(Above: This is likely the first Gaur-related creature born in Florida, and I would not be surprised if is the first ever Angus-Gaur hybrid.)
5/23/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s. Cloud-cover was sparse.
Morning of 5/23/2021: Building a small hooped shade-hut for the collard garden.
An ‘ancient’ shade-cloth that I found in the far west portion of the hay barn. Its last use likely occurred over 15 years ago (hence the amount of dust on it…. it is usually black).
(Left) Matriarch #326, (middle) her current British Blue son, and (right) her Matrix daughter.
Lunch: A Master Blend Wagyner Blue chuck steak accompanied by a hefty amount of locally grown greens and some store-bought spinach.
Afternoon-activity: Taping over Mini-cow #402’s teats so her offspring ceases nursing on them. Indeed, the poor calf forgot how to nurse the front teats and was therefore starving itself via sucking on the vestigial back teats.
Another mid-afternoon stack: Blackberries from the south beef pasture.
Watermelon of the Mercedes sort.
Late afternoon of 5/23/2021. A pretty picture until peering down….
Another IV on a hapless Wagyu calf.
Dinner tonight: Leftover margarita pastry, a pile o’ greens, and some corkscrew noodles in a ‘sauce’ of sauteed: garden-grown zucchini & summer squash, tomatoes, garlic, garden-picked basil & salad burnet, and garlic. Parmesan, pecorino, olive oil, and butter were also added to grant the dish a little bit of savor.
5/24/2021: This day began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm into the 90s. Humidity was quite lacking, though, and made things manageable. The picture count is low today, because I had many Master Blend dealings in the morning, and in the afternoon, there were many farm tasks, including catching recipient cows for sale, calves for weaning, checking the pastures, and filling Moo-Magic bags.
Dawn of 5/24/2021: I cut down about 3/4 of the tree directly behind the Master Blend sign. I want to remove it because its center was weak and had split off into many different limbs; that, and the pecan trees to either side need room to stretch and grow.
Lunch today was procured from the Sushi Bistro after making a beef delivery to La Cuisine.
Mid-afternoon of 5/24/2021.
5/25/2021: This day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm to the low 90s. Humidity remains lacking and therefore exhibits desert-like qualities.
Dawn of 5/25/2021: We have been checking the Gaur-mothers every morning. Thus far, there is no sign of calving despite the due date arriving in two days.
The collard garden with the newly installed shade-cloth cover.
Today I finished removing the wild cherry tree, and it really opened up the farm’s entrance.
Lunch: A reverse seared local grown pork chop accompanied by greens of similar origin.
Midday of 5/25/2021.
I found this cocoon hanging from one of the salad burnet plants. It appeared akin to a ‘whirlwind’ comprised almost entirely of salad burnet stems.
Bovines feasting on a pile of weeds I threw over the fence.
…and speaking of weeds, the Malabar Summer Spinach has experienced a rebirth.
5/26/2021: Today began in the mid 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid 90s. The humidity remains lacking.
Morning of 5/26/2021: Accordion repairs. One of the lowest tones on the treble keyboard were stuck, so I had to remove 6 minuscule screws to see what was the cause.
An inspection unveiled a piece of epoxy – likely from the manufacturing process – that had lodged itself under a couple of the dampers.
A closer glance at the obstruction.
Ritsabittle #24: Another adventure on the Rainbow River. This time I did not go to the headsprings but instead explored the Devil’s Elbow (the deepest part of the Rainbow River).
Lunch: Today lunch occurred at Aneta’s Bistro with Padre and Madre. I feasted upon cabbage salad, house salad, blood sausage, and some very fresh ‘home-made’ bread (still warm from baking).
Potential Gaur-Mother #318 displaying her impressive stature.
Padre, sunflowers, and much dust.
Potential Gaur-Mother #249. We believe she is getting ready to calve.
Dinner: A Master Blend F2 Wagyu Shoulder roast accompanied by a plenitude of garden greens and some particularly excellent watermelon.
5/27/2021: A toasty day beginning in the high 60s and warming into high 90s. The weather has remained very dry.
Dawn of 5/27/2021: A newborn Gaur-Angus hybrid sleeps with its head on its mother’s hind leg.
A flick of Mother #249’s tail awakened her offspring.
And for the first time, we got to see its unique ear shape.
The calf was quite sizeable, weighing what appears to be 80-85 lbs.
This is likely the first Gaur-related creature born in Florida, and I would not be surprised if is the first ever Angus-Gaur hybrid.
Belgian Blue #775 during our nightly walk. Mouth-blur occurred due to her vigorous mastication.
A Philly pizza with green pepper, onion, mushroom, Colby cheddar, and Belgian Blue ground beef as toppings.
A garlic-butter & mushroom pizza made for the Madre who procured groceries this day.
Dinner: The aforementioned pizzas accompanied by a hefty mound of garden-grown greens.
5/28/2021: In regard to weather, this day was markedly similar to the last.
Dawn of 5/28/2021: The 6:50 AM sun shone in through Jacobhouse’s office window.
Mid-afternoon of 5/28/2021. Bovines stampeded their way into the barn, kicking up much dust as they did so. From my angle, the shadow looked particularly defined.
The fields are really yearning for a good watering.
A ‘bird pepper’ bush found just southeast of Jacobhhouse. I plucked some of the tiny red peppers to use a spice in my upcoming dinner. They are of similar heat profile to habanero.
In my opinion, the most impressive part of this image is the fact that the distant compost heap nearly exceeds the pay-loader’s height.
My Uncle Wag mowed in front of the old ‘Cook house today. It really is looking a lot better already.
Dinner tonight: A Master Blend Blue cubed steak seasoned with garlic & ‘bird-pepper’ butter. Served along with a hefty salad and plenty of pan-blackened vegetation.
Post-dinner Gaur Check: The young one was sleeping quite soundly, and I was able to gently scratch it atop the head.
5/29/2021: Temperatures today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the low 90s.
Morning of 5/29/2021: A Belgian Blue cow displaying an oddly humanoid rump.
Morning activity: Filling up 12 bags of Moo-Magic. Minutes after I had deposited them at the stand, a customer came and procured 5.
Lunch today: A Wagyu round steak dressed in sauteed onions, bird peppers (chiltepins), and garlic, and accompanied by a large green salad.
In the afternoon, we concluded farm activities a tad early, and I commenced to make a large lasagna with homemade noodles, Master Blend Blue ragu, and a home-mixed ricotta mixture. This is before cooking, of course.
While the lasagna cooked, I performed a beef pasture inspection with Padre and walked the Blue.
Homemade lasagna post-cook.
Final Note: I have now been rising at 5:30 AM for two weeks, and for those two weeks, I have spent the first 1.5 hours of my day performing calisthenic exercises and one hour of writing. It is the most productive writing I have accomplished in over a year, and I attribute this to two factors: the selection of a specific time for performing the task and the sheer lack of distractions. Writing and sipping a beverage as dawn emerges on a still-sleeping landscape is an enriching experience.
1 thought on “Week of 5/23/2021 – The Gaur”
Much appreciated your blog, as always. Early mornings offer many gifts, but you already know that.
Much appreciated your blog, as always. Early mornings offer many gifts, but you already know that.