(Above: Dawn of 3/29/2022: View of taxco from one of Casa Spratling’s many terraces.)
3/27/2022: Today began in the low 50s and proceeded to warm into the high 70s. Sunny throughout.
Early morning of 3/27/2022: One of my tasks was to shovel out the feed troughs just east of Jacobhouse. At the time, I found it hard to imagine that I would be waking up in Taxco two mornings hence.
Central beef pasture without the beef. [3/27/2022]
Lunch: Egg tacos accompanied by a Padre-made and Madre-dressed salad. Very enjoyable and satiating.
In my brother’s words: a wacky-legged Wagyu. Padre and I fed it a hefty dose of colostrum replacer because it could not stand up and nurse on its own.
Dinner consisted of a Belgian Blue burger-steak accompanied by a Padre-wrought / Jacob-dressed salad. I also finished off the Robert Hall Merlot. It all made for a tremendous combination.
Dessert: A fruit plate bearing blueberries, strawberries, banana, and a large dollop of lemon-imbued cream (1 cup heavy cream, 1/2 tbsp sugar, and 1 packet of real-lemon powder.)
3/28/2022: A day beginning in the low 50s and warming to the high 70s. Sunny. This goes both for Florida and México.
Dawn of 3/28/2022.
I took about 30 minutes this morning to finish the fence repairs I had begun on the shade-barn a few days before.
A bit sturdier.
I made sure to cook a fairly satiating lunch today, because I knew it would be a number of hours before I ate again. This is a beef, egg, and onion frittata topped with Salsa verde and accompanied by plenty of Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
Madre brought me down to Orlando MCO Airport, and by 4:31 PM, I was taking off for México. Florida has a lot of water.
… but not as much as the Gulf.
México, on the other hand, is arid.
The approach to México City.
A glance at the colors of Ciudad de México as we came in to land.
On arriving in México City and swiftly passing through customs, it took about 45 minutes to an hour to get my bag. Something was holding up the works, and there were 4-5 different flights waiting on the same carousel to start up. After procuring my bag it was a 3 hour trip to Taxco (additional 30 minutes due to México City traffic).
The arrival in Taxco was an interesting affair. Due to the late hour, the Zocalo wifi was turned off. I had no means of contacting my AirBnb Host, Violante, at Scaffecito. So, by memory, I simply trekked my way to the restaurant. I took one wrong turn, but soon realized my mistake and turned back onto the right path. On arrival, I accessed the restaurant’s wifi (still in my phone from our last trip), and contacted Vio. She had been waiting for me in a somewhat motherly-worried fashion, and was quite happy when I arrived. She asked if there was anything she could do, and I asked if there were any nearby places where I could eat, because I had only eaten a few pistachios since lunch. She proceeded to offer her services as a chef, and whipped up this fare as I got cleaned up and arranged the room to my liking. The gnocchi was tender, the tomato sauce was exceptionally flavorful with plenty of Parmesan and garlic, and the buttered toast was a side bonus. After consuming that meal, and taking a shower, I was ready for sleep… and I did.
3/29/2022: Today began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. Sunny throughout.
Morning at Casa Spratling (Scaffecito). 8.5/10
Dawn of 3/29/2022: View of taxco from one of Casa Spratling’s many terraces.
Santa Prisca Cathedral, as seen through a little brick-lined window adorning the stairwell down to Casa Spratling’s Restaurant, S.Caffecito.
Morning view from the window that Padre and I sat at last time at S.Caffecito.
A siamese cat recline atop one of the restaurant sunshades. It knew what it was about… spoiled creature. Restaurant & Airbnb owner Violante seems a kindly matron to all creatures to visit her property.
My breakfast consisted of a fruit bowl, granola, and yogurt. I particularly enjoyed the variety of fruit which consisted of: banana, papaya, mango, pineapple, and jícama. I should note that that jícama is not a fruit but a neutral flavored root. This root, however, absorbed the juices of the other fruit and gave the ‘salad’ great variety in texture.
Lunch at Santa Fe – Delectable local fare, good service, and reasonable price. 7.5/10
Santa Fe restaurant. Today, I enjoyed the marinated beef (a flap or skirt steak) fajita. I discovered after I departed that I should be taking pictures of the menu so I know the exact name of the meal. I’m still learning.
The cost of the meal with tip was 178 pesos, and consisted of:
4 large white corn tortillas, 1 surprisingly tender and not-so-suprisingly flavorful flap steak, a small mix of lettuce / tomato / onion, a dollop of cheesy refried beans, and a dollop of freshly made guacamole. Pico de gallo and salsa verder were served to the side. All in all, a delicious, satiating, and not-too-heavy meal. Great for the walk that took place afterward.
Dinner at La Noche Estrellada – Good soup and salad, quiet atmosphere on Tuesday night. 7.5/10
Sesame sticks served with a little bit of garlic butter and a selection of three oil-and-pepper based sauces. (Chimmichurris?)
La Noche Estrellada: Consomé de pollo. The soup was filled with chicken, rice, and a little bit of freshly-chopped jalapeño. It was topped with fresh avocado, ciliantro, and a squeeze of fresh lime. Excellent.
Ensalada de la casa. This salad of green-leaf lettuce was topped with apples, almonds, dried cranberries, and grilled chicken. The dressing was a balsamic reduction. It was a tad sweet for my liking, but I really enjoyed the greens.
The walk to Taxco’s Super Chedraui and the afternoon thereafter.
I walked all the way from Santa Fe to Taxco’s Super Chedraui. Along the route I took, I finally found the viaduct-like architecture Padre and I witnessed from Cristo atop the hill.
I also found the elusive Hotel Loma Linda.
Restaurante Bar Aztlan – No reviews but open Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00am – 7:00pm. It looks like it would have a tremendous view, so I may explore it at some point.
“La Florida” – Reparacion d calzado. A shoe repair shop.
Throughout the day, I enjoy tending to this container log and writing in my room back at Casa Spratling. The Ficus tree outside is enormous.
As I looked over this scene, I r
Final Note: For now, seeing as working on the ‘Log’ is one of my morning activities, I will upload as I go. Granted, this will probably make for a few more proof-reading based errors, but those can all be fixed at a future date if I’m so inclined. For now, I think it will be more enjoyable for everyone if the format is daily – especially because I’m endeavoring to include brief reviews for every restaurant at which I eat.
1 thought on “Week of 3/27/2022 – The Return to Taxco”
I just got here, great pictures, makes me miss traveling and Taxco.
I just got here, great pictures, makes me miss traveling and Taxco.