(Above: A day without electricity. I utilized a generator to give power to my laptop and the refrigerator (and sometimes, the air conditioner). Un día sin electricidad. Utilicé un generador para dar poder a mi portátil y la nevera (y a veces, el aire acondicionado).)
8/4/2024: Today began in the low 80s with air being very still. 4+ inches of rain in the night. Lost power (8/5) due to wind and it is presently still out as I tend to this entry.
The gray morning of 4/8/2024 in the southeasternmost field of the ranch.
La mañana gris del 4/8/2024 en el campo más sureste del rancho.
Lunch: A baked salmon fillet seasoned with sumac, salt and black pepper. This was accompanied by a salad made by my father, topped with a sliced hard-boiled egg.
El almuerzo: Un filete de salmón al horno sazonado con zumaque, sal y pimienta negra. Este estaba acompañado de una ensalada hecha por mi padre, cubierta con un huevo duro en rodajas.
Before baking the sourdough bread, I cut the dough with a large knife.
Antes de cocinar el pan de masa madre, corté la masa con un cuchillo enorme.
Sourdough bread after baking.
El pan de masa madre después de cocción.
A small bridge for Segways over a drainage ditch.
Un pequeño puente para Segways sobre una zanja de drenaje.
Dinner consisted of an open-faced sandwich topped with ground Belgian blue beef, coleslaw, avocado, homemade barbecue sauce, and a sliced avocado.
La cena consistía en un sandwích abierto cubierto con res molida de azul belga, ensalada de repollo, aguacate, salsa barbacoa casera y un aguacate en rodajas.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and a large cherry plum.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y una ciruela cereza grande.
8/5/2024:Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly cloudy. Very windy, very rainy. 6+ inches of rain over the past twelve hours.
A day with the hurricane named Debby. 8/5/2024.
Un día con el huracán se llama Debby. 5/8/2024.
A day without electricity. I utilized a generator to give power to my laptop and the refrigerator (and sometimes, the air conditioner).
Un día sin electricidad. Utilicé un generador para dar poder a mi portátil y la nevera (y a veces, el aire acondicionado).
Lunch consisted of a tray of sushi and a bowl of miso soup topped with green cabbage, avocado, and spinach.
El almuerzo consistía en una bandeja de sushi y un tazón de sopa de miso adornada con repollo verde, aguacate y espinaca.
The afternoon of 8/5/2024 in the central barn.
La tarde nublada del 5/8/2024 en el granero central.
Dinner consisted of a well-seared Belgian Blue burger-steak and a green salad topped with the leftovers of last night’s cabbage salad. In spite of not having electricity, it was a superb dinner.
La cena consistía en un bistec de res molida de azul belga bien dorado y una ensalada verde cubierta con las sobras de la ensalada de repollo de la noche anterior. A pesar de no tener electricidad, fue una cena maravillosa.
8/6/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Mostly cloudy morning. Slightly sunny afternoon.
The cloudy morning of 8/6/2024. The hurricane could still be sensed.
La mañana nublada del 6/8/2024. Todavía se podía sentir el huracán.
A morning activity: Padre and Wag milked a cow, and I brought the milk to Jacobhouse for processing.
Una actividad matutina: Mi padre y mi tío ordeñaron una vaca y yo llevé la leche a mi casita para procesarla.
Lunch: A Wagyu sausage filled with cheese and accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo: Una salchicha de Wagyu rellena de queso y acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
A small dessert: Half of a sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Un pequeño postre: Media manzana en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
This is the curd that I made from a part of the milk that we milked earlier today.
Esta es la cuajada que hice de una parte de la leche que ordeñamos más temprano hoy.
In the afternoon of 8/6/2024, we had some problems with the electric fence. The main problem was here. The topmost wire was touching the lower ones.
En la tarde del 6/8/2024, tuvimos algunos problemas con la valla eléctrica. El problema principal estaba aquí. El alambre superior tocaba los de abajo.
The dinner of 8/6/2024: A Wagyu roast seasoned with chiltepin, garlic, rosemary, salt, and black pepper. When the meat was being plated, we accompanied it with a green salad made by Padre.
La cena del 6/8/2024: Un asado de wagyu sazonado con chiltepín, ajo, romero, sal y pimienta negra. Al emplatarse la carne, la acompañamos con una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
In the evening of 8/6/2024, the moon was a very thin crescent.
En el atardecer del 6/8/2024, la luna era una medialuna muy delgada. Aunque sólo pude ver una fracción de la Luna, todavía tenía mucho significado para mí.
Bonus Note: I saw that WordPress (Jetpack) has an add-on that makes AI Images, so I input a description from the book I’ve been working on. This is AI’s representation of High Priestess Milana. I did not envision her as being so rotund — more muscular instead of adipose — but this would be very representative of Hattun’s Mother, Dolores.
She was a robust woman of rosy complexion sporting a lilac habit which appeared almost comical draped over her sturdy figure. A strand of salt-and-pepper grey hair had slipped down to her forehead and there clung with the aide of perspiration. Her voice was in character with her body, strong and of generous volume.
8/7/2024:Today began in the mid 70s and warmed into the low 90s. No rain.
The morning of 8/7/2024. One of the freezers was not working. To fix it (temporarily), we implemented a fan behind the condenser pump.
La mañana del 7/8/2024. Uno de los congeladores no estaba funcionando. Para arreglarlo (temporalmente), implementamos un ventilador detrás de la bomba del condensador.
This morning, I got more cuts of beef from Modern Heritage for selling in the beef shop. These cuts were for us: two Belgian Blue ribeyes.
Esta mañana, conseguí más cortes de carne de Modern Heritage para vender en la carnicería. Estos cortes eran para nosotros: dos chuletones de Azul Belga.
Lunch: Wagyu sausage topped with a little bit of mustard and fresh red onion. This was accompanied by a cabbage and carrot salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo: Salchicha de Wagyu cubierta con un poco de mostaza y cebolla roja fresca. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada de repollo y zanahoria hecha por mi padre.
Dinner: The aforementioned rib-eyes, reverse-seared and served with: a salad of red cabbage and carrot, two horns of red wine, and a little bit of sour cream for dipping.
La cena: Los chuletones ya mencionados dorados al revés y servidos con una ensalada de repollo rojo y zanahoria, dos cuernos de vino tinto, y un poco de crema ácida para mojar.
The dessert: A peach that was brought to us by a Master Blend customer. This sweet fruit went very well with a little bit of Greek yogurt.
El postre: Un durazno que nos trajo un cliente de Master Blend. Esta dulce fruta combinaba muy bien con un poco de yogur griego.
8/8/2024:Today began in the low 80s and was quite humid. Warmed into the high 90s. No rain, “feels like 108 F”.
The rising sun in the early morning of 8/8/2024 seen from the southeasternmost pasture.
El sol naciente en la madrugada del 8/8/2024 visto desde el campo más sureste.
Another photo of the dawn of 8/8/2024 in the central pasture.
Otra foto del amanecer del 8/8/2024 en el campo central.
This is a Belgian Blue leg roast called a “Thor’s Hammer Roast.”
Este es un asado de pierna de Azul Belga se llama un “Thor’s Hammer Roast.”
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs, mozzarella cheese curd, leftover beef, and green pepper. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos, cuajada de mozzarella, sobras de res y pimiento verde. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
Victor has been working on the fence to the west of Guesthouse. Now, all of the posts are placed.
Victor ha estado trabajando en la valla al oeste de Guesthouse. Ahora, todos los postes están colocados.
Dinner: A reverse-seared Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with fresh mozzarella curd. Additionally, this was accompanied by a green salad topped with last night’s leftover cabbage slaw.
La cena: Un bistec de res molida de Azul Belga sellado al revés y cubierto con fresca cuajada de mozzarella. Además, estaba acompañado de una ensalada verde cubierta con algunas sobras de la ensalada de repollo de la noche anterior.
Dessert: Another delicious peach from our Master Blend customer. This was accompanied by a bowl of sour cream for dipping.
El postre: Otro durazno delicioso de nuestra cliente de Master Blend. Este estaba acompañado de un tazón de crema ácida para mojar.
An update about Dolores: I saw her in her corner last night and I fed her a bug.
Las últimas noticias sobre Dolores: La vi en su esquina anoche y le di de comer un insecto.
8/9/2024:Today began in the high 70s and warmed into the mid 90s.
The dawn of 8/9/2024 in the central field. The sun was pink and so was its aura.
El amanecer del 9/8/2024 en el campo central. El sol era rosa y también su aura.
It looked like it was going to rain this morning but it only rained for three minutes and not much.
Parecía que iba a llover esta mañana pero solamente llovió durante tres minutos y no mucho.
Lunch consisted of F1 Wagyu sausage stuffed with cheese, topped with mustard and red onion and accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en salchicha de F1 Wagyu rellena de queso, cubierta con mostaza y cebolla roja y acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
These are the F1 Wagyu ribs we will be eating later today. I seasoned them with salt and black pepper.
Estas son las costillas de F1 Wagyu que comeremos más tarde hoy. Las sazoné con sal y pimienta negra.
After lunch, I did a lot of things in the kitchen. I made butter, barbecue sauce, and the ribs that we are going to eat later today.
Después del almuerzo, yo hice muchas cosas en la cocina. Preparé mantequilla, salsa barbacoa y las costillas que vamos a comer más tarde hoy.
Sunny afternoon on 8/9/2024 in the easternmost field of the ranch.
La tarde soleada del 9/8/2024 en el campo más oriental del rancho.
Dinner consisted of the ribs already shown, revere-seared and accompanied by a green salad topped with coleslaw and some avocado.
La cena consistía en las costillas ya mostradas doradas al revés y acompañadas de una ensalada verde cubierta con una ensalada de repollo y un poco de aguacate.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and a cherry plum.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharad de yogur griego y una ciruela cereza.
8/10/2024:Today began in the high 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Rain around noontime.
The early morning of 8/10/2024: We could see the advance of clouds from the west. By midday, the rain had arrived.
La madrugada del 10/8/2024: Podíamos ver el avance de nubes desde el oeste. Al mediodía, había llegado la lluvia.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and dried beef topped with green salsa and Cholula hot sauce. Additionally, I enjoyed a green salad drizzled with a balsamic vinaigrette.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y res seca cubierta con salsa verde y salsa Cholula picante. Además, disfruté de una ensalada verde rociada con una vinagreta balsámica.
I took this photo because this steer seemed especially clean and white.
Tomé esta foto porque este buey parecía especialmente limpio y blanco.
The partly sunny afternoon of 8/10/2024 in the southeasternmost pasture of the farm.
La tarde parcialmente soleada del 10/8/2024 en el campo más al sureste del rancho.
Dinner: Reverse-seared lambchops topped with homemade butter and accompanied by a green salad drizzled with a balsamic vinaigrette.
La cena: Chuletas de cordero doradas al revés, cubiertas con mantequilla casera y acompañadas de una ensalada verde rociada con una vinagreta balsámica.
Dessert: A delicious sliced peach sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
El postre: Un delicioso durazno en rodajas espolvoreado con canela y acompañado de una cucharada de yogur griego.
Final Note: An excerpt taken from Part 1 of Grimorzak’s Chapter 5 in Book 2:
“No, Lef, hands like this,” Milana instructed, “Fingers straight. Not interlaced like some beggar. Straight fingers form a point. A focus.”
Lef did as asked, straightening his knobby fingers before his narrow, bird-like chest.
The High Priestess grunted, “Better. Now. I have two rules when it comes to praying. Ward, how about you tell us number one.”
“Pray only for what you may give yourself,” came the girl’s reply as she prodded the fire with one of the three irons that stood beside it.
“Good. And why is that?” the high priestess asked.
“Praying for something that you cannot give yourself is praying for a miracle, and miracles, by definition, are highly improbable. Actions that are not often reinforced by reward are unsustainable.”
“That’s why I chose her,” Milana noted, a hint of pride in her voice, “And when it comes to praying, it’s why we don’t say: ‘Lord Leyosen, send this storm back from whence it came.’ Instead, we say, ‘Lord Leyosen; grant me the patience to endure this abominable weather.’ But now, can my fine Ward tell me what rule number two is?”
“State, don’t supplicate.”
“Very good,” the High Priestess replied, returning her full attention to the man before her, “That’s a new one—one that my predecessor would have rejected, but she was from a time and a line who believed fear was the best form of motivation. And it was a fine form, wasn’t it? Supplication puts the supplicant in a position of powerlessness. I’d better adhere to what the Temple tells me, because I can’t do it myself! But what does that get you High Priestess Thelena?”
So vehemently was that latter question posed, that Lef peered about himself. It was only High Priestess Milana, the Ward, and himself in the worship hall, yet the High Priestess continued to speak bitterly to her phantom;
“It’s gets you a temple full of folk who can’t do anything worth a turnip without asking His blessing for this or that and who whimper ‘it was His will’ when something goes right or it doesn’t. I’ll take a good responsible heathen like Klod any day over one of those irresponsible god-fearing arses.”
Lef raised an eyebrow, and High Priestess Milana growled, “Old rows, Drifter. Thelena was a fine woman, but as much a product of her time as cold is of this clime. Point is; a good prayer isn’t a plea. It’s a statement. A statement of reverence and reinforcement: Reverence for what you have, even if it’s just life itself, and reinforcement in your purpose. It’s a focus. Just like that one you’ve formed with your fingers.”
5 thoughts on “Week of August 4, 2024 – Huracán Debby, Dolores (x2), Peaches, & Prayer”
Was that just one week??? No doubt it was unusual and it felt extended to say the least, glad to be able to share the experience though.
(◡ ω ◡)
Time is an illusion that helps things make sense…
So we are always living in the present tense… (… 🎵) 😉
I had no idea that turtles could sing nor that they had such fine taste in music. Keep practicing, Tortuga, and tell your mum I very much look forward to sending a letter her way at the end of this month. 🥕🌙
Was that just one week??? No doubt it was unusual and it felt extended to say the least, glad to be able to share the experience though.
Time is an illusion that helps things make sense…
So we are always living in the present tense… (… 🎵) 😉
I had no idea that turtles could sing nor that they had such fine taste in music. Keep practicing, Tortuga, and tell your mum I very much look forward to sending a letter her way at the end of this month. 🥕🌙
We love you so much S&M and mommy 😃 🥕🌙
We love you so much S&M and mommy 😃 🥕🌙