Week of January 12, 2025 – Multi-species IV’s, painting, sheep explosion, vanilla, & preference.

(Above: This is the bathroom after the second coat of white paint. Este es el baño después de la segunda capa de pintura blanca.)

1/12/2025: Today began in the low 30s and warmed into the low 60s. Mostly sunny.


1/14/2025: Today began in the mid 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Very sunny.

1/15/2025: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Grey and slightly drizzly.

1/16/2025: Today began in the low 40s and warmed into the low 60s. Partly cloudy.

1/17/2025: Today began in the mid 30s and warmed into the high 60s. Mostly sunny.

1/18/2025: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the 70s. Sunny morning. Cloudy afternoon.

Final Note: This is a draft of Grimorzak exploring negative motivation (fear) versus positive motivation (preference) in chapter P1 S2 C8.

“Does it function?” Grimorzak could not help but ask.

"It functions," the Builder answered, "but there is a haze which impedes visual resolution, and thereby, audio resolution--potentially caused by dust having entered the lens chamber, or more likely, by long-term damage caused by solar exposure to the transistor sensor.”

“But is it clear enough to observe Mendhir?” the Collector posed; Grimorzak was about to ask the same.


" Let us test it,” the Youngest prompted, almost urging.

The Builder, however, shook his head, “We must wait. With cleaning and repairs, we will be able to generate a feed that avails information of higher value, and the said maintenance will not interrupt our viewing.”

“How long will it take?” Grimorzak wondered, to which the Builder held up a crystalline aquamarine finger, “Possibly one day for cleaning the lenses and analysis of the sensor. Sensor repair, however, could take longer, perhaps several weeks, especially if materials are not readily available.”

“Weeks?” the question almost bordered on protest.

The Builder opened up his hand to halt the Youngest before he could say more; “I understand it is a great inconvenience, MI, but the information that we would receive at this time is imperfect. You know as well as I it is critical to have adequate means of observation when it comes to experimentation. We must wait.”

Grimorzak felt his frustration mounting; he knew that the Builder was right. But weeks?

“Must is not the correct word, Builder,” the Collector broke in. Both Grimorzak and the Builder peered toward her, and the Builder proceeded to correct her; “The feed is presently experiencing extremely low resolution compared to its potential resolution. This lack of clarity could result in errors of perception – errors that may lead to future misjudgment and poor decision-making.”

“There will always be errors in judgement and decision-making,” the Collector rejoined.

A biolog scowl affected the Builder’s expression, “Yes, but by waiting, we could eliminate a great many unnecessary ones. And by omitting even one reset-causing error, these few weeks of waiting will save us hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years. It could potentially save the repetition that will result in Biolog entelechy. The numbers do not lie.”

“They can when presiding beneath a ‘could’. 'Could' does not warrant 'must',” she pointed outside; “Water 'must' pass through the turbine to provide us power. That is an appropriate usage of the word.”

“We 'must' perform maintenance on the transistor to produce perceptions of greater value,” came the Builder's stony reply.

"Greater value than no perceptions at all?”

“Greater than perceptions that could result in wasted time and opportunities, yes.”

“That is fear, Builder. What of those potential perceptions that could contain the key information we require for attaining our said goal of Biolog entelechy?”

“It cannot be known.”

The Collector nodded, “It cannot be. And in a case where a divergence bears two paths of equally inscrutable merit, how does one proceed, Builder, if not by fear?”

The Builder paused a moment, and Grimorzak saw a brief flicker of something resembling confusion cross his expression before the scowl returned.

The aquamarine entity grumbled a word: “Preference.”

1 thought on “Week of January 12, 2025 – Multi-species IV’s, painting, sheep explosion, vanilla, & preference.”

  1. Preference indeed and to have one an individual must first make a choice and might it be there that real living begins. This was quite the week once again and what tremendous food. Much appreciate your sharing.

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