[Above: (Left to Right) Me, Padre, and my brother enjoying the Caribbean blue. Madre, the photographer, dwelt behind the camera.]
9/19/2021: A night bearing 4″ of rain was ensued by a soggy morning and afternoon which became intermittently sultry whenever the sun arrived.
Early dawn of 9/20/2021: Padre and I begin the beef pasture inspection afoot.
By the time our inspection ended, the sun was beginning to rise above the trees.
Photograph of a snail sliding its way upward the interior of an elephant-ear flower.
Cypress Vines growing up a gate they have flourished upon since the days of Jacobhouse’s construction.
I would say that’s enough rain for a single evening.
Two juvenile brown anoles repose on an aged kale ‘tree’.
Late afternoon in the south-east beef pasture.
Dinner: A repast of a hefty 7-egg omelet alongside a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
Preparing for the trip. One of the day’s final activities was to pack almost everything into a duffel bag.
9/20/2021: A temperate day with very little rain, ranging from the high 70s to the mid 80s. Cloudy throughout.
Morning of 9/20/2021.
Dawn as it appears through the hackberry void.
A morning task consisted of repairing the handle to this broom. It had broken, so I cut off the tip, drilled a new hole, and fastened it on with a shiny new bolt.
Lunch consisted of another delicious repast from the Sushi Bistro. I especially enjoyed the addition of seaweed paper to the soup.
Dinner consisted of a Belgian Blue sirloin accompanied by a sizeable Romaine salad.
9/21/2021: Morning began with temperatures in the low-70s. Roads were partially enshrouded with fog but otherwise possessed no weather-related obstacles. In Mexico, temperatures were in the upper-80s and humidity was quite high.
Dawn of 9/21/2021. Orlando airport North Park C.
Mis padres en el aeropuerto.
Lunch – serving #1 (Majestic Marhouse Buffet): A hefty serving of shrimp salad along with freshly grilled grouper.
Lunch – serving #2: More shrimp salad along with fruit and a slice of sausage & pepper pizza.
Sunset of 9/21/2021 in Mexico.
Dinner – an appetizer of delectable fried calamari accompanied by a marinara sauce.
Caesar salad with thin slices of exceptionally moist chicken (along with bacon and Parmesan).
More grouper — this one served atop a bed of delicious risotto.
In-house made sponge cake topped with not-so-delectable truffle ice-cream.
9/22/2021: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm to the low 90s. Rain fell intermittently throughout, and the clime was consequently quite humid.
Dawn of 9/22/2021: 29 years ago, I was swimming in amniotic fluid. Now I am swimming in the Carribean. No offense to mi Madre, but I think I like the idea of the latter a little bit more.
A late-morning glass of Pinot Noir to celebrate the birthday morning.
Lunch consisted of a delicious and sizeable salad consisting of lettuces, assorted vegetables, olives, corn, and shrimp ceviche.
The second lunch salad consisted of lettuce, peppers, onion, a couple grilled lamb chops, dragon fruit, and tuna fruit. All excellent.
Padre’s beginning courses for dinner: an arugula and pickled-beet salad alongside a bowl of provoleta (roasted cheese on top of a tomato sauce with a few beef cracklings as garnish.)
My salad consisted of some lightly fried chicken, romaine lettuce, peanuts, and dried cherries under an in-house blue cheese dressing.
My brother’s salad contained multiple types of berries, a wee bit o’ lettuce, some exceptionally buttery goat cheese, and a fruity vinaigrette.
My main course: salmon topped with a slightly sweet and spice-filled crumble (not certain what spices, though).
Dessert: A delicious apple tart topped with a slightly sweet crumb, light creme, and a strawberry slice.
9/23/2021: A pleasantly warm day ranging in the mid-80s throughout. Rain occurred in the afternoon, and clouds kept temperatures stable.
Morning of 9/23/2021: My first time eating Eggs Benedict. The lemony Holondaise sauce was downright superb.
As a small lunch, I procured a couple boxes of sushi and one fruit-box from the club near our room. The victuals therein were of superb quality (fresh fish, soft rice, and splendid flavor).
A picture from the balcony. Below, Padre and my brother were enjoying the very-warm bath-like swimming pool.
A dinner at El Mariachi Loco. Unfortunately, due to below-optimal lighting, I could not acquire high quality images of the food. I will still include them, though. This was the Totapos Tricolor (Tricolored tortilla chips with spiced sauces and guacamole) served as an appetizer.
Pozole – a delicious soup with chicken, pork, and pozalero corn.
This is the chicken burrito that our waiter recommended. The spice therein gave it terrific flavor and texture (not too spicy, but most certainly bearing a hint of heat–also the texture was moist but not messy). It was almost a foot long.
A dessert of three half-churros and a ball of delectable vanilla icecream. These went very well with one another.
9/24/2021: A mostly sunny day in the high 80s with no rain.
Morning of 9/24/2021: A truly unique breakfast enjoyed by my brother at Botaccio, Majestic’s Italian Restaurant.
The first Gazpacho I have ever had. It had a base of strawberries and tomato and was seasoned further with sriracha sauce, basil oil, mint leaves, and basil leaves.
Goat cheese, fig, and pepperoni bruschetta — excellent presentation and flavor.
Padre’s main course (lunch): Pepper-Crusted tuna with gremolata sauce, arugula salad, and cherry tomatoes. Tuna cooked to medium-rare as is proper.
My main course (lunch): Chicken Breast Florentine that I ordered at the waiter’s recommendation. It was tremendously moist and freshly fried. The spinach Bechamel sauce poured over the top was a fantastic complement.
Dusk of 9/24/2021.
An apple tart procured by my brother at the Bistro, Majestic’s French restaurant.
We concluded the night with a visit to the beach. There, I drew patterns in the sand beneath the moon’s light as Padre and my brother looked on with bemusement.
9/25/2021: This day was very much like the previous. It remained in the mid-80s and low 90s throughout with a slightly cooler afternoon due to cloud cover and an ocean breeze.
Morning of 9/26/2021: Moments before enjoying a refreshing morning swim.
A view of the sea from Magnificent’s grand vestibule.
Lunch of 9/25/2021 Plate #1: A small Caesar salad comprised of arugula, onion, and dressing.
Plate #2: A conglomeration of fruit (dragon fruit and tuna fruit) and ceviches (spicy tuna and shrimp).
Plate #3: A final plate with more tuna ceviche, a couple spiced chicken tacos, and more fruit.
Dinner of 9/25/2021: A salmon salad with baby lettuce. I squeezed a lime over it as dressing.
Excellently seasoned calamari, but it could have been a tad warmer. Still; the plating was akin to art.
Octopus Carnitas ordered by and enjoyed by Padre.
Grilled lobster – again plated excellently and cooked very nicely (great texture on the tail).
My glorious repast of Medium-rare Ribeye under a skewer of scallops.
A new drink bearing very little sugar content: the Paloma. This consists primarily of tequila, grapefruit juice, and carbonated water.
A piece of key lime pie enjoyed by everyone at the table. The filling was tart, and the wafers on either side were crisp akin to cookies.
9/26/2021: This day began in the mid 80s and proceeded to warm to the mid 90s. Late day clouds kept the afternoon swim quite comfortable. Due to vacation-inspired lethargy and poor lighting at our late night’s out-to-eating, I unfortunately only acquired two pictures this day (but Padre and Madre provided a couple to make up for it).
Lunch consisted of much grilled fish and plenty of greens. Everything tasted delicious, though my body did seem to dislike some of the seasoned oil they utilized on the fish during the cooking process. Still, an excellent repast and I regret nothing!
(Left to Right) Me, Padre, and my brother enjoying the Caribbean blue. Madre, the photographer, dwelt behind the camera.
Berry & white chocolate mousse. A low-sugar but exceptionally palatable dessert.
More mysterious sand-markings made at midnight near Marhouse of Majestic Resort in México.
9/27/2021: A warm day beginning in the mid-80s and rising to the high 90s by midday. Clouds in the late afternoon helped the temperatures drop back down to comfortable levels.
Lunch of 9/27/2021: A light repast of breaded shrimp & papaya salad along with a couple chicken fajitas.
Nacho chips served along with a couple more tacos (pork and chicken) and plenty of guacamole along with Pico de Gallo.
The shower & toilet setup of the bathroom (to keep in mind for future building).
Dinner was eaten at Magnificent’s Mexican restaurant. My first dish was again the Pozole soup.
My brother opted for the chicken tacos laid out on a palm frond.
A variety of quesadillas “for Madre”. She actually only had half of one while granting my brother, Padre, and myself the others. All were delectable.
Chicken enchiladas under a delicious Mole (mole-lee) sauce tasting of nuts, fruit, and spices.
Padre’s entree of grilled shrimp.
“Madre’s” Entree of nachos under guacamole and Pico de Gallo. Again, she bequeathed this dish to my brother, Padre, and myself.
A light and delectable dessert of Rice Pudding topped with cinnamon and plenty o’ berries.
9/28/2021: A mostly sunny day ranging from the mid-to-high 80s in Cancun and from the low 70s to mid 80s in Florida. The lack of humidity in the latter made for a very pleasant beef pasture inspection.
Morning of 9/28/2021: Adiós México… por ahora.
Colorful residences lined the streets.
Early day in northern Cancún.
A particularly pretty tree marking a split in the road.
A “$50.00” Diet Coke. Airports are quite expensive (but not that expensive; the amount listed is actually in Pesos).
An evening beef pasture inspection after our return home.
Beef, greens, and a piece of Padre-pizza dunked in the juice from the foremost item on this list.
Final Note: Terrific food and tremendous freedom were enjoyed over the past week. I don’t believe there can be a much better way to spend a birthday than with my family at a beach in México.