12/26/2021: This day began in the high 40s and proceeded to warm to the high 70s. Mostly sunny throughout.
Dawn of 12/26/2021.
King Elray, first of the Gaur-spawn, runs with his harem toward the rising sun.
Bovines consuming ‘Christmas leftovers’. A strand of electric wire runs directly through the center of the trough to prevent the creatures from standing in their food.
A full palette of Moo-Magic awaiting pickup.
Lunch today consisted of leftovers from the gathering at Robert’s and Aneta’s house. There were: pan-fried pierogi, sauerkraut, roasted potatoes, buttermilk & dill roasted salmon, and two types of herring salad all rested atop a bed of spring mix. Unique and delicious.
For dinner, Padre and I consumed Belgian Blue shoulder roast accompanied by a Padre-made / Jacob-dressed salad and a sizeable baked potato.
12/27/2021: Today began in the high 40s and proceeded to warm to the low-to-mid 80s.
Dawn of 12/27/2021: A lone squash-flower amidst a herd of bovines on a foggy morn.
For lunch, we procured sushi from the Sushi Bistro of Ocala. The salmon was particularly savory and satiating today.
Smilax below and Spanish-moss-draped boughs above. It was late day in the eastern beef pasture.
An intriguing quote about the human tendency to unnecessarily complicate matters through taxonomy.
12/28/2021: Today began in the high 40s and warmed to the low 80s. Mostly sunny.
12/28/2021: Sunrise in the central beef pasture.
The growing spinach belonging to Hugelkultur #2.
Today, Padre and I ate at Lorito’s for lunch. The fare was simple but exceptional, consisting of pizza, salad (dressed in Italian vinaigrette), and a glass of Diet Coke.
Looking west out of the central pasture at sunset.
Dinner tonight consisted of some prosciutto & Swiss crepes accompanied by plenty o’ salad.
Dessert: A persinamon.
12/29/2021: The day started off in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Second summer has arrived.
Dawn of 12/29/2021: Bovines congregate beneath a thin veil of mist.
Self-silhouette on 12/29/2021.
A newborn Wagyu at sunrise in the central beef pasture.
On the way back up to the main farm area, I observed a halo around my shadow. No matter the angle, I could only see this halo around me… I could not see it around Padre nor any cows that I drove by. Interestingly, Padre could not see my halo but instead saw his own.
Morning fix of 12/29/2021. Though it may not look like much, this is the feed trough I ‘repaired’ this morning.
Lunch of 12/29/2021: Beef fajitas with onion, garlic, papaya, & pepper. Delectable.
Dinner consisted of eggs-in-marinara, toasted sourdough bread, and a plenitude of salad.
12/30/2021:Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the 80s. Very foggy until 10 AM, then cloudy until 2 PM, and afternoon sunny.
Morning of 12/30/2021: Fog obscured all bovines in the central pasture.
The morning only grew foggier on my way to Lake George and its adjoining Salt Springs. There were a surprising number of people at the springs today, and they along with the few buzzards, seemed to enjoy the accordion music when I was playing. One of the latter landed on a nearby pillar and just watched me with its beady-black eyes.
In the late afternoon, I helped Padre IV an acidic Wagyu calf. As of this time (the next day), it has received 3-4 more bottles since, but it is now able to walk again.
Meanwhile, the sunset was magnificent.
Dinner: Reverse-Seared Wagyner Blue chuck roast accompanied by a plenitude of greens and a little bit of mustard for dunking.
12/31/2021: A day beginning in the mid 60s and proceeded to warm to the mid-80s. Mostly Sunny.
Morning of 12/31/2021.
Lunch consisted of egg-and-beef tacos topped with tomatillo-avocado salsa and accompanied by Padre-made & Madre-dressed salad.
Dusk in the central beef pasture, looking west.
A delectable dinner of Master Blend cubed round steak accompanied by baked potato (with fresh dill and olive oil) and salad akin to that which was had for lunch (albeit the vinaigrette for this one was wrought by me).
1/01/2022: A day beginning in the low 60s and proceeding to warm to the high 80s. Mostly sunny. I did not take many pictures today, because it was bit busy, but I was able to capture a video of clover seed-slinging.
Dawn of 1/01/2022: The new year of 2022 begins.
The fog lingered until mid-morning.
Listen and watch carefully. The seeds move very quickly, but they can be heard pelting the clovers’ leaves.
Final Note: One of the greatest things I have learned this year? No matter who a person is, and no matter what that person does, every single individual – whether conscious of the fact or not – is doing the best they can and can do no more nor no less.
1 thought on “Week of 12/26/2021 – A pleasant finale to 2021.”
That was just one week?! Much to consider… no doubt 2022 should be interesting. Sure appreciate your sharing.
That was just one week?! Much to consider… no doubt 2022 should be interesting. Sure appreciate your sharing.