began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 90s. Sunny and humid throughout.
Morning of 7/21/2022: We found two coyote-bitten calves during the early beef pasture inspection. This is Padre and Wag treating the first one out of #267 which had already been bitten before.
Coyote Bite #2. The wounds on this one were not very deep, but they most definitely were infected (I could smell them).
Midday at the tree-line that separates the central pasture from the south-easternmost pasture.
Oven-roasted chicken, cooked from frozen to 170 F. I started it on 425 F for about 20 minutes. Next, I covered it and cooked it on 350 F for about 1.5 hours. After it reached the proper internal temperature, I removed it from the oven, let it cool for a while, rubbed on some butter, and then crisped it up beneath the broiler for about 5 minutes.
The chicken was enjoyed along with a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
I ventured to Fat Tuscan tonight for a lasagna-making class. Though, I have taken a lasagna class before, I find it quite fun to cook without having to clean up afterward, visit with other people who enjoy good food, and bring home something delicious to eat. This beverage was a complimentary (peach & mint) Sangria given to everyone before class began.
Lasagna assembly; mine contained: goat cheese, spinach, roasted squash, and sundried tomato. I also used a mixture of Béchamel & Marinara sauce and topped it with plenty of mozzarella cheese.
This is the Sage & Roasted Squash Béchamel Lasagna that everyone in class got to sample after completing the creation of their own lasagnas. It was tongue-scalding yet absolutely delicious.
On returning home, I had a light snack of sliced apple, cherries, and Greek yogurt.
The Fat Tuscan recipe sheet for Marinara Sauce, Bechamel Sauce (w. sage), and Sage & Roasted Squash Bechamel Lasagna.
7/22/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the high 90s. It threatened storms in the afternoon, but no rain came.
Dawn of 7/23/2022. No coyote bites this morning.
The central feed barn just before noon on 7/22/2022. A large flock of ibis roosted on the aged barn’s dilapidating frame.
Central beef pasture at midday (7/22/2022).
For lunch today, Padre, Madre, and I visited Hacienda Colombiana #2. There, I enjoyed their fresh salad accompanied by a fried fish filet of enormous proportion. Padre and Madre both got the pechuqueso like last time — an entrée accompanied by rice, fried plantains, and a salad which contained some form of cabbage, rapini, or kale. All of the food was freshly made, satiating, and it felt excellent (light) in the belly.
Central beef pasture in the late afternoon (7/22/2022).
Some of the trees along the path to Salt Springs are impressive with their combination of age & “mossiness”. Each is an ecosystem in its own right.
A view of the Salt Springs betwixt long strands of Spanish moss.
Unripe bananas found at the westernmost portion of the spring, Madre would probably eat them like this.
Before departing the spring, I witnessed a rainbow which stood out clearly before the approaching storm.
Dinner: A tremendous (and satiating) repast of lasagna made the prior evening accompanied by a large, Padre-wrought & Jacob-dressed salad. Along with plenty of noodles, mozzarella, and freshly made marinara & béchamel sauces, the lasagna contained: cushaw squash, goat cheese, sun-dried tomato, and spinach.
Instead of helping myself to another piece of lasagna, I chose the healthier option of a cinnamon-sprinkled apple.
7/23/2022: Today began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm into the mid-90s. A midday thunderstorm brought temperatures back into the 80s.
Dawn of 7/23/2022.
Lunch today consisted of a thin zucchini & summer squash frittata accompanied by a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
Grapes found during the late-day beef pasture inspection. Some were ripe, but I think it will be about 1-2 more weeks before they are fully ready for eating.
A plate seasoned with black pepper, worchestershire sauce, fresh rosemary, butter, and a couple crushed chiltepin peppers. I heat this plate to 170 F and then allow the finished burger-steaks (next picture) to rest on it after their being seared. The plate’s residual heat keeps the burgers warm as they rest.
Instead of making two 16 oz. burger-steaks, I decided to make four 8 oz. burger-steaks. This allowed for more ‘crust area’. The cachucha peppers were blackened in the cast iron skillet alongside the beef.
Full dinner spread: A Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with cachucha peppers and accompanied by a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed cucumber salad.
Final Note: Despite the plenitude of coyote bites, this week was well worth its length. I got to journey to the springs, visit Fat Tuscan, and even enjoy a delicious #326 pizza. One can only wonder what type of adventures this coming week will bring…
1 thought on “Week of July 17, 2022 – Week of Coyotes”
It amazes me how much you manage to fit into one week. Also there was uniquely excellent faire this week. All is much appreciated.
It amazes me how much you manage to fit into one week. Also there was uniquely excellent faire this week. All is much appreciated.