(Above: Just a typical sight of a full grown Angus bull being gently led through a crowd of cow-show folk.)
4/25/2021: From east to west, this path suddenly ends. From west to east, it suddenly begins.
Bovine training: I tied Blue to the shady side of Jacobhouse for a good 15 minutes where she commenced to graze on the grass, nearby arugula, and protruding kale.
Blue in a chute (after cleaning).
I even brushed her legs down to her hooves, and she never even attempted to kick or jump. Blue is a well-tempered creature.
Jewels of Opar in full bloom… likely on account of last night’s rainfall. They seem to flower most at dusk after having been watered.
Dinner tonight: Padre-made beef & tomato pizza, a pepperoni & gruyere pastry swirl, and a salad composed mostly of Swiss chard. It was all delectable.
4/26/2021: Today began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. The skies remained mostly sunny.
Morning of 4/26/2021: More brush-clearing around the Grandma Cook House.
The pile has now grown to such an extent that it is hiding my hard work…. when standing right next to the pile, that is.
Lunch today: Ground Belgian Blue beef atop a heap of prime spring mix.
Midafternoon of 4/26/2021: many bovines grazing on the recently rain-watered grass.
Sagyu of the week. After finding the poor creature splayed out like this, Padre and I commenced to IV it. (As of 5/2/2021, this calf still lives and has some hope of recovery.)
The tall and very-old oak standing just northeast of the Grandma Cook house. I took this picture while walking Blue.
4/27/2021: This day began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. The sun’s presence was prevalent. Apologies for the lack of images; I neglected to take pictures of this morning’s Grandma Cook House progress.
Lunch of 4/27/2021 – A plenitude of cold, quality sushi procured from Sushi Bistro of Ocala.
Mid-afternoon: Padre teaching yet another Wagyu to nurse while Wag holds the mother cow’s tail and I hold a box over her head to keep her calm.
Dinner of 4/27/2021: Fortunately I remembered to take a picture of this beef, potato, and onion pastry before it was entirely gone. The fat from the beef had inundated the crust while the butter from the crust had soaked into the beef. How is such a marvelous thing possible?
4/28/2021: This day began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm to the high-80s. By midday, the sun was truly scorching. Fortunately, Padre and I were able to make it away to Salt Springs.
Morning of 4/28/2021: A quality of of life improvement for Segway users… no more attempting to detach the chain from barbed wire fence.
More clearing around the Grandma Cook house. The dwelling can now be seen from the end of the driveway.
Lunch today: A light repast of fried eggs and a salad comprised almost primarily of Swiss Chard.
The Sagyu found a friend and was using that new companion as a pillow.
Ritsabittle #19 – A short swimming-trip to Salt Springs. This is a picture of yet another 200+ year old oak to be found on the way to the spring.
The Springs themselves were a brilliant blue-green, and the water level was up by at least three-quarters of a foot.
On returning to the farm, Padre and I performed a beef pasture inspection. On our way out, we vaccinated this newly born calf. It’s mother was a Belgian Blue hybrid who performed her matronly duties quite well.
Ricotta-stuffed shells topped with mozzarella, pecorino romano, and Parmesan Reggiano. The sauce was home-made blend of crushed tomatoes and tomato paste along with assorted olive oils and spices.
And, of course, the Osso-Bucco. This is cross-cut beef shank served in a red sauce, and in this case served along with some delectable stuffed-shells.
A slightly different view.
4/29/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s. It was partly cloudy and quite dry.
Lunch of 4/29/2021: Aneta’s Bistro. Today’s repast began with a freshly made cabbage salad. It was both refreshing and satiating after a busy morning.
The main course was Goulash soup sporting hearty chunks of pork and plenty of delicious slow-cooked vegetables.
After Aneta’s, we stopped by Nickles’ produce stand and procured three watermelons. The first of the season!
Today I also made two loaves of sourdough bread. One is for dinner tonight (dunking in yesterday’s tomato sauce), and the other loaf shall be utilized to make BLT’s for tomorrow’s Ritsabittle to a cow show.
A wall of Jasmines espied whilst walking Blue. The scent was fragrance incarnate.
4/30/2021: This day began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s. Virtually cloudless throughout. Due to the newness of this day’s cow-show experience, I failed to acquire more than one picture, and because I arrived home at 10:17 PM, I had to keep this day’s post short. Tomorrow’s return to the show will bear more content.
Dawn of 4/30/2021.
The day’s primary event: visiting Hannah and her family at the cow show.
5/1/2021: A warm day beginning in the mid 60s and warming to the mid 80s. Sun was shining fully.
This day’s Grandma Cook House cleanup task consisted of cleaning up around the back yard’s central oak.
Progress on the yard.
After completing the day’s writing and a few other tasks, I made a return to the cow show. Today’s showing consisted of judging the actual animals, not the showmanship. There were some club calves of ridiculous proportion (some of which can be seen in this picture).
Just a typical sight of a full grown Angus bull being gently led through a crowd of cow-show folk.
Typically, I’d keep such spectacles to myself, but I found this solitary portable toilet on the way out of the horse park. Between the solitude and the tree’s… leaning… nature, I thought it made for an interesting picture.
Blue walk of 5/1/2021. After a day of combatting flies and heat, Blue was particularly rambunctious on this walk.
Dinner: Freshly wrought sausage pan pizza along with a salad comprised of local hydroponically grown lettuce. Nero D’Avola was the beverage of choice.
Final Note: This week was my first introduction to a cow-show. From what I could gather, it was a pleasant and quite relaxed setting where people visit while awaiting their turn to show their well-pampered bovines. As for the showing itself with the multifarious preparations and handling guidelines, I had no idea there was so much to it until I witnessed the event firsthand. Showing Blue is going to make for an interesting affair.