(Above: This is the bathroom after the second coat of white paint. Este es el baño después de la segunda capa de pintura blanca.)
1/12/2025:Today began in the low 30s and warmed into the low 60s. Mostly sunny.
The bright dawn of 1/12/2025 in the center field.
El brillante amanecer del 12 de 1 de 2025 en el campo central.
Morning of 1/12/2025 in the kitchen: I made hard-baked eggs and labneh cheese and defrosted two packages of ground beef.
La mañana del 12 de 1 de 2025 en la cocina: preparé huevos duros y queso labneh y descongelé dos paquetes de res molida.
This morning Wag, Padre, and I gave fluids to a cow (recently calved) to balance the calcium in her blood.
Esta mañana mi tío, mi padre y yo le dimos líquidos a una vaca (recientemente parida) para equilibrar el calcio en su sangre.
Lunch consisted of some beef sausages and a green salad topped with slices of hard-boiled egg.
El almuerzo consistía en algunas salchichas de res y una ensalada verde cubierta con rodajas de huevo duro.
The sunny afternoon of 1/12/2025 in the eastern pasture.
La tarde soleada del 12 de 1 de 2025 en el pasto oriental.
Dinner consisted of a Belgian blue ground beef steak encrusted with black pepper, sesame seeds, and salt. This steak was crowned with a dollop of za’atar-seasoned labneh cheese and accompanied by a green salad topped with leftover coleslaw from the night before.
La cena consistía en un bistec de res molida de azul belga incrustado con pimienta negra, semillas de sésamo y sal. Este bistec estaba coronado con una cucharda de queso labneh sazonado con za’atar y acompañado de una ensalada verde cubierta con sobras de la ensalada de repollo de la noche anterior.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
The very pink sunrise of January 13, 2025. This color lasted less than 5 minutes.
El amanecer muy rosado del 13 de 1 de 2025. Este color duró menos que 5 minutos.
This morning Padre, Wag, and I added a lot of bovines to the eastern herd.
Esta mañana, mi padre, mi tío y yo añadimos muchos bovinos al rebaño del este.
Lunch consisted of a platter of sushi accompanied by a bowl of miso soup garnished with red cabbage, spinach, avocado, and a hard-baked egg split in half.
El almuerzo consistía en una bandeja de sushi acompañada de un tazón de sopa de miso adornado con repollo rojo, espinaca, aguacate y un huevo duro partido por la mitad.
“Nood-less lasagna” before cooking.
La “lasaña sin fideos” antes de cocinarla.
The cooked “nood-less lasagna”.
La “lasaña sin fideos” cocida.
The plated dinner: a piece of “nood-less lasagna” accompanied by a spring lettuce salad drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette.
La cena emplatada: un trozo de “lasaña sin fideos” acompañado de una ensalada de lechugas primaverales rociada con vinagreta balsámica.
Two apples: one green and one red. Both were sliced, sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a big spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Dos manzanas: una verde y una roja. Ambas estaban cortadas en rodajas espolvoreadas con canela y acompañadas de una gran cucharada de yogur griego.
1/14/2025:Today began in the mid 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Very sunny.
Dawn on January 14, 2025 with the moon just above the horizon.
El amanecer del 14 de 1 de 2025 con la luna un poco por encima del horizonte.
The morning of January 14, 2025 in the center field.
La mañana del 14 de 1 de 2025 en el campo central.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and leftover Mississippi-style beef. This mixture was accompanied by a salad drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Cholula hot sauce.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res al estilo Mississippi. Esta mezcla estaba acompañada de una ensalada rociada con aceite de oliva, vinagre balsámico y salsa picante Cholula.
An afternoon activity: My father, uncle and I gave this sheep fluids to balance its blood sugar levels.
Una actividad de tarde: Mi padre, mi tío y yo le dimos líquidos a esta oveja para equilibrar sus niveles de azúcar en la sangre.
Dinner was a spring lettuce and red cabbage salad topped with seasoned ground Wagyu beef, avocado, salsa verde, and a little sour cream.
La cena consistía en una ensalada de lechugas primaverales y repollo rojo cubierta con res molida de wagyu sazonada, aguacate, salsa verde y un poco de crema ácida.
Dessert: A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
El postre: una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/15/2025:Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Grey and slightly drizzly.
The dawn of 1/15/2025 in the central pasture.
El amanecer del 15 de 1 de 2025 en el campo central.
This morning I painted the exposed wood in the Jacobhouse bathroom.
Esta mañana pinté la madera expuesta en el baño de mi casita.
I also painted around the front window.
También pinté alrededor de la ventana delantera.
Lunch was a fried egg mixture and leftover taco beef. This was accompanied by a salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res de taco. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada hecha por mi padre.
I wonder if there are any animals living here. I found this in the log pile in the southeastmost field on the ranch.
Me pregunto si hay animales viviendo aquí. Encontré esto en la pila de troncos en el campo más al sureste del rancho.
This is the bathroom after the second coat of white paint.
Este es el baño después de la segunda capa de pintura blanca.
Dinner for January 15, 2025: A Mississippi-style roast beef.
La cena del 15 de 1 de 2025: Un asado de res al estilo Mississipi.
The plated dinner: a piece of Mississippi-style roast beef accompanied by a spring lettuce salad topped with a slice of tomme cheese and two peppers from the stew.
La cena emplatada: un trozo de carne asada al estilo Mississippi acompañado de una ensalada de lechuga primaveral coronada con una rodaja de queso tomme y dos pimientos del guiso.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/16/2025:Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Partly cloudy.
Lunch on 1/16/2025 consisted of a fried mixture of eggs, seasoned ground beef, and mozzarella cheese. There was also a green salad made by my padre.
El almuerzo del 16/1/2025 consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos, carne molida sazonada y queso mozzarella. Además, había una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
Esta tarde hice extracto de vainilla poniendo vainas de vainilla en una botella de vodka.
This afternoon I made vanilla extract by putting vanilla beans in a bottle of vodka.
Esta tarde hice extracto de vainilla poniendo vainas de vainilla en una botella de vodka.
Now I have to wait 6 months before I can use this vanilla.
Ahora tengo que esperar 6 meses antes de poder usar esta vainilla.
This afternoon there was an lamb explosion in the sheep flock. The ewe in this photo gave birth to two lambs.
Esta tarde hubo una explosión de corderos en el rebaño de ovejas. La oveja en esta foto parió dos corderos.
The Sheep Explosion Part 2: This sheep gave birth to two lambs.
La explosión de las ovejas parte 2: Esta oveja dio a luz dos corderos.
This afternoon I straightened the center post on the north side of the Guesthouse.
Esta tarde enderecé el poste central del lado norte de Guesthouse.
Jacobhouse on the afternoon of January 16, 2025. There was a Wagyu calf grazing in the yard.
La casita de Jacobo en la tarde del 16 de 1 de 2025. Había una ternera Wagyu pastando en el patio.
Dinner consisted of leftover Mississippi pot roast from the night before accompanied by a cabbage salad topped with slices of hard-baked egg.
La cena consistía en sobras del asado al estilo Mississippi de la noche anterior acompañadas de una ensalada de repollo cubierta con rodajas de huevo duro.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/17/2025:Today began in the mid 30s and warmed into the high 60s. Mostly sunny.
The Dawn of 1/17/2025 in the center field.
El Amanecer del 17 de 1 de 2025 en el campo central.
A calf and its mother on the morning of January 17, 2025. That calf is now the same age as when it was supposed to be born.
Una ternera y su madre en la mañana del 17 de 1 de 2025. Ahora esa ternera tiene la edad que cuando se suponía que debía nacer.
Lunch consisted of a keto pizza. This pizza contained ground Belgian blue beef, eggs, mozzarella cheese, and a little green pepper.
El almuerzo consistía en pizza cetogénica. Esta pizza contenía res molida de azul belga, huevos, queso mozzarella y un poquito de pimiento verde.
This afternoon I organized the freezer that contains the Belgian Blue beef. The crates that Brimage made looked quite nice.
Esta tarde organicé el congelador que contiene la res de azul belga. Las cajas que hizo Brimage se veían bastante bonitas.
The sunny afternoon of January 17, 2025 in the center field.
La tarde soleada de del 17 de 1 de 2025 en el campo central.
This afternoon I had to lift the post I straightened yesterday. I used the 1 by 4 board as a lever.
Esta tarde tuve que levantar el poste que enderecé ayer. Utilizé la tabla 1 por 4 como una palanca.
Dinner consisted of a Wagyu hamburger steak topped with parmesan and Swiss cheese. This steak was accompanied by a green salad topped with leftover coleslaw from the night before.
La cena consistía en un bistec de hamburguesa de Wagyu cubierto con queso parmesano y queso suizo. Este bistec estaba acompañado de una ensalada verde coronada con las sobras de la ensalada de repollo de la noche anterior.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
1/18/2025:Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the 70s. Sunny morning. Cloudy afternoon.
Early morning of January 18, 2025: I made these cookies for the Master Blend store (and for us too).
La madrugada del 18 de 1 de 2025: hice estas galletas para la tienda de Master Blend (y para nosotros también).
This is the Master Blend Beef Shop on the morning of January 18, 2025. There were at least 12 visitors this morning.
Esta es la carnicería de Master Blend en la mañana del 18 de 1 de 2025. Había a menos 12 visitantes esta mañana.
Madre found this snake east of the Master Blend store.
Mi mamá encontró este serpiente al este de la tienda de Master Blend.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and leftover Mississippi-style beef. This mixture was accompanied by a green salad drizzled with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Cholula hot sauce.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res de estilo Mississipi. Esta mezcla estaba acompañado de una ensalada verde rociada con aceite de oliva, vinagre balsámico y salsa picante Cholula.
This is a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt.
Esta es una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
The cloudy afternoon of 1/18/2025 in the southeasternmost field of the ranch.
La tarde nublada del 18 del 1 de 2025 en el campo más al sureste del rancho.
This is a loaf of sourdough bread before baking.
Esta es un pan de masa madre antes de hornear.
Dinner consisted of two pan-seared Wagyu steaks (one shoulder and one round). These were topped with slices of avocado and accompanied by coleslaw, a piece of sourdough bread and a bowl of homemade barbecue sauce. There was also a horn of red wine to drink.
La cena consistía en dos bistecs de wagyu a la sartén (un de hombro y un de ronda). Estos estaban cubiertos con rodajas de aguacate y acompañados de ensalada de repollo, un trozo de pan masa madre y un tazón de salsa barbacoa casera. Además, había un cuerno de vino tinto para beber.
Final Note:This is a draft of Grimorzak exploring negative motivation (fear) versus positive motivation (preference) in chapter P1 S2 C8.
“Does it function?” Grimorzak could not help but ask.
"It functions," the Builder answered, "but there is a haze which impedes visual resolution, and thereby, audio resolution--potentially caused by dust having entered the lens chamber, or more likely, by long-term damage caused by solar exposure to the transistor sensor.”
“But is it clear enough to observe Mendhir?” the Collector posed; Grimorzak was about to ask the same.
" Let us test it,” the Youngest prompted, almost urging.
The Builder, however, shook his head, “We must wait. With cleaning and repairs, we will be able to generate a feed that avails information of higher value, and the said maintenance will not interrupt our viewing.”
“How long will it take?” Grimorzak wondered, to which the Builder held up a crystalline aquamarine finger, “Possibly one day for cleaning the lenses and analysis of the sensor. Sensor repair, however, could take longer, perhaps several weeks, especially if materials are not readily available.”
“Weeks?” the question almost bordered on protest.
The Builder opened up his hand to halt the Youngest before he could say more; “I understand it is a great inconvenience, MI, but the information that we would receive at this time is imperfect. You know as well as I it is critical to have adequate means of observation when it comes to experimentation. We must wait.”
Grimorzak felt his frustration mounting; he knew that the Builder was right. But weeks?
“Must is not the correct word, Builder,” the Collector broke in. Both Grimorzak and the Builder peered toward her, and the Builder proceeded to correct her; “The feed is presently experiencing extremely low resolution compared to its potential resolution. This lack of clarity could result in errors of perception – errors that may lead to future misjudgment and poor decision-making.”
“There will always be errors in judgement and decision-making,” the Collector rejoined.
A biolog scowl affected the Builder’s expression, “Yes, but by waiting, we could eliminate a great many unnecessary ones. And by omitting even one reset-causing error, these few weeks of waiting will save us hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years. It could potentially save the repetition that will result in Biolog entelechy. The numbers do not lie.”
“They can when presiding beneath a ‘could’. 'Could' does not warrant 'must',” she pointed outside; “Water 'must' pass through the turbine to provide us power. That is an appropriate usage of the word.”
“We 'must' perform maintenance on the transistor to produce perceptions of greater value,” came the Builder's stony reply.
"Greater value than no perceptions at all?”
“Greater than perceptions that could result in wasted time and opportunities, yes.”
“That is fear, Builder. What of those potential perceptions that could contain the key information we require for attaining our said goal of Biolog entelechy?”
“It cannot be known.”
The Collector nodded, “It cannot be. And in a case where a divergence bears two paths of equally inscrutable merit, how does one proceed, Builder, if not by fear?”
The Builder paused a moment, and Grimorzak saw a brief flicker of something resembling confusion cross his expression before the scowl returned.
The aquamarine entity grumbled a word: “Preference.”
1 thought on “Week of January 12, 2025 – Multi-species IV’s, painting, sheep explosion, vanilla, & preference.”
Preference indeed and to have one an individual must first make a choice and might it be there that real living begins. This was quite the week once again and what tremendous food. Much appreciate your sharing.
Preference indeed and to have one an individual must first make a choice and might it be there that real living begins. This was quite the week once again and what tremendous food. Much appreciate your sharing.