(Above: Blue in a hat. Nothing more to be said here.)
6/27/2021: This day was partly cloudy with only a small amount of rain in the afternoon. Temperatures reached the low 90s.
A interesting bit of early morning reading: Boustrophedon text. This was the original way that people wrote (albeit it was in Latin), and despite the initially confusing appearance, I could not help but notice the benefits. Readers enjoying this kind of text are much less prone to ‘lose their line’.
Morning of 6/27/2021: Gaur #1 is now one month old.
Much-rooms growing upon the exposed insides of a hackberry tree.
Lunch today: A Master Blend Belgian Blue Osso Bucco served with an Italian-vinaigrette-dressed salad, watermelon, and a hunk of sourdough bread. Delectable.
A portrait of Gaur #2.
Another image of the ‘birthday boy’ Gaur #1. He is a growing fellow (probably weighs over double what he did at the beginning).
Sunset over the back of a Blue.
Dinner: A tallow-cooked omelet imbued with cheddar, garlic, and chiltepin peppers.
6/28/2021: Today’s weather was very similar to yesterday’s; there has been much less rain over the past two days and a warm, dry breeze blowing from the west.
Morning of 6/28/2021: The next Gaur-mother #489 was standing away from the herd, and her gut region seemed a tad hollow. Padre and I both believed that the birth was drawing near.
This morning I collected some chiltepin sprouts from where they were growing wild and transplanted them on the outer edge of the garden.
Hopefully they continue to look like this (and grow).
Lunch today: A delicious repast procured from Sushi Bistro. As can be seen at the lower right side of the tray, one of the chef’s decided to get creative with the eel & avacado roll.
The dessert tray of salmon & yellow-tail sushi.
By 2:15 PM, Gaur-mother was seen departing from the herd to go lay down at the top the hill, and within 1 hour and 15 minutes, she had given birth to a little brown ‘Selembu’ (Gaur-Brahman hybrid).
Dinner: A Belgian Blue cubed steak served alongside a spinach, cucumber, and onion salad.
6/29/2021: This morning began in the high 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 90s. Precipitation fell in the afternoon.
Lunch today: A terrific omelet filled with cheddar, chiltepin, onion, & garlic and topped with chives.
Midday in the beef pasture. A Great Egret can be seen over to the left.
Portrait of a tallow jar. I intend to attempt selling a few of these on Ebay.
A quart jar of tallow.
Dinner tonight: A chuck steak surrounded by a plenitude of Eduardo-grown hydroponic greens.
6/30/2021: A pleasant temperature range was experienced today, ranging from 75-82 F. This was maintained by rainfall which began around 11 AM and continued throughout the rest of the day.
Morning of 6/30/2021: Gaur-Mother #489 and her spawn.
A large cluster of false parasol mushrooms found just outside of the ‘King’ Gaur’s (Gaur #1) lot.
Ritsabittle #28 – An adventure to Silver Glen Springs. This time, however, I pulled out the paddle board and went exploring. Videos can be seen below.
A thunderstorm with plenty of lightning arrived, and I figured I should probably not be on the water. So, I returned to the car where I found it completely surrounded by a mud puddle.
After changing into dry clothes and finding that it was no longer raining, I ventured back to the Spring where I took a picture of its tranquil surface.
I also ventured down to the sand-boil springs.
Lunch today: Lorito’s. As always, the food was terrific. This was today’s Italian-dressed salad.
And here were some fantastically photogenic pizza slices.
A few excerpts of interest from “The Stoic Art of Living” by Tom Morris.
And a few more.
And a pleasant exercise that I actually have found myself practicing already within my 1-4 journal.
Mother #675 and daughter #961.
Dinner: A delicious piece o’ pastry filled with mushrooms, onion, tomato, sausage, cheddar, and Swiss Cheese.
7/1/2021: Today began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm to the mid-80s. Despite cloudcover, the lack of wind and high humidity caused significant sweating to occur.
Morning of 7/1/2021: A closer look at the old ‘Cook house swimming pool. It needs a little work.
Lunch today: A Master Blend B.Blue chuck steak accompanied by a delectable salad (Springmix was brought by my Uncle Wag mere moments before our sitting down to eat.)
A field full o’ growing grasses.
… and a beast to consume those grasses.
Flowering Jewels of Opar within the Jacobhouse garden.
A couple 1.5 egg French Omelets made for Madre and garnished with Salad Burnet.
My dinner: A garlic, chiltepin, & black pepper omelet accompanied by a spring mix & onion salad.
7/2/2021: Today began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm into the 80s. The cloud-cover was a tad thicker today and accompanied by a breeze, it was a bit more bearable than yesterday.
Morning of 7/2/2021: Sunlight piercing through the clouds and fog.
Morning Activity: Clearing even more brush away from around the swimming pool. I should note that I witnessed at least 20 frogs hop into the water after emitting a high-pitched shriek (the frogs, not me).
A tray of downright delectable sushi procured from the Sushi Bistro of Ocala.
A re-emergence of the tippler’s banes.
A glance from the grasses’ point of view (south east beef pasture).
A couple loaves of bread made for dinner this night and for lunch on the morrow.
A tallow-fried omelet filled with chiltepin, garlic, red bell pepper, onion, and Parmesan cheese. This is accompanied by a spring mix, arugula, and onion salad.
7/3/2021: Today began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. Frequent albeit light rainfall prevented temperatures from rising any higher.
Morning of 7/3/2021: I removed more weeds and weed trees from the west side of the frog-filled swimming pool.
Afternoon of 7/3/2021: Another day, another rain.
A not-so-adMIREable aspect of everyday rain.
Blue in a hat. Nothing more to be said here.
Dinner: A Blue Angus Sirloin Tip Roast accompanied by a spring mix salad topped with plenty of white onion.
Final Note: From Seneca to shrieking frogs to kingly Gaurs, novelty and change is the spice o’ life.
1 thought on “Week of 6/27/2021 – Blue in a Hat”
Great videos and pictures, Sextius offers quite the daily task with those questions
Great videos and pictures, Sextius offers quite the daily task with those questions