(Above: The second Gaur. This one is a heifer and appears much more gracile than last week’s bull. There are two more Gaur-spawn that are 10 days overdue; we may need to induce the mothers within a week if nothing happens.)
5/30/2021: This day began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s. Humidity remains scant.
Morning of 5/30/2021: The Gaur-gus or An-Gaur rises from its resting spot in a pile of sticks.
It next commenced to peer at me with its exceptionally large eyes.
The collard-garden is beginning to grow more now that it has some reprieve from the midday sun.
Sunflowers and bovines in the late afternoon of 5/30/2021.
A cross-section of last night’s lasagna. I count 4 layers of noodles.
Dinner tonight: Leftover lasagna along with a salad comprised of garden greens.
A chocolate cake I made for someone’s upcoming birthday.
As can be seen, it ended up more as a brownie rather than a cake. There were no complaints.
5/31/2021: Again, due to the dryness of the air, today exhibited a 30 degree temperature range between low 60s and low 90s. Clouds are becoming more common.
Morning of 5/31/2021: The Cracker Cow and her calf repose in the early sun’s light.
Lunch: This marvelous repast was procured from Sushi Bistro.
Mid-afternoon in the central beef pasture (during field inspection).
A tremendous-looking watermelon with a ‘Mercedes’ heart. But what resided in the depths?
It was actually a tad scary in the center this time. Still delicious, though.
Late-afternoon in the middle pasture: Many of the cows sought respite in the shade, but a prevailing breeze from the southwest allowed a number to graze somewhat comfortably on what little they could find.
6/1/2021: A day beginning in the high 60s and warming to the high 80s. A warm dry wind blew from the west.
Morning of 6/1/2021: More brush-clearing around the old ‘Cook house swimming pool took place.
Lunch today: A delectable fish & egg scramble tucked into some crispy corn tortilla shells.
Midafternoon in the south-east beef pasture.
Just a picture of the improving ‘Cook House yard.
Stacks of shavings delivered and placed in high-traffic locations for the sake of keeping June’s impending muddiness at bay. It may not look it now, but rain is most assuredly coming.
The fully stocked Moo-Magic stand.
Alongside leftovers, a freshly cut melon accompanied our evening meal. This one was likely the best yet.
6/2/2021: A day whose temperatures were akin to the prior’s with the differentiation of a light sprinkling of rain.
Morning of 6/2/2021: A bovine kicks sand onto her back to knock off irksome flies.
A temperate morning with a breeze blowing in from the east.
Ritsabittle #25: A return to Salt Springs.
For about 2.5 hours I enjoyed reading a book (Jules Verne’s “800 Leagues through the Amazon), playing accordion, and taking a dip in the pristine water.
After Salt Springs, I met my friend Shae at “Taste of Asia” where we commenced to eat a truly delectable meal. The appetizer consisted of a couple pan-fried spring rolls served atop a bed of exceptionally fresh lettuce.
We also procured Boba “tea” as our beverage. These, however, were not so much Tea as they were smoothies with Boba (tapioca) residing in the bottom.
And the main course? Pho served with beef slices, chicken, shrimp, and spiced up with cilantro, jalapeno pepper, and some very spicy chili sauce. It was all tremendous and freshly cooked.
On returning home and finding that it was a light farm afternoon, I took 30 minutes to clear some more bushes from around the old ‘Cook house swimming pool.
6/3/2021: Today began in the high 60s and warmed to the high 80s. A heavy bout of precipitation occurred late in the afternoon, yielding about 3/4″.
Morning of 6/3/2021:
We found a bovine-filled hole during beef pasture inspection.
A pleasant dawn scene with a cow and a calf both flopped out on their sides dozing.
More progress in the ‘Cook yard.
While I had the loppers, I also took care of tree limbs that were beginning to invade the garden entrance.
Lunch today: Padre, Madre, and I ate at Aneta’s Bistro today. This, of course, is a bowl of their delectable cabbage salad.
Cabbage salad, blood sausage, and soup. All utterly excellent.
An image taking during the mid-afternoon beef pasture inspection.
This is the inflatable SUP (Stand-up-paddleboard) that I ordered last week. It shall very likely make it into the next Ritsabittle.
Jacobhouse garden during a rainy dusk.
Chiltepin peppers harvested both as a cooking reagent and for the seeds they contain. Ideally, I’d like to plant 2-3 rows of these so I can have plenty to experiment with (drying, crushing, marinades, and etc.).
Leftover lasagna is the best lasagna, and that is exactly what I had for dinner alongside some freshly harvested garden greens.
6/4/2021: This day began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Sprinklings of rain fell throughout.
Lunch today: Chiltepin & Garlic stuffed omlete served ‘taco-style’ on corn tortillas and accompanied by a salad comprised of locally-grown greens.
More fortification of the southeastern-most corner of the farm (I inserted more wire and moved some sticks in front of an opening that calves could potentially pass through.)
The Blue. She almost let me ride her tonight; I think it will happen in the future.
Afternoon activity: The installation of a door-closer on the Master Blend freezer room’s entrance door.
6/5/2021: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm to the low 90s. Humidity has returned.
Morning of 6/5/2021: The air was rife with warmth and moisture.
The second Gaur. This one is a heifer and appears much more gracile than last week’s bull.
A morning activity: Filling up 12 Moo-Magic compost bags.
Another morning project: Creating a tow-hitch for the Segway with which we should be able to pull a bicycle carriage.
Today’s lunch occurred at Mimi’s Cafe with five fellow MeetUp group members belonging to the “Young Professionals of Ocala & the Villages”. It was a pleasant repast, and I got to meet new people. Overall, it was a very good experience.
The main course: a Smoked Salmon omelet topped with sour cream, onions, and capers. Roasted potatoes were served to the side.
Dusk of 6/5/2021: A purple basil plant whose flavor is actually somewhat citrusy when compared to normal green basil.
The *crunch crunch* and *heavy breathing* sounds are prevalent.
Final Note: Summer has arrived, but so has my paddle board. That should make for some pleasant and interesting adventures within the coming weeks.