2/13/2022: A day beginning in the 50s and warming to the mid 70s. Cloudy and slightly drizzly throughout.
Dawn of 2/13/2022: A cowngregation atop the shavings pile leading to the feed barn.
For lunch today, I made fish soup (chopped Mahi, fresh garden greens, and a little bit of garlic / rosemary / marjoram). Padre and Madre made and dressed the accompanying salad. All of it was delicious and a fine first lunch back home.
Mid-afternoon in the Southeast pasture.
For dinner, I enjoyed another egg-based repast. This time it was egg tacos served on crispy-fried corn tortillas and topped with Cholula and Guacamole Salsa. Accompanied by another delicious salad.
2/14/2022: A day beginning in the mid 30s and warming to the low 60s. Sunny throughout.
Lunch of 2/14/2022: A repast of sushi procured from the Sushi Bistro of Ocala. It was exceptional and tasted even better than usual – likely due to the 3-week ‘sushi hiatus’.
The Jacobhouse garden grew rampant during mine and Padre’s voyage to Mexico. It seems that there was both very warm weather to go along with the very cold weather (in Florida), because the Arugula and Bibb Lettuce are bolting, some of the peas (the sun exposed ones on the end) are dying, and some of the pea vines have grown to enormous proportion. There are a number of pods growing.
For dinner, Padre and I enjoyed a couple Belgian Blue beef shank steaks accompanied by a plenitude of salad. It was delicious, but on account of an ailment I acquired in Mexico, I had to eat ‘like a frog’ – craning my neck with every pained swallow. Still worth it.
For dessert, Madre gave me a colorless ‘pineberry’. Though it looked like a completely unripe strawberry, it was sweet and surprisingly flavorful.
2/15/2022: Today began in the mid 30s and proceeded to warm into the high 70s. Partly cloudy.
Dawn of 2/15/2022. A bright new day on the farm and a sore, groggy Jacob to picture it. Fortunately, the ailments faded throughout the ensuing morning. Gettin’ better!
A picture of the same farm from the same position but pointing westward.
A list of calves to check for illness (2/15/2022).
Today was our first time to Lorito’s since returning from Mexico. The food was quite fresh and delicious, but I should note that United States food seems a little bit salt-inundated compared to Mexican food.
2/16/2022: A day beginning in the high 30s and proceeding to warm into the high 70s.
Dawn of 2/16/2022 – South-easternmost beef pasture.
This is the battery of Jacobhouse’s second defunct portable stick-vacuum. This time, I’m going to get a corded one. They are much cheaper, more powerful, and the cord is long enough (and Jacobhouse small enough), that I won’t have to unplug during a majority of house-cleanings.
Lunch of 2/16/2022: Egg tacos topped with salsa verde and accompanied by a Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
2/17/2022: Today began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Mostly Sunny.
Dawn of February 17, 2022.
For lunch Padre, Madre, and I ventured to Off-Duty Tavern. They started us of with some crispy croissants dressed in honey-butter.
Meanwhile for the primary repast, I enjoyed a bowl of loaded chili and…
An excellent salad topped with a little bit of cheddar, purple onion, and in-house Thousand Island dressing. All splendid.
Later on, after the afternoon farm tasks, I pan-seared a Belgian Blue chuck steak and baked a few mini-potatoes. These were accompanied by salad.
2/18/2022: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Partly cloudy throughout with some bouts of sun and rain.
Dawn of 2/18/2022: Belgian Blue #227 stands with her Polar Bear (75%+ Belgian Blue) offspring.
For lunch today, I reverse seared a few sugar & salted pork chops. I should note, however, that the wind disabled my outdoor burner. So, instead of searing them on the pan, I did them beneath the broiler in Jacobhouse.
Accompanied by a little baked potato and some delicious Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
I couldn’t help but appreciate how the girls utilized the stamp I gave them.
2/19/2022: A day beginning in the high 50s and warming into the low 70s. Mostly sunny.
Lunch of 2/19/2022: A repast of leftover fish soup, baked potato, and a Padre-made / Jacob-dressed salad. Satiating and ‘saludable’.
A meal consisting of six fried eggs (seasoned with garlic and caraway seed) alongside plenty of salad bearing both Romaine and Jacobhouse-Garden greens.
Final Note: There was no swim at the Springs this weeks and slightly less media than the norm. I will blame this on the fact that I am still recovering from the respiratory ailment acquired near the end of our Mexico trip. It seems to be going away with annoying sluggishness, but it is going away nevertheless. And speaking of going away, I am presently looking forward to one of the largest Ritsabittles yet. Come March 28, 2022, it will be time for another month in Taxco.