(Above: Lunch of 6/24. For the midday meal, Padre made a delectable-sounding request. I commenced to produce it. This is a Belgian Blue hamburger served atop a homemade sourdough bun.)
6/21/2021: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. The sky remained overcast, and there was a constant breeze from the south.
Morning of 6/20/2021. Grey and green.
This is a Margarita Pastry Pizza (tomato & basil without tomato sauce) prepared for lunch. Unfortunately, I did not procure a picture of the finished product. Just envision it with melted cheese and a crispy brown crust.
A herd of weanling B.blues and Wagyus in front of the Jacobhouse.
This is the second caterpillar I’ve found eating the collard leaves in the Hügelkultur garden.
Preparing Ossobuco for dinner. First, I seared the cross-cut beef shanks.
Next, I sauteed onion, tomato, and garlic (topped with salad burnet) and then deglazed the pan with Merlot.
After placing the shanks in a tomato-sauce-covered pan, I poured the tomato & onion mixture over the top, added more sauce, and gave it all a heavy sprinkling of Parmesan Reggiano.
The Jacobhouse garden at the end of an overcast day.
I had to tend to the Ossobuco soon after gardening, so instead of walking Blue, I fed her a giant wad of weeds. I don’t think the bovine minded too much.
A pan of cooked Ossobuco.
Plated Ossobuco with a garnish of Salad Burnet on top, a couple pieces of freshly baked sourdough bread, and a springmix salad. It was one of the best meals I’ve made in a while.
6/21/2021: Today began in the mid-70s again and proceeded to warm to the high-80s. The cloud-cover that was so prominent yesterday has remained intact.
Morning of 6/21/2021: Gaur #2 and her mother observe our passage.
A flock of white Ibis. The darker-feathered ones are the youngest birds.
Lunch today: A savory Wagyu round steak topped with an excellent Padre-made & Madre-dressed cucumber salad.
The tippler’s bane mushrooms have returned at the crest of the central beef pasture’s hill.
More o’ them.
Thankfully, the last of the fat has been cut and placed in the tallow pot. It shall render over-night and be ready for collection in the morning or early afternoon.
Snails copulating upon the kale.
Dinner tonight: A chiltepin & garlic omelet fried in tallow and served with a mountain of garden-fresh greenery.
6/22/2021: This morning began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm into the mid-80s. Clouds were prevalent throughout.
Dawn of 6/22/2021: A glance upward.
A morning task: picking over 100 chiltepin peppers for drying.
Lunch today occurred at Taste of Asia. I ate there with Padre and Madre, and this is the egg-noodle stirfry with shrimp, pork, and chicken. Vegetables included broccoli, onion, cabbage, and mushrooms. It was terrific!
Fresh-rolls stuffed with shrimp and vegetables. Served with a sweet peanut sauce. Somehow, I like these even more than the spring rolls.
Spring Rolls: Crunchy, savory, and filled with pork & vegetables.
Many-mini mushrooms growing in Gaur #1’s home lot.
A creepy sight: Someone’s lost stuff animal hiding behind a cluster of mushrooms.
Tree-snail. One of many on the ‘prowl’ for succulent algae.
Dinner: A beef-tallow fried egg accompanied by a fresh garden salad topped with onions.
6/23/2021: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. Cloud cover was prevalent and proceeded to develop into a full-fledged deluge around 2 PM.
Morning of 6/23/2021: The Jacobhouse kitchen is presently recovering from half a week’s worth of rendering tallow. Over the next couple of days, it will revert to its pristine and well-organized status.
Gaur #3 poking his head out from behind his mum’s tail.
Lunch at Grandma’s house. Today, I ventured over to Grandma’s at 9:15 AM (stopping by the store along the way), and there I taught my second-cousin Daniel how to cook Ossobuco. He did much of the preparation as I did the cleanup.
I specifically brought some salad burnet to garnish the top. The Ossobuco was quite popular with all,.
After a return home through the rain and some farm shenanigans, I took Blue for a walk. I have found that she is much more willing to have the halter put on every other day rather than every day. This evening, she actually ‘helped’ me put it on her head by proferring one ear and then the other.
6/24/2021: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s before falling into the low 70s with a deluge that occurred at 3 PM.
Morning of 6/24/2021: ‘Old Yellow Cow’ and her British Blue daughter reposing in the relatively cool morning temperatures.
I cut up this watermelon just before lunch today and could not help but note the thinness of the rind. In addition to this, the color, taste, and texture were all of utmost quality.
Lunch today: For the midday meal, Padre made a delectable-sounding request. I commenced to produce it. This is a Belgian Blue hamburger served atop a homemade sourdough bun.
Midday in the Jacobhouse pasture. A stormfront approaches.
This is approximately 20 minutes before the arrival of the late-afternoon deluge.
The Jacobhouse Garden. I used the oil-paint filter because it was somehow clearer than the image I took through my condensation-coated office window.
6/25/2021: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. It did not get much warmer due to cloud cover and the late afternoon rains.
Ritsabittle #28. Today’s adventure included a stop at 5 different locations: Salt Springs, Sabores Latinos, the Marion County Library Headquarters, Paramore Music, and the Harbison Farm Market. This image is of the same large air plant I took a picture of two weeks ago. Now, however, the ferns around it are fully opened.
Due to the drizzling and overcast weather, there were very few people in the spring.
A delicious lunch at Sabores Latinos including a bowl of beef stew, fried plantains, rice, half a cassava cake, and a salad dressed with mango-pineapple dressing. The small green container to the right side of the plate contained a spicy pepper sauce given to me by the restaurant owner Jose. It made for a tremendous addition to the meal.
A quote from the book that I have been reading at the Marion County Public Library over the past two weeks.
As I neared the Harbison Farm Market, I could not help but get out of the car and take a picture of this scene.
Dinner tonight: A Master Blend Wagyu shoulder roast. This was accompanied by a spinach / onion / red pepper salad, and a grand amount of watermelon.
Oil painting of an office spider: Dolores.
6/26/2021: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s briefly before being brought down into the 70s once more by a plenitude of precipitation.
Morning of 6/26/2021: Fog fell over a moisture inundated land.
The amount of fungi brought on by this week’s inches of rain (estimating around 7″) is incredible.
A morning activity: Clearing away the old compost bags and creating a new row in their stead. I intend to plant some chiltepins along this side of the fence. Ideally, they will prevent weed growth, and if cows get in my yard, they are not favorable to bovine taste buds.
Lunch today: Mini- Farfalle with red-bell pepper, purple onion, and mini-Blue meatballs. Seasonings included the now classic combination of chiltepins & garlic.
Dinner: A vertically cut beef shank reverse seared and then served atop a bed of spinach drenched in balsamic vinaigrette.
Final Note: Action is a far more reliable source of inspiration than inspiration itself. (Video)
1 thought on “Week of 6/20/2021 – Burgers and inspiration through action.”
Lots of tasty food this week, plus food for thought… thanks for sharing
Lots of tasty food this week, plus food for thought… thanks for sharing