Week of January 30, 2022 – Onward to Cozumel!

(Above: Morning of 2/04/2022: Padre and I witnessed the azure waters of the Carribean for the first time on this adventure.)

1/30/2022: A day beginning in the low 40s and warming to the low 70s. Sunny throughout.

1/31/2022: A day beginning in the mid 40s and warming to the mid 70s.

2/01/2022: day beginning in the mid 40s and warming to the mid 70s. Sunny throughout (the climate appears to remain quite stable here), as these temperatures are forcasted for the next 10 days.

2/02/2022: A day beginning in the high 40s and reaching the high 70s.

2/03/2022: Today began in the low 40s and proceeded to warm into the mid-70s in Taxco (Sunny and Dry). On reaching Cozumel, we found the weather to be in the high-70s and quite humid.

2/04/2022: Today began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s. Sunny and humid.

2/05/2022: . Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to reach the low 80s. Cloudy throughout.

Final Note: Taxco was downright splendid, and I’ll be going back. For now, though, it is time to enjoy food and swimming a-plenty in Cozumel, México!