Week of August 25, 2024 – Adventures at home

(Above: An afternoon activity: Wag and I gave some injections to a new calf (with an aggressive mother), and also, we fed it a bottle of colostrum.
Una actividad por la tarde: Mi tío y yo le pusimos unas inyecciones a un nuevo ternerito (con una madre agresiva), y también le dimos una biberón de calostro.)

8/25/2024: Today began in the mid 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Mostly sunny and quite dry.

8/26/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the 90s. Cloudy afternoon, but not much rain.

8/27/2024: Today began in the mid 70s and warmed into the 90s. Quite hot in the morning. Afternoon tasks cooler due to cloudcover.

8/28/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Mid-afternoon rains.

8/29/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the mid 90s. Sunny morning. Cloudy and slightly stormy afternoon.

8/31/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Mostly sunny.

8/31/2024: Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the 90s. Quite dry.

Final Note: An epigraph from one of the upcoming Grimorzak chapters in Book 2 – To Lands Beyond. The gathering shown below provided inspiration.

A common fly must have accompanied me to the Observatory’s sphere, and there, feasted on the fallen fruit that neither I nor my splinters sought to consume. The fly laid its eggs, they hatched, they metamorphosed, and they bred. Soon, without anything to curb their population, that one little fly had become a true nuisance. The Protector has since introduced two birds at the Collector’s suggestion: the ibis – a comber of soil, and the egret – a groomer of foliage.

The ibis is robust in form and manner from hatchlinghood. It sports plumage that varies from brown to roan to ivory depending on age, a long-curved bill, large dark eyes, and sizeable feet of pinkish hue. The eyes are utilized for detecting discrepancies and faults in the soil, and the feet bear a plenitude of nerve-endings to detect the subterranean causes for those disturbances. Then, the bill is used to burrow into that terrain, drawing out larvae with incredible efficiency.

The egret is shyer in manner and gracile in appearance. At every stage of its lifecycle, it consists of three colors:

1. Brilliant white – plumage

2. Black – feet, tarsus, pupils, and in the case of juveniles, bill

3. Orange-yellow – tibia, bill (adult), irises, and crest (during breeding season)

Where the ibis has adapted to probe for prey beneath the soil, the egret has adapted to actively hunt. They prowl through our gardens here, searching with predatory eyes and spearlike beaks for insects they pick with such precision that, if there was a dew drop and a fly on a single leaf, only the former would remain after the egret had its way.

– Grimorzak, the Youngest, on the biological control of Musca domestica

6 thoughts on “Week of August 25, 2024 – Adventures at home”

  1. It was an incredible week, much to experience/explore, a portion of was sharing dinners and the other Is how your experiences are integrated into your writing, very much appreciated.

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