(Above: Mud Springs beneath a pleasant beam of sunlight.)
Dawn of 2/28/2021.
The Loquat is displaying a significant amount of new growth.
Radish slaw without dressing.
Radish slaw with dressing. The hue changes to a deep red as soon as I add vinegar.
Lunch today: A Padre-grilled (over oak fire) Master Blend BLU burger steak alongside freshly made Radish-slaw.
Late afternoon activity: Trimming an obese bovine’s tortured toes.
Dusk of 2/28/2021: I visited the garden and found that the radish on the south east corner was blooming.
3/1/2021: This day began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid 80s. There were slight bouts of precipitation.
Dawn of 3/1/2021: A fine way to start a March.
Lunch today: A baked potato and some tomato, cucumber, onion, & radish salad.
A small cluster of puffy white flowers I found in the south west corner of the beef pasture.
Garden greens collected for dinner.
3/2/2021: A cool day remaining in the 60’s and cloudy through-and-through.
Dawn of 3/2/2021.
Green onions on the cusp of flowering. They have just turned 1 year old.
Kale & Hearty; this plant has lived for 1.5 years and looks as fine as ever.
The Jewels of Opar are exhibiting new and rapid growth. It should also be noted that nigh countless seedlings have sprouted amongst the older plants’ roots.
This bovine was quite happy with the boquet of wild geraniums I tossed over the fence.
Lunch today came from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. It was splendid.
New mother #564 consuming some potato & grain ration that I brought out to her (she did not come up to the barn for feed this day).
Dusk of 3/2/2021: A well-formed oak stands beside a puddle in the southeast beef pasture.
3/3/2021: Today hovered in the high 50s and low 60s, and the clouds broke only once: when I was stepping into Mud Springs.
Dawn of 3/3/2021: A dun, grey sky devoid of dawn sun.
Ritsabittle #11: Journey to Mud Springs.
Breakfast: 1/3 of a Quiche. It was a hefty enough meal that I did not require any more sustenance for the remainder of the Ritsabittle.
A well kempt path wended its way through the woodlands to the source.
A moss-and-fern covered tree.
Mud Springs.
Mud Springs beneath today’s only sunlight.
This is the creek that leads from Mud Spring.
The dock from whence I took the prior picture.
An image of the helpful ‘coatrack palm’ upon which I hung my unused garments.
On returning home, Padre showed me a new addition to the herd: A Wagyu ET calf with some extremely set back legs.
These mushrooms were garnered from Golden Oak mushroom farm on my way back from Mud Springs. To cook them, I simply sauteed them in 2.5 tbsp. of butter and a smidgen of salt.
Dinner tonight: Radish-slaw, arugula & onion salad, Picanha atop a dripping encrusted tortilla shell, and a number of savory blue-oyster mushrooms. Sorghum beer was the imbibed beverage. All was excellent.
3/4/2021: Today began in the low 50s and proceeded to warm to the high 70s. The sky was cloudless.
Dawn of 3/4/2021: The Crooked-leg Newborn stood up on its own and peered about as if ready to nurse.
Lunch: A couple meat-loaf stuffed collards (grilled till the leaves were well-blackened).
Earth, bovines, and sky. I found the layering in this image quite interesting.
A flowering tree reminiscent of holly except with even more ivory-colored flowers.
About mid-afternoon, a couple Master Blend customers desired 12 bags of compost right away. With Padre’s and Wag’s aid, I was able to produce those bags within 13 minutes.
Later in the afternoon, I produced even more bags to ensure that the stand was well-filled for the weekend.
Jacob reposing on the Moo-Magic Mattress.
The East Pasture at dusk.
Sunset through hackberry trees rife with moss and burgeoning growth.
3/5/2021: Today’s temperatures and skyward temperament was nearly identical to yesterday’s.
Dawn of 3/5/2021: A black bovine reposes with legs outspread.
The Moo-Magic stand is now ready for springtime weekend traffic.
Lunch today: Master Blend cubed steak topped with a salad comprised of Misato Rose Radish, sweet onion, tomato, cucumber, feta, and grilled collard greens.
The southeast beef pasture is growing greener with each passing day.
Afternoon Madre-Office Progress: I fastened the wires in place via staples (with difficulty due to the narrow quarters) and wired these two switches.
The duskly beef pasture inspection of 3/5/2021.
This is a picture of the garden after neatening its corridors. As can be seen, the arugula has grown into a hedge.
Two sourdough loaves. One is for dinner this evening, and one is for lunch tomorrow. They smell delicious!
Dinner: A few hunks of fresh sourdough bread, a couple eggs for dunking, and a plenitude of greenery.
3/6/2021: This day began in the 50s, warmed to the 60s, and then dropped into the 50s once more at evenfall. This was accompanied by light bouts of precipitation throughout.
Offspring of Sin City and #3981, otherwise known as ‘the old yellow cow’.
A bowl o’ greens that, as of writing this entry, is about to be prepared into a delectable dinner salad.
Dinner: A goodly number of beef tacos accompanied by a salad comprised almost entirely of vegetation from the Jacobhouse garden.
Final Note: I do not really have a large amount to note this week aside from the fact that I am quite glad that I decided to explore the Mud Springs. I had never seen such surreal underwater scenery. Despite the inevitable discomfort of hopping into cold water, it seems that I am always happy for having done so.