(Above: Homemade gnocchi & mushroom alfredo along with arugula salad and some bottled sweet peppers as garnish.)
9/5/2021: A pleasant day beginning in the low 70s and warming to the low 90s.
Morning of 9/6/2021: Bovines and calves enjoy a nearly autumnal morning.
Until about 10 AM, the farm was affected by intermittent bouts of fog.
At the store, I wanted to research the price of pasta. Calorie-wise, it is extraordinarily cheap. With Buy-One-Get-One, it is 3200 simple carbohydrate calories for $1.69.
Disposable tinfoil pricing. It seems that if one is interested in creating large amounts of ready-made food, it would be better to find a bulk supplier.
Lunch today consisted of a baked potato, Padre-made soup, and some Jacob-procured greens.
After a lengthy afternoon on the farm (venturing indoors and outdoors a couple times on account of cows not coming to the barn), I made a dinner of leek & chiltepin omelets and a salad of romaine & Vidalia onion.
9/6/2021: A day with a few sprinklings of rain at the beginning and warming from the mid 70s to the low 90s.
Morning of 9/6/2021: Flowering vines found atop one of the old refrigeration units pulled from our shipping containers.
An intriguing skyscape found during the early-morning beef pasture inspection.
One of the morning’s activities consisted of finishing the coversion of a nursery-wagon to a feed wagon.
Today I ate lunch with Padre and Madre at Offduty Tavern. This was the house salad with in-house made Thousand Island dressing.
A bowl of Chili recommended to us by the chef – a fellow with large mustachios, a flat cap, and a bandana or scarf about his neck. This batch was even better than the prior, and I told him as much.
This is a floor plan I’ve been working on for a container-home AirBnB.
Layout of the lands surrounding Jacobhouse.
Mid-afternoon beneath the oaks of the central beef pasture.
Dinner consisted of some homemade calamari (baked) accompanied by an arugula salad.
9/7/2021: Weather beginning in the 70s and warming into the low 90s. No rain in sight.
Dawn of 9/7/2021: A sun of golden hue rises from the east.
An plant bearing orange flowers presently growing outside of Madre’s office.
For lunch today, Padre and I enjoyed a Master Blend Angus chuck steak accompanied by a fluffy baked potato and some delicious greens.
Dog fennel growing between the central and southern east pastures.
Late in the day, Padre and I noted hundreds of egrets in the central beef pasture. It may be the largest flock of egrets I have seen.
Dinner: Delicious spiced-egg burritos.
9/8/2021: Weather began quite pleasant in the low 70s, proceeded to warm into the low 90s, and then was cooled down to the low 80s by late afternoon rain.
Morning of 9/9/2021: Daughter #268 stands beside mother #326, displaying remarkable similarity in cranial form.
Lunch today consisted of a tremendous meal procured from Sushi Bistro.
Midday in the central pasture: Rain on the way.
The ill-fated bottom round roast from 9/9/2021. It was cut and cooked to near perfection, but it had apparently not been refrigerated at appropriate temperatures in the butcher facility. The smell was slightly off, as was the flavor.
R.I.P. you splendid looking piece o’ beef.
I ate most of my piece of beef because it did not taste ‘off’ until I reached the edges. I did not eat any more after this, though, aside from a hefty amount of arugula and onion. It made for a hungry-Jacob the next day (and Padre, as well).
9/9/2021: A day beginning with rain and temperatures in the low 70s. These proceeded to warm to the mid-80s but did not reach much higher due to the prevalence of clouds and intermittent bouts of drizzling precipitations.
Morning of 9/10/2021: A Portrait of King Gaur with cows and peasants in the background.
Big Blue #273, Padre, and the Blue Gaur Hybrid at mid-afternoon in the central pasture.
This night, I ventured up to the Fat Tuscan Cafe. There, I learned how to make gnocchi. This is the recipe page for the pasta and the sauces.
Set-up. As can be seen, the ingredients are simple, consisting of flour, 3/4c-1c boiled potato, salt, and an egg.
The first step was to combine the potato and egg into something that looked much like mashed potatoes. After that, I gently folded in half a cup of flour until a smooth dough was formed, and this was ensued by rolling it out into a 1″ diameter ‘tube’ and cutting 1″ segments from that tube. The boiling took less than 2 minutes.
For sauce, I opted to mix together the Alfredo and Marinara into a Rosa Sauce. It was delectable, and I decided to bring home half to Padre and Madre.
To conclude the evening, I visited with the Padre and Madre and feasted on a tasty Padre-made pizza along with a satiating salad.
9/10/2021: Early morning rains were followed by a sultry climate for the remainder of the day. Temperature ranged between mid 70s and high 80s.
Morning of 9/10/2021: “Lady” Gaur accepts tribute.
Lunch today occurred at Lorito’s. The salad and Diet Coke were particularly refreshing, and the pizza was especially cheesy. An excellent meal.
Cachucha peppers growing in the Jacobhouse Garden.
An after-farm beverage consisting of: 1 cup seltzer water, 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tbsp monk-fruit sweetener, and 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. I made sure to whisk together the cider vinegar, sweetener, and cinnamon beforehand; otherwise the cinnamon would float and the monk-fruit would sink.
Dinner: A terrific supper of Master Blend Angus chuck steak accompanied by a baked potato and some greens (arugula) garnished with onion and dressed with a balsamic vinaigrette.
9/11/2021: Today began with temperatures in the low 70s which proceeded to warm into the low 80s. Constant cloud cover kept the climate cool.
Morning of 9/11/2021: I spent 34 minutes collecting chiltepins from under an oak in the central-east pasture.
I also tightened the cables belonging to this electric fence and reconfigured the two gaps to make them easily useable.
Lunch today consisted of fish & egg scramble tacos. The scramble consisted of onion, spiced fish (caught by John who buys compost from us), and farm-fresh eggs.
One of the few butterflies that were spotted gracing Jacobhouse’s garden.
Dinner: Homemade gnocchi & mushroom alfredo along with arugula salad and some bottled sweet peppers as garnish.
Final Note: Via the stoic line of thought, I am the sole individual responsible for my satisfaction. It is a great responsibility and tremendous liberty to know this.
Peasant, yeah I caught that.