7/25/2021: A warm day beginning in the mid 70s and warming to the low 90s. No rain fell.
Morning of 7/25/2021: These two bovines are half-sisters by the same dam. The left has a Brahman sire, and the right has a Simmental sire.
While clearing debris off the central beef pasture’s fences with a chainsaw, I found a striped skink on an old hackberry tree.
Lunch today: Wagyu round steak accompanied by a small salad and a couple freshly baked potatoes. A delectable and satiating repast after a morning of outdoor tasks.
A mushroom & mozzarella filled puff pastry. I brushed it with olive oil and sprinkled some finely grated Parmesan Reggiano on top. It looked akin to a loaf of crusty bread.
A 4-egg omelet accompanied by a beef tallow pastry (the latter was also filled with thyme & garlic mushrooms along with mozzarella).
The tallow pastry was much better than the suet pastry that I made before. This one was much flakier, and it had a much more pure and rich flavor. The mushrooms went exceptionally well with the pastry’s beefiness.
7/26/2021: This day began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s. This slight reduction in temperature is likely due to a decrease in humidity.
Morning of 7/26/2021: Some of the early day activities consisted of fixing old fences.
I wonder which board is the new one.
Lunch: A terrific meal procured from Sushi Bistro.
Midday in the central beef pasture.
Afternoon activity of 7/26/2021: Filling 12 more Moo-Magic bags.
Dinner: A delightful repast of Belgian Blue chuck roast accompanied by a fresh salad dressed with balsamic vinaigrette.
7/27/2021: A day of very similar temperatures to the last, but rain fell at noontime, and nearby thunderstorms cooled the afternoon.
Morning of 7/27/2021. The Gaur King is now 2 months old. That is a sizeable baby.
One of this morning’s activities was to close up some holes in a fence so bovines would stop reaching through to eat the weeds on the other side.
Lunch today: Bistec de Wagyu. A Wagyu round steak marinated in Italian Vinaigrette accompanied by a salad dressed in a similar fashion. The mini-baked-potatoes to the side were exceptionally fluffy.
Mid-afternoon in the central beef pasture.
Dinner: I decided to get off the farm for a dinner at La Cuisine. This was the delectable bread & butter starter.
My next course consisted of some Carrot, Coconut, & Curry soup accompanied by a braised Caesar salad. The former was downright novel (sweet & slightly spicy) while the latter was excellent as always.
A main course of smoked & fried calamari. Tremendous.
7/28/2021: A day beginning in the mid 70s and warming to the high 80s before cooling off into the low 80s in the afternoon with about an inch of rain.
Morning of 7/28/2021: One of this day’s early activities consisted of installing the toilet flange in Madre’s container.
It was successful.
Lunch today occurred at Lorito’s. This was the especially delicious chef salad dressed in their Italian vinaigrette.
And an extraordinarily large piece of pizza (one of the 3 slices that I consumed).
I found ‘someone’ who enjoys Malabar summer spinach…. or rather, ‘something’.
The chiltepins at the postern side of the garden are thriving. They are actually putting on more flower buds.
Dinner: A Master Blend Belgian Blue sirloin tip roast accompanied by a baked potato and Italian-dressed salad.
7/29/2021: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Temperatures cooled down in the mid-afternoon due to the arrival of a somewhat severe thunderstorm.
Lunch of 7/29/2021: Fried eggs and greens. It was delicious lunch, but a tad low in calories. Perhaps more than a tad low…. Padre and I were struggling later on in the day.
One of today’s tasks in the Madre-office consisted of laying vinyl plank floor down in the toilet room.
A closer look.
I also helped Madre attach the right door and then adjusted them to be level and square with one another.
Dinner: Sauteed beef, onion, and green bell pepper sandwiched between two slices of garlic-butter cheese pizza and drizzled in ‘Au jus’.
7/30/2021: This day began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm to the mid 90s. No rain occurred.
Morning of 7/30/2021: A mother Angus stands with her especially tiny embryo-transfer calf weighing (it weighed no more than 25 pounds).
Lunch today: A repast at Latinos Sabores. This soup was called Sopa Mondongo – a Peruvian fare consisting of stewed trip. The flavor of both the soup and the salad was terrific.
Mid-afternoon in the central beef pasture. A flock of ibis probe the mud with proboscis-like bills.
A view looking west from the southeastern most beef pasture (3:30 PM).
A convocation of all 4 Gaurs belonging to the central beef pasture.
3 Gaurs and a Blue.
A garlic-butter & mozzarella pan pizza destined for tomorrow’s pizza’jus sandwiches.
Dinner tonight occurred at La Cuisine. I did not expect to return so soon, but this night they were serving Master Blend Beef. Padre and I forewent tasting our beef, though, in favor of granting the reserved ribeye steak to a couple the next table over. They seemed to very much appreciate it.
This appetizer was a Gulf Shrimp & Parmesan Risotto served under a bed of arugula. It was delicious.
Middle-course: A very cheesy and rich French Onion Soup.
Main Course: A braised Caesar salad served with a platter of smoked & fried calamari. The beverage in the background was a very tasty Amaretto sour.
A snippet of Ritsabittle #32.
The original.
7/31/2021: A very warm day beginning in the mid 70s and warming into the mid 90s. No rain.
A morning project of 7/31/2021: Fixing the old fence near Madre’s office container.
Lunch today: Another episode of Pizza’jus sandwich. I would describe it as a form of hybrid French dip that utilizes pizza instead of baguette as the means of delivery.
Dinner: A Master Blend B.Blue Sirloin Tip steak accompanied by a delightful combination of lettuces from our neighbor Eduardo’s hydroponic garden.
Final Note: It is getting quite late in the day, and I have yet to make a delicious dinner. So, I shall end this week’s post with a few videos captured for the Master Blend monthly newsletter!