(Above: Morning of 12/25/2021 — Christmas Blueberry Pies ready for the oven.)
12/19/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the high 70s. Sunny in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon.
Dawn of 12/19/2021: Fog caused the camera to focus in such a way that it made the pasture appear especially green and ‘flat’.
A cherry laurel tree found west of Jacobhouse. The berries and the leaves have a pleasant fragrance, but as far as edibility goes, the whole plant is considered poisonous.
Lunch today consisted of Wagyu Round-Steak fajitas (with onions / papayas / peppers / and spices) alongside a generous portion of salad.
Dinner, though looking quite similar to lunch, was quite different. This is a homemade crepe filled with prosciutto, Swiss cheese, and a relish of carrots & garlic. If I were to change anything, I think I’d leave out the relish and either dip it in some spicy brown mustard or add a drizzle of Bechamel over the top.
12/20/2021: A cool day beginning in the high 50s and warming to the high 60s. Cloudy throughout.
Morning of 12/20/2021: Two mating Salt Marsh Moths atop a post near where I fixed a broken board.
A little bit of aid in the Madre-office. This morning’s project consisted of caulking around and lowering the sink into its intended void. Here, Madre is tending to the former step.
Sushi repast of 12/20/2021. The soup was especially good on a cool and damp day, and the sushi was exceptionally satiating.
Padre and I were still well-fed from our lunch, so dinner consisted primarily of a few fried eggs and some greens in form of a fresh, crunchy salad.
This is the last set of noodles to be dried for my brother’s Christmas Gift which will consist of many homemade noodles, sauces, and…
A tin full o’ cinnamon swirl pastries.
12/21/2021: A damp, drizzly day beginning in the low 60s and ending in the low 50s.
Morning of 12/21/2021: I readied the final batch of noodles for departure.
A quick view under Jacobhouse’s kitchen sink to find how the hose-lines were adapted from 3/8″ hose to 1/2″ hose.
Madre’s now-functioning sink. Only the drain has a small leak which needs tending.
Lunch today occurred at Lorito’s Italian Kitchen after our delivering my brother’s noodle-and-sauce-packed gift to the FedEx Ship Center.
I needed to fix the boards above this trough after a black & white Brahman ‘buey’ broke it.
I did not have quite enough lumber to perform a full repair, but this will keep those bovines away from the waterline for now.
Dinner of 12/21/2021: A classic of roasted beef (Wagyu shoulder), baked potato, and salad. Delicious.
12/22/2021: A day beginning in the high 40s and warming to the mid 60s. Sunny after 10 AM.
Lunch of 12/22/2021: Beef fajitas with purple onion and garden-grown peppers. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Very satiating after a long farm morning.
A healthy dessert for dinner: Thinly sliced underripe papaya sprinkled with cinnamon and baked at 350 F for 30 minutes.
Prosciutto & Swiss crepe accompanied by a dollop of mustard, and a green salad.
12/23/2021: A day beginning in the high 30s and rising into the high 60s. Sunny throughout.
Morning of 12/23/2021: A visit to the Salt Springs. I ventured into the water while the temperatures were in the high 50s, which made the low 70-degree spring seem warm. At first.
After a playing accordion, reading, and swimming at the springs, I ventured to Off-Duty Tavern with Padre and Madre. The croissant that they serve as an appetizer was especially delicious after the morning’s activities.
The garden salad topped with some cheddar, onion, cherry tomato, and cucumber. Dressed with in-house-made Thousand Island.
And a little heap of fish, ‘chips’, and buttermilk coleslaw. All delectable.
Red mystery peppers collected from the Jacobhouse garden. These are some of my favorite kind, bearing a citrusy flavor and next to no spiciness.
Dinner of 12/23/2021: Belgian Blue chuck steak accompanied by a baked potato and salad.
Dinner of 12/23/2021: A massive baked potato with a little bit of Belgian Blue chuck steak and salad.
I couldn’t help it.
12/24/2021: A day beginning in the low 40s and warming to the mid 70s. Sunny throughout.
Morning of 12/24/2021: Preparing many cinnamon pastry-cookies for the days to come.
After letting the clarified butter drain to one edge of the pan as the cookies cooled, I placed them into a couple tins. This one is destined for the Christmas Eve party at Robert and Aneta’s house.
And these are for home.
Afternoon in the central feed barn. Bovines feast.
I took this picture to ‘scrunch’ it using a face-modifying application, but the stretching of the Jacobhouse behind was too obvious. Thus, I instead chose to give it to the sepia filter. It turned out to be a pretty good self-portrait of Jacob and House.
12/25/2021: A day beginning in the high 40s and warming into the low 80s. Sunny.
Morning of 12/25/2021: Christmas Blueberry Pies ready for the oven.
Those same pies, freshly emerged from the same oven.
Two loaves o’ sourdough ready for lunch and leftovers.
A glance over the herd before Christmas Fiestas. The bovines were ready for a feast of their own.
Gray roan Brahman cow. I’m not sure why this picture was on there, but it had an interesting sun-border so I included it.
1:20 PM: The Christmas feasting began and did not end until about 8:45 PM at night. This is because I visited my Grandma’s house (Uncle, Grandma, and Madre were there), I visited the horse-farm where I recently helped Aneta & Robert cater an event, and I ate dinner at the Studio with Padre and Madre. It was a very unique holiday this year.
Final Note: It was an eventful week where I both enjoyed myself, broke some conditioning in regard to the old comfort-box, and a few times even did both simultaneously (documented in personal journal, not here). Perhaps that latter bit is what some people mean by ‘becoming comfortable with discomfort’.
1 thought on “Week of 12/19/2021 – A week of Funcook.”
Clay Puckett
I see you had a great Holiday! Enjoy and Happy New Year.
I see you had a great Holiday! Enjoy and Happy New Year.