(Above: A trip to Silverglen Springs. When I arrived, there were less than 7 people in the park, including myself.)
5/16/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid-80s. Cloud cover was sparse.
Dawn of 5/16/2021: The sunflowers become more sunny.
Morning activity: Creating noodles for a delectable lunch of spaghetti and meatballs.
A close-up of the sunflower lot. This picture was taken via my lifting the camera above a low-section of sunflowers while riding the Segway.
An image of Jacobhouse with Blue-back in the foreground.
Dusk of 5/16/2021 – the Jewels of Opar flowering after a morning watering.
5/17/2021: Today began in the mid 60s and proceeded to warm to the high-80s. Dry.
Dawn of 5/17/2021: Blue patterned white.
One of this morning’s activities was to fill 12 moo-magic bags.
A delectable lunch procured from Sushi Bistro after helping my friend Shae regain his new car (which was being repaired after being ran over by a Yeeyee in the Winn Dixie parking lot.)
One of this afternoon’s farm tasks was to repair a broken section of panel with a couple pieces of plywood.
An adventure with Blue into the sunflowers.
Dinner: A delectable repast of Belgian Blue cubed steak, fried egg, and garden fresh Kale.
5/18/2021: Morning began in the low 60s, and the day proceeded to warm into the mid 80s.
Dawn of 5/18/2021: This morning began with a brief search for the ‘Hider’. The calf was in its favorite tree-line, albeit it was tad more to the west than usual.
Backing away from the Moo-Magic stand after having delivered a new batch of compost bags via loader.
Lunch today: Leftover Spaghetti and meatballs accompanied by a salad of plentiful kale, jewels of Opar, and very-late-seasons arugula.
Mini-cow #402 has given birth to a not-so-mini calf. It is grey in color and has a ‘bald’ head.
Dinner tonight: Master Blend Blue sirloin tip steak accompanied by a salad of garden-grown kale and a small pile of garden-grown zucchini and summer squash.
5/19/2021: This day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. Rain fell sporadically (and very lightly when it did so).
Ritsabittle #23 (and morning of 5/19/2021): A journey to Silverglen Springs. When I arrived, there were less than 7 people in the park (including myself).
Another journey down Lake George Trail. It changes every time I venture down it, and this time’s ‘theme’ was an increase in verdure and arthropods.
This appeared to be some form of morning glory or trumpet vine. I don’t believe I’ve every seen such pale white encircling such rich purple (when it comes to flora).
View from the bench at the end of the trail.
The same picture-spot where I took one of my original images of Lake George. This time, I picked up a piece of trash – a Pepsi can – and got a ‘third’ tick for my efforts. Indeed, it must be tick season, as I found 3 crawling on my socks before departing the park and one crawling up ME when I returned home!
At about noon, the Silverglen swimming area really began to fill up.
Lunch today was eaten at Lorito’s. I procured the classic daily special of 2 pizza slices, a salad, and a Diet Coke.
The fellow at the counter cooked my pieces a tad long, but as he was about to toss them, I told him to stop and show them to me. What ensued was an especially delicious fare that was as good as if not better than the normally cooked slices. He gave me them for free.
On returning home, I helped search for and locate a couple missing calves. It seems to be a new trend for these calves to go hide in the south-eastern tree line.
Before walking Blue, I fabricated a provisional show-stick. This was mostly for the purpose of poking fun at Hannah who has not yet remembered to bring my show-stick with her during AI classes, but I was surprised to find that it worked very well.
The hollow PVC also provides a place for me to store ‘reward greens’ and has enabled me to begin training Blue that the show-stick is a reward, not a punishment.
This screw acts as proper and very effective ‘brisket scratcher’ which Blue seems like like just as much as the prior stick’s.
Dinner tonight: A Master Blend Belgian Blue tri-tip roast…
… accompanied by plenty of local-grown hydroponic greens, watermelon, and a glass of Nero D’Avola wine.
5/20/2021: This day began in the mid 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. Partly cloudy.
Morning of 5/20/2021: The Jacobhouse Garden after some manicuring (cutting moldy leaves off of the zucchini and summer squash plants, spraying the remaining leaves with a diluted milk mixture, and weeding).
Today’s lunch occurred at Aneta’s Bistro where I ate a cabbage salad, house salad, and a large bowl of bean soup.
Of course, being that it is Thursday, I partook of a red currant doughnut, as well.
Inside the doughnut.
Mid-afternoon of 5/20/2021 in the south-east pasture.
A blue-tailed skink sunning itself on the ‘skink fence’ near the Master Blend freezer room.
Much of this delectable watermelon – procured yesterday from a man beside the road – was consumed for dinner. Fortunately, I have three more melons back at Jacobhouse.
5/21/2021: This day began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s before cooling down in the late afternoon back into the 70s (a minor ‘front’ of sorts swept through).
Lunch today: A ‘heart’-healthy Master Blend Blue Sirloin Tip steak accompanied by a plenitude of garden-fresh greens.
This is the view from my ‘waiting spot’ where I observe when beef customers are coming up the driveway.
The Blue displaying an age-worn expression beyond her years.
Dusk of 5/21/2021.
A pastry-crusted Margarita Pizza (Tomato, Basil, and Parmesan).
Dinner: the aforementioned Margarita pizza laying atop a bed of greens and accompanied by some freshly cut watermelon.
5/22/2021: This day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into mid-80s.
Dawn of 5/22/2021: Three Belgian Blues nibbling on some green in the beef calves’ feed lane.
Beef Pasture at midday of 5/22/2021.
For some reason, something about the set-up of these flowers and ‘follicles’ remind me of a molecular model.
An especially large courgette laying atop a medium-sized summer squash. Both were harvested from the Jacobhouse garden.
Final Note: It has been a busy week, and I am looking forward to returning to the water. The paddle-board calls.