(Above: A slice of Master Blend Belgian Blue sirloin-tip roast atop a bed of arugula and served along with a couple miniature baking potatoes.)
7/18/2021: A very warm day beginning in the high 70s and proceeding to warm to the mid 90s before dropping back into the mid 80s when cloud cover arrived from the north. Pictures were scarce this morning due in part to the video that is shown below.
Midafternoon of 7/18/2021 in the central beef pasture.
Dinner: A chiltepin, mushroom, garlic, and Parmesan omelet along a fresh salad.
7/19/2021: A day of moderate temperatures and plenty of rain in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I experienced little of it because I was inside Jacobhouse sleeping away an ailment.
Morning of 7/19/2021.
We found that #338 finally had given birth to a pretty heifer calf.
Lunch today: A simple recuperative fare of a baked potato and greens.
Dinner of 7/19/2021: A Romaine salad, some grilled Master Blend Blue cubed steak, and a few delicious Padre-made baked potato skins.
7/20/2021: A warm and humid day beginning in the mid 70s and warming to the low 90s. No rain occurred in the afternoon.
Morning of 7/20/2021: Daughter, mother, and daughter.
Lunch today was procured from Sushi Bistro. To augment the onion soup (side), we added a softened red potato. It matched quite well.
The first tray o’ sushi. Eel avocado, Spicy Salmon, and Alaska.
Tray #2: A colorful combination of salmon and yellowtail.
Jacobhouse on the evening of 7/20/2021.
7/21/2021: This day began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s.
Morning of 7/21/2021.
While clearing some weeds off of the fence, I found this plant of admittedly delectable appearance almost akin to a Swiss Chard. On tasting it, I discovered it to be bitter and almost lemon-like in flavor. Due to the strong flavor, I decided I should probably not swallow it.
It may be a form of ‘dock’.
One of my morning tasks was to clear brush off the electric wire running along the top of this fence.
Lunch today: Delectable Belgian Blue beef wrapped in Romaine lettuce.
Dusk over the old ‘Cook house.
And a colorful moonrise.
7/22/2021: A day of temperature that were nearly identical to the prior. The only difference is that there was a brief bout of rain at 3 PM.
Morning of 7/22/2021: This Gaurling – the King Gaur – is only 1 month and 3 week old.
Lunch today: A pleasant and simple repast of Master Blend B. Blue cubed round accompanied by a small salad and a couple mini baked-potatoes.
Midafternoon of 7/22/202. The odd lighting was caused by an exceptionally close thunderstorm. The rain from that storm can actually be seen in the not-so-distant horizon.
An “air-potato leaf beetle” performing the task for which it was released by University of Florida: eat the air-potato leaves.
Dinner: A repeat of lunch, albeit the beef here was another form of Belgian Blue that was even more lean than lunch’s.
7/23/2021: A day beginning in the mid 70s and warming to the low 90s. Fortunately, rain arrived in the afternoon to cool things down a tad.
Morning of 7/23/2021: The humidity hung heavily in the air.
Today’s lunch occurred at Lorito’s. Padre and Madre acquired the pizza & salad while I opted for the Eggplant Parmesan and salad. It was a tremendous sandwich with so much cheese and such delectably fried eggplant that it reminded me of a ‘mozzarella stick’ sandwich.
Midafternoon in the southeast beef pasture.
Dinner tonight: A slice of Master Blend Belgian Blue sirloin-tip roast atop a bed of arugula and served along with a couple miniature baking potatoes.
7/24/2021: This was a warm day with a humid morning and a somewhat breezy and dry afternoon. Temperatures ranged between mid 70s and low 90s.
Dawn of 7/24/2021. A mite grey and foggy.
And a large-eared creature.
Lunch today: Farfalle lasagna accompanied by a salad dressed in Italian Vinaigrette and a refreshing Diet Coke.
Midafternoon in the south-east beef pasture.
Late afternoon in the middle-east beef pasture… Though, I suppose all the pastures are beef pastures now that the Holsteins have all gone home.
Dinner: A Master Blend British Blue sirloin tip steak accompanied by a baked potato and locally grown hydroponic lettuce.
Final Note: Recently, I’ve been reading about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs because I believe that it, along with Stoicism, can be a means of organizing and living one’s life in a manner that is both more structured and more understandable. After this past week, however, I find it surprising that health is not included on the roster of physiological needs. I have made the modification.
A couple additional notes:
It should be noted that these needs may occur and be tended to ‘out of order’, but according to Maslow, the base levels should be tended to first. Why? It actually comes down to mathematics. The base level needs – otherwise known as Deficiency Needs – are finite. The higher levels, on the other hand, are not only infinite but also demand more as one engages them.
During my study of this concept, I could not help but notice that consciousness has granted ‘the human animal’ three additional layers to a pyramid that would otherwise possess only one or two.
1 thought on “Week of 7/18/2021 – Convalescence”
Couple quick comments, which large eared creature was being referred to in that picture, and it seems that they’ve modified Maslow’s pyramid as I recalled only four levels. Also I agree with you addition of health.
Couple quick comments, which large eared creature was being referred to in that picture, and it seems that they’ve modified Maslow’s pyramid as I recalled only four levels. Also I agree with you addition of health.