3/28/2021: This day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s. Cloud cover was very spotty, and humidity was almost entirely lacking.
Dawn of 3/28/2021.
A newborn Wagyu so fresh ‘out of the oven’ that it was still steaming when Padre and I found it.
A couple mini-omelettes filled with delectable Blue-Beef morsels and sauteed onion.
Lunch today: The aforementioned omelettes alongside a plenitude of salad (comprised of local hydroponic lettuce, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper.)
Late afternoon of 3/28/2021.
An additional afternoon activity: Filling up 12 Moo-Magic bags.
Dinner: Padre-made beef & tomato pizza along with me-made garlic 3-cheese (mozzarella, Parmesan Reggiano, and Pecorino Romano) pizza. Both were accompanied by a salad comprised of local garden greens.
3/28/2021: Today began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm to the high 70s. Clouds were scarce early in the day, but proceeded to fill the sky later on.
Dawn of 3/29/2021: I prepared the Bovibench for post attachment.
The creeping-caterpillar tree (and fire hydrant) found at the Silver Springs Lowe’s.
A closer glance at the hydrant and trunk; there were so many caterpillars that the latter seemed like it was ‘crawling’.
And an even closer glance at the hydrant.
Lunch today: A delicious repast procured from Sushi Bistro.
The aged water oak of the southeast pasture adorned with gilded wreaths of cat’s claw creeper.
The Bovibench is completely steady on its four legs. I can now finally begin to measure and cut the cow-wood planks for the siding.
3/30/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s F. Light drizzling rain fell intermittently throughout.
Dawn of 3/30/2021: High contrast was utilized to reveal the distant sunbeam in the east.
Lunch today: Master Blend Wagyner Blue tacos topped with sour cream, onion, cilantro, and Odd Todd’s salsa.
Midafternoon of 3/30/2021: More rain is on the way.
Late-afternoon activity: Cutting cow-wood 2x6s for the sides of Bovibench.
Dinner tonight: A garlic-zucchini omelette whose bulk was comprised of six farm-fresh eggs.
3/31/2021: This morning began in the mid 60s and throughout the day proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. At evenfall, a cool breeze emanated from a front to the east.
Ritsabittle #15: Blue Springs & Juniper Springs. The former was a ‘scouting voyage’ due to the unexpected closure of the swimming area, and the latter was a pleasant adventure book-ended by bouts of swimming. (This image is from the Blue Springs Trail.)
The Blue Springs headwaters.
One of the unique attributes of the Blue Springs swimming area is how it extends over 1/4 mile which can be also be used as a tubing run.
Juniper Springs: About 10 feet away from the headwaters.
Underwater scenery of the Juniper Springs.
Another glance at the main spring.
I found the trail to Fern Hammock Springs closed, but no reprimands for following it were cited. So, I obliged myself and stepped over the sign.
An image of Juniper Creek taken from the trail.
A quaint and quiet path through Floridian jungle.
This, and three broken planks were the only bits of disrepair I found on the trail. I should note, however, that some the planks did seem a bit ‘spongy’, so I endeavored to stay above the central support.
At the end of the boardwalk, I found Fern Hammock Springs (a sand-boil sort akin to Mud Springs).
It almost did not seem real.
Back at home: I cut the seat-pieces for Bovibench.
I also tested a new hinge configuration; I’m still not certain how I’m going to put them on yet.
After working on Bovibench and tending to a Master Blend customer, I walked Blue, petted her, and fed her apples. I’m not sure who is being trained more. Me or the bovine?
Dinner; Master Blend Blue Cubed Steak tacos. After a day of very little sustenance, this was a grand repast.
4/1/2021: Today began in the high 60s and proceeded to cool to the low 50s. The sky, meanwhile, was quite cloudy (and even a tad rainy) at the beginning and sunny at the end.
Dawn of 4/1/2021. This is 884, one of the purest Angus creatures that we have on the farm.
This green onion floret was almost the size of my palm.
This banded sky is indicative of impending weather changes. Cool weather is making a brief return.
Master Blend Wagyner Blue shoulder roast.
With a plenitude of greens and a glass of Nero D’Avola, the shoulder roast made for a splendid meal.
On the way back to Jacobhouse, I found a couple bullocks standing quite intimidatingly in front of the fore-gap.
4/2/2021: A chilly day beginning in the 30s and ending in the high 60s. Sunny through & through.
Dawn of 4/2/2021.
The garden is flowering in every row now except for the kale on the west side (and the ancient kale at the center).
This is why I make marinara sauce before cleaning Jacobhouse.
4/3/2021: There was actually frost on the ground this morning, but the sun rapidly melted it and warmed the day to the low 70s.
Dawn of 4/3/2021.
This may very well be the first Gaur-Mother.
16 compost bags ready for the Moo-Magic stand before 9:15 AM.
Midday of 4/3/2021: Blue sky and scattered clouds.
More progress on the Bovi-bench; today I began choosing and marking which pieces I wanted to use for the front.
Carrot cake cupcakes produced – from cake to frosting to carrot – by cowmrade Hannah. The whole thing was delicious, but I was especially impressed by how she actually made the carrots by melting white chocolate, dyeing it, and drizzling it onto parchment paper to cool.
Dinner: Master Blend B.Blue Chuck Roast reverse-seared to medium rare and accompanied by a salad composed of gala & granny smith apples, strawberries, and garden-grown kale. A truly unique fare.
Final Note: Ritsabittle #15 was a bit much of a drive for my liking (I believe it was over 3.5 hours in-car once again), but there is no doubt that Juniper Springs provided a fantastic adventure. For this upcoming week’s Ritsabittle, I intend to find a nice quiet spring, play accordion, swim, eat somewhere, and then return home for a relaxing rest-of-day where I will likely work on the Bovibench. I’m already looking forward to it.