(Above: A truly delectable picture of lunch from 2/12/2021. Cubed steak topped with a cucumber, onion, tomato, & radish salad.)
2/7/2021: The day started out a tad cloudy and in the high 50s. By midday, the clouds had been shed, and the sun was shining. Highs reached the low 70’s.
Dawn of 2/7/2021. The field was more than a tad soggy due to our receiving 2 inches of rain the night before.
Sunrise over the mounds belonging to the hill-lot.
I took this picture after clearing away storm debris, snipping off the most tattered leaves from the radishes, and trimming off the ‘boltings’ from the arugula.
New arugula growing in the out-of-garden compost bags.
Manufacturing ratatouille for the evening meal.
The completed inner pattern of that ratatouille.
A closer look at the delectable pattern.
Alas, I had to cover my artwork with cheese to prevent the vegetables from drying out during baking.
This hat looked like it had a face.
Dinner: A Master Blend Blue shank steak served atop a bed of greens.
And, of course, a side of the aforementioned ratatouille.
2/8/2021: Grey morning began in the mid 50’s, but after the clouds became somewhat spotty at midday, the temperatures ascended to pleasant low 70’s.
2/8/2021: A delectable lunch of Master Blend Blue tacos topped with local greens and a homemade relish comprised of onion and salad burnet.
A British Blue bum under a log… surrounded by three Wagyus.
Midday in the beef pasture. Everyone was feasting in the barn while vultures wheeled overhead.
A glance at the garden in its present state from the contemplation-step behind Jacobhouse.
Radish juice & shredded radish. I attempted to drink the former, but it was extremely strong and bore a potent stench. The latter was utilized in a relish that I ended up placing atop some eggs later in the evening.
2/9/2021: The temperatures this day varied between the low 60’s and the low 80’s – a perfect range.
Dawn of 2/9/2021.
A flowering holly tree with a foggy backdrop.
Purple colors collected during a short trip to Home Depot. Why? Because purple is good.
A lunch at Latinos y Mas with Madre. This is the complimentary basket of chips and salsa that they serve with every lunch.
Tuesday Special: Cuban-breaded Mero with yellow rice, fried plantains, and black bean soup. Delectable!
A gathering of calves around the central water trough.
This is the beef pasture after my uncle Wag ‘dragged’ it. All manure piles have been flattened and spread for the benefit bovine, grass, and Segwayfarers.
New straps have been ordered, and practice begins on Friday.
2/10/2021: A foggy day of 63 F at the start which proceeded to grow partly cloudy and 82 F by its peak.
Dawn of 2/10/2021.
Ritsabittle #8: Ginnie Springs. The spring itself was quite pleasant, but the park was a tad busy & noisy. If I go back to these springs, it would likely be via paddle-board from Gilchrist Blue Springs.
Entering the spring.
Standing above the maw to a cavern I did not yet know existed.
And the maw itself. During my time here, I witnessed it swallow and expunge two divers.
Me after having emerged from the springs.
A stop by the Tasting House on the way back home gave me the opportunity to procure a bottle of “Kinda Dry” Blueberry wine for dinner along with some balsamic for salad dressing.
A freshly wrought loaf of yeast bread. There shall be some dunkage at dinner.
Dinner: Master Blend Picanha served with greens, dripping-seasoned tortilla shells, homemade bread, and a locally made ‘Kinda Dry’ blueberry wine from the Tasting House.
2/11/2021: Once again a misty start of about 65 F that proceeded to heat up to 85 F by midafternoon.
Dawn of 2/11/2021.
A classic case of Blue-in-a-hole.
The apparatus I fashioned for breaking off a large piece of scored acrylic glass. To the left, I have a couple clamps holding the glass between two pieces of wood, and to the right I had Madre hold down the whole pane via the thin piece of plywood. By utilizing the clamps as levers and spreading pressure over a large even area, the break occurred directly across the scored line.
A delectable lunch of cubed steak topped with a cucumber / onion / tomato / Misato Rose radish salad. It should be noted that Padre kept the radish in the refrigerator for about a week before this, and it a bore a less-strong and much-sweeter flavor.
A dimmer switch and a GFCI outline in the same box. That was a trial.
Dinner at La Cuisine. I started off with a Tom Collins accompanied by a couple pieces of Baguette & Butter. I also had some French Onion Soup, but it was so delectable that I neglected to take a picture.
Next, came a braised Caesar topped with plenty of Parmesan and some anchovies of the utmost quality.
Padre and I next shared a calamari platter. They were cold-smoked and freshly fried. It it rivaled the main course (next) in deliciousness.
Oops. I may have taken a picture of this braised lamb shake a tad late. Nevertheless, it was excellent, and the au jus sauce went particularly well with the truffle mashed potatoes.
I stole a little bit of Madre’s lemon, honey, & olive oil ice cream for dessert. It was a fitting end to an excellent meal.
A picture of Padre picturing his Studio after our return from La Cuisine.
2/12/2021: A cloudy 65 F morning was followed by sunny skies and a high of 86 F.
Two Master Blend Angus sirloins grilled for lunch and garnished with salad burnet and dandelion flowers.
A truly delectable picture of lunch: one of the aforementioned sirloins topped with a cucumber, onion, tomato, & radish salad.
A ‘breakfast pie’ made for dinner and lunch tomorrow.
This afternoon, I created most of the concrete-form for the front step of Madre’s office.
Within the breakfast pie. The layers from top to bottom are as follows: puff-pastry lattice, havarti cheese, blueberry & egg mixture, prosciutto, blueberry & egg mixture, pastry scrap layer, blueberry & egg mixture, prosciutto, blueberry & egg mixture, havarti cheese, and puff-pastry crust. The objective was to keep the prosciutto as cool as possible while using the havarti cheese to protect the eggs from overcooking / burning.
2/13/2021: Fairly steady temperatures in the mid-60s to low 70s was maintained amidst intermittent precipitation.
Dawn of 2/13/2021. For a brief time around 6:55 AM, the sky (and really, the whole outdoors) took on a vivid pink hue.
An image taken later on in the morning – around 9:10 AM – when it was raining heavily. Padre and Wag were feeding the bovines belonging to the pasture just outside of Jacobhouse.
A Blueberry Pie I made for Madre and that she kindly chose to give to our neighbors.
Dinner: A plenteous salad accompanied by Padre-Pizza (cubed steak, tomato, & onion) and my-pizza (fresh mozzarella & garlic-butter).
And a tart dessert galette filled with raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
Final Note: As the weather continues to warm, I will be interested to see if it becomes easier or more difficult to brave the Floridian Karst springs’ 72-degree F water. At what point will it go from frigid exploration to being a pleasant relief from summery heat and humidity? I should also mention that the mobile music project is underway. The accordion now has straps, and I am practicing daily. Perhaps it will make a pleasant addition to the weekly ritsabittles.