(Above: Cows and ice in the early morning of January 24, 2025. Vacas y hielo en la madrugada del 24 de 1 de 2025.)
1/19/2025: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to cool into the low 60s. Much rain throughout the morning and early noon.
This morning, 1/19/2025, I wrote while Padre and Victor were feeding the cows in the rain.
Esta mañana del 19/1/2025, escribí mientras mi padre y Víctor alimentaban las vacas bajo la lluvia.
Lunch consisted of a roasted beef sausage topped with spicy mustard. This sausage was accompanied by a green salad prepared by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una salchicha de res al horno cubierta con mostaza picante. Esta salchicha estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde preparada por mi padre.
This is cow number 565, the cow we gave fluids to last Sunday. She has improved a lot.
Esta es vaca número 565, la vaca a la que le dimos líquidos el domingo pasado. Ella ha mejorado mucho.
Dinner consisted of a spring mix salad and red cabbage topped with avocado, jarred yellow peppers, Swiss cheese, pan-seared Wagyu ground beef, a piece of sourdough, and a small tomato.
La cena consistía en una ensalada de mezcla primavera y repollo rojo coronado con aguacate, pimientos amarillos enfrascados, queso suizo, res molina de wagyu a la sartén, un trozo de masa madre y un pequeño tomate.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/20/2025:Today began in the mid 30s and warmed into the low 50s. Mostly sunny. Quite cold.
Early morning of January 20, 2025. Very cold weather is coming so tomorrow I’m going to make a big stew.
La madrugada del 20 de 1 de 2025. Se acerca un tiempo muy frío así que mañana voy a hacer un gran guiso.
Lunch on 1/20/2025 consisted of a platter of sushi and a bowl of miso soup garnished with avocado and arugula from the garden.
El almuerzo del 20 de 1 de 2025 consistía en una bandeja de sushi y un tazón de sopa de miso adornada con aguacate y rúcula del jardín.
This afternoon I learned that it would be much better to use 8 inch bolts instead of 6 inch bolts to reinforce the roof. So I will be returning the 6 to the store and I already ordered the 8 inch ones.
Esta tarde aprendí que será mucho mejor utilizar pernos de 8 pulgadas en lugar de pernos de 6 pulgadas para reforzar el techo. Así que devolveré los 6 a la tienda y ya pedí los de 8.
For dinner we had Wagyu round roast. This roast was reverse-seared and accompanied by a green salad topped with leftover coleslaw from two nights earlier. There were also slices of Swiss cheese and avocado.
Para la cena comimos asado de ronda de Wagyu. Este asado estaba salteado al revés y acompañado de una ensalada verde cubierta con sobras de la ensalada de repollo de dos noches antes. Además había rodajas de queso suizo y aguacate.
1/21/2025:Today began in the mid 30s and warmed into the high 40s. Grey, slightly sprinkly.
The grey dawn of January 21, 2025.
La madrugada gris del 21 de 1 de 2025.
An early morning activity on January 21, 2025: My father, uncle and I caught some cows for Mr. Rob of Modern Heritage.
Una actividad matutina del 21 de 1 de 2025: Mi padre, mi tío y yo atrapamos algunas vacas para el señor Rob de Modern Heritage.
This is a rosemary flower. It looks like a face with a long nose.
Esta es una flor de Romero. Parece una cara con una nariz larga.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and leftover beef. This mixture was accompanied by a green salad drizzled with a spicy vinaigrette.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res. Esta mezcla estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde rociada con una vinagreta picante.
After lunch, I made a big stew for dinner. This is the meat I put in it.
Después del almuerzo, preparé un gran guiso para la cena. Esta es la carne que puse dentro.
The stew ready for the oven.
El guiso listo para el horno.
The cold and cloudy afternoon of January 21, 2025.
La tarde fría y nublada del 21 de 1 de 2025.
Dinner consisted of the stew I made earlier. This stew was topped with green cabbage and half a hard-boiled egg. There was also toast and a green salad topped with cambozola cheese. That cheese was fantastic with the toast and broth.
La cena consistía en el guiso que hice más temprano. Este guiso estaba coronado con repollo verde y una mitad de un huevo duro. Además, había una tostada y una ensalada verde cubierta con queso cambozola. Ese queso estaba fantástico con la tostada y el caldo.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/22/2025:Today began in the low 30s and warmed into the mid 40s. Cloudy and cold. Last night it rained; it was not pleasant weather for the bovines.
This morning of 1/22/2025, I made homemade Ranch seasoning. It consisted of lots of spices and buttermilk powder.
Esta mañana del 22/1/2025, hice condimento Ranch casero. Consistía en muchas especias y suero de mantequilla en polvo.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and leftover Mississippi-style beef. This was accompanied by a green salad made by my father.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res al estilo Mississipi. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
Since there is no grass at the moment I think the Indian bison are eating the other cows.
Como no hay césped en este momento creo que los bisontes indios están comiendo las otras vacas.
Dinner consisted of more beef stew garnished with green cabbage. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
La cena consistía en más guiso de res adornado con repollo verde. Este estaba acompañado de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
It was cold outside today, so I spent much of my free time updating the Cook’s Corner page on the Master Blend website.
1/23/2025:Today began in the low 30s and warmed into the low 50s. Cloudy and cold. Warmer afternoon.
This morning of January 23, 2025 the sky was full of vultures.
Esta mañana del 23 de 1 de 2025 el cielo estaba lleno de zopilotes.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of beef, eggs, havarti cheese and green pepper. This mixture was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de carne de res, huevos, queso havarti y pimiento verde. Esta mezcla estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
There was another explosion of lambs this afternoon. I think there were 6 born today.
Esta tarde hubo otra explosión de corderos. Creo que nacieron 6 hoy.
These are two bolts I removed from the non-working freezer at the back of the container that will be the Guesthouse.
Estos son dos tornillos que quité del congelador no funcionante en la parte trasera del contenedor que será Guesthouse.
This afternoon I packed the bolts I’m going to return. I used a lot of tape because those bolts were very heavy.
Esta tarde empaqué los tornillos que voy a devolver. Utilicé mucha cinta porque esos tornillos eran muy pesados.
Dinner consisted of beef stew on a bed of shredded cabbage. This was accompanied by a baked potato topped with a slice of Swiss cheese.
La cena consistía en guiso de res encima de un lecho de repollo rallado. Este estaba acompañado de una papa asada coronada con una rodaja de queso suizo.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/24/2025:Today began in the low 30s and warmed into the 50s. Mostly sunny.
Cows and ice in the early morning of January 24, 2025.
Vacas y hielo en la madrugada del 24 de 1 de 2025.
Lunch consisted of stew on a bed of green cabbage. This was accompanied by a roast potato filled with a dollop of sour cream.
El almuerzo consistía en guiso encima de un lecho de repollo verde. Este estaba acompañado de una papa asada rellena con una cucharada de crema ácida.
The cloudy afternoon of January 24, 2025.
La tarde nublada del 24 de 1 de 2025.
Dinner consisted of a cabbage and romaine salad topped with ground wagyu beef, homemade barbecue sauce, avocado, and two slices of Swiss cheese.
La cena consistía en una ensalada de repollo y lechuga romana cubierta con res molida de wagyu, salsa barbacoa casera, aguacate y dos rodajas de queso suizo.
1/25/2025: Today began in the low 20s and warmed into the mid 60s. Sunny.
The frosty morning of January 25, 2025.
La mañana helada del 25 de 1 de 2025.
These are the puff pastry cookies I made on the morning of 1/25/2025.
Estas son las galletas de hojaldre que hice en la mañana del 25 de 1 de 2025.
When I stepped into the shower this morning, I slipped on the ice on the floor. This was the result. Poor Jacob.
Cuándo yo entré a la ducha esta mañana, me resbalé en el hielo del suelo. Esto fue el resultado. Pobre Jacobo.
The end of the stew: It was a very rich lunch of stew, green cabbage and radish from the garden.
El final del guiso: Fue un almuerzo muy rico de guiso, repollo verde y rábano del jardín.
This afternoon I wrote while drinking Diet Coke.
Esta tarde escribí mientras tomaba Coca Cola Light.
Purple amaranth is blooming despite numerous frosts.
El amaranto morado está floreciendo a pesar de las numerosas heladas.
Dinner consisted of a Wagyu ground beef steak accompanied by a green salad topped with two slices of Swiss cheese. To crown the steak I used a blend of labneh cheese and homemade ranch seasoning.
La cena consistía en un bistec de res molida de Wagyu acompañada de una ensalada verde cubierta con dos rodajas de queso suizo. Para coronar el bistec usé una mezcla de queso labneh y condimento ranch casero.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
Final Note: Part of the draft to Grimorzak’s Chapter 8 in Book 2. Fitting for the present change of clime.
That book on the Priestess’s lap, the way she could be heard to address the gathered, though muffled, and the way that the folk sometimes broke her address with invocations of their Lord Leyosen’s aid, determined it to be a form of religious service. The Builder adjusted audio to become louder, and Grimorzak was able to hear the High-Priestess speak;
“…he called, ‘My fingers feel aflame, and my toes… they can’t be felt!’
“Fix it,’ the Greatfather replied, to which the first herdsman replied, ‘How?’”
“Greatfather teach us,” the gathered murmured.
“But Greatfather Leyosen didn’t answer,” Milana continued, “Instead allowing His creation to put that gift of Mind to use. And that, Foghlam did, wrapping his hands and feet and self in the hides of the next beast he slaughtered.
“The first test passed, Leyosen brought another the following morning: frost. Foghlam witnessed with wonder as his feet crunched through grass turned crystal. Yet wonder soured with the midday warmth which turning sparkling glass to wet limp strands of rotten green. It dried in the sun, the smell of burnt pasturage filled the air, and the herd was restless.
“Days passed, and all seemed normal until the herdsman realized his animals were not so healthy as they once were. Their lustrous coats became ragged, and the fat bodies beneath began to lose their summer reserves. The cows eventually grew thin as did their calves, and to his perplexity, the bulls all departed one chill dawn, leaving westward as the rest of the heard continued its way south toward the great, warming sun.
“The herd bore sense, but their migration was for naught. Frost was followed by frost, and for the first time in his life, Foghlam knew worry; ‘Greatfather,’ he asked, ‘Where am I to go? What am I to do?’”
“Greatfather guide us,” the gathered intoned.
“The Lord’s only reply was snow the following morning. This time, Foghlam did not waste time with wonder or supplication. He did his very best to cope, using grass and dung to light a fire, not for cooking but for warming. But morning after morning and day after day, there was always another snow. The herd weakened, and soon, the poor herdsman bore witness to illness for the first time.
“The first death came soon after, and Foghlam puzzled at it. The beast, an old cow, was still there, but it was without motion, and soon, without heat. Then came the second and third death, and having soon learned its properties, Foghlam became disquieted and then dismayed. He begged Lord Leyosen to bring back the days of warmth and green.”
“Greatfather have mercy,” the gathered pleaded.
“He did not answer. There was a lesson yet for Foghlam to learn. So, the herdsman was forced to watch as the herd dwindled. He grew angered at the continuation of our Lord’s silence. Then, he became saddened as he felt weakness setting into his own weary bones. Finally, one day, as he looked down at a white calf, frozen with its black empty eyes staring upward at the equally empty white winter’s sky, he knew that one way or another, it would end, and it would be better than what he presently endured.
“Greatfather Leyosen sent spring the next day.”
The priestess closed the libram with a soft thwup, and this concluding gesture ushered forth words from the gathered, “Blessed be the Greatfather.”
The High-Priestess gave a slow nod of her head, “Blessed is He. Now I said it was going to be a short one today, so get on with your lives. We’ll meet back in three suns’ time.”
“Aye, will do, High Priestess,” a man replied – it may have been Gren – while a woman added, “Rest well, Milana.”
A number of other individuals followed up that latter wish with similar to which High-Priestess Milana brusquely answered, “Yes, yes. That’s exactly what I intend to do: sit here on my arse and soak up the Lord-blessed sun 'til dinner. And speaking of, what’s it to be today, Marta?”
1 thought on “Week of January 19, 2025 – Bolts for the roof, stew, homemade Ranch seasoning, & ice.”
It was a week of frosts, no doubt it’ll come to an end… at least there was stew to help compensate the frigid temps. Thanks for all the sharing.
It was a week of frosts, no doubt it’ll come to an end… at least there was stew to help compensate the frigid temps. Thanks for all the sharing.