(Above: The other portion of noodle dough was used for these ‘ruffled-tie’ noodles which are akin to farfalle except a bit more robust.)
12/12/2021: Today began in the low 60s and then warmed to 70s where it remained due to heavy cloud cover and intermittent rain.
Dawn of 12/12/2021: Warm temperatures, humid air, and heavy skies indicated the approach of moist weather.
Lunch today consisted of beef & egg tacos topped with a ‘relish’ of collards, coconut oil, lime powder, and cinnamon.
I have been preparing dried noodles as a gift for this upcoming holiday, and as has been the case thus far, I made a little extra for Madre, Padre, and myself to taste test. These are sourdough egg noodles topped with oven-roasted mushrooms and accompanied by plenty o’ salad.
The other portion of noodle dough was used for these ‘ruffled-tie’ noodles which are akin to farfalle except a bit more robust.
12/13/2021: A day beginning in the high 50s and warming to the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
Lunchtime of 12/13/2021: This was the busiest I had ever seen Sushi Bistro. For the privacy of the patrons… or more likely for the fact that the picture just turned out blurry anyway, I used an old-photo filter to modify this image.
This is a list of all the bovines that needed to be thoroughly inspected today (to monitor health).
Dusk of 12/14/2021.
Dinner of 12/13/2021: A delicious Polish Potato, Sauerkraut, & Lettuce salad accompanied by…
More salad, some skillet-fried eggs, and…
A cinnamon-coated persimmon for dessert. It was all delicious and quite light on the belly.
12/14/2021: A fairly temperate day beginning in the high 50s and warming to the high 70s. Partly cloudy throughout.
Morning task of 12/14/2021: Wrapping and labeling homemade noodles.
Dawn, looking westward.
We started off farm tasks with IV’ing another acidic calf.
Later on in the morning, I set a burn-pile aflame in the central beef pasture. After the fire was well-established, Padre consolidated the branches via loader.
A particularly detailed image of fire.
For lunch, Padre and I ventured to Lorito’s Italian Kitchen where I enjoyed a couple slices of cheese pizza, a Greek salad, and a Diet Coke.
Late-afternoon on the farm: We needed to help a cow who was having difficulty calving. She walked up to the barn quite well, and we proceeded to extricate the calf with little difficulty.
Dinner: A terrific combination of reverse-seared Wagyu shoulder roast, some fresh salad (bearing greens from Eduardo), and a soup made from fresh green beans, carrots, chicken stock, and a few homemade egg noodles. The soup was spiced with a little black pepper and caraways seeds, and I added a bit of cornmeal to thicken the concoction.
12/15/2021: A day beginning in the high 50s and warming into the high 70s. Sunny morning followed by a partly cloudy afternoon.
Dawn of 12/15/2021: Yesterday’s fire consumed all of its intended fodder. All that is left is a pile of white, smoldering ash (which the bovines were apparently enjoying the prior evening as per the hoof prints throughout).
Lunch: A delectable combination of lean Belgian Blue cubed steak, sauerkraut & potato salad, and a bit o’ Polish mustard.
Dessert was a cinnamon-spiced persimmon accompanied by blueberries.
After a short farm-afternoon consisting of a couple more calf-IV’s and a beef pasture inspection, I made a dinner of roasted vegetables and three farm-raised chicken legs (one of the each of us). The chicken was tough albeit very flavorful, which I personally would take over bland & tender chicken any day.
A dessert of blueberries mixed with pomegranate seeds. Again the natural – fruits & berries – is far more appeasing than factory-wrought confections. This was delicious.
12/16/2021: A day beginning in the low 60s and warming into the low 80s. Mostly Sunny.
Dawn of 12/16/2021. A misty and peachy sunrise.
The Salt Springs. Today I got an Annual Pass. I forsee that it shall be worth it.
After a lunch at Off-Duty Tavern (I unfortunately did not have my phone with me to take pictures, but it was an enjoyable fare of Garden Salad & Chili) and a repose at Jacobhouse, I performed a beef pasture inspection with Padre. I captured this cloud-scene when we were concluding our ride.
Evening activity of 12/16/2021: Making two batches of sauce – a Marinara (left) and a Bolognese (right). In the former, I used fresh basil and chiltepin from the garden, and in the latter, I used homegrown beef and fresh rosemary.
A couple hours later, the Marinara was complete and the Bolognese was still simmering. Little did I know that the second sauce would need a couple hours to steam off the alcohol from the red wine that I used. It was a late night of cooking.
Dinner: As the sauces simmered, Padre and I feasted upon Belgian Blue chuck steak (pan-seared) and a plenitude of fresh greens in form of a salad.
12/17/2021: A warm day beginning in the low 60s and reaching the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 12/17/2021.
This was one of my morning projects: making a feed trough holder for the two orphan calves behind my Uncle Wag’s abode.
I found this young calf laying under the electric wire. It must have rolled backward in its sleep. Before departing, I woke it up and walked it away from the precarious position.
Lunch today consisted of an 8 oz burger steak, a baked potato with sour cream, and a heap o’ Padre-made and Madre-dressed salad. Satiating and satisfying.
4 jars bearing three types of sauce. The left two are Bolognese (meat) sauce, the back right is a vegetarian marinara sauce, and the front right is a ragu sauce (akin to marinara with beef in it).
Late afternoon in the beef pasture, performing the day’s final inspection with Padre.
Dinner tonight was made and eaten at the Fat Tuscan Café. I learned how to make crepes, and the team there had a bar set and ready chock-full o’ various toppings. This is a shrimp, bacon, & asparagus crepe drenched in a Bechamel sauce. I really enjoyed making crepes, and it is much easier than I thought it was going to be.
12/18/2021: Today began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 12/18/2021. The dewy grass was reflecting the rising sun.
Feeding a Wagyu calf born almost 30 days early to a mother that outright abandoned it. The outlook is not particularly rosy for this creature, but at the time of my writing this caption (the next day), I can confirm that the calf has stood up and is vocal when feeding time is near.
Lunch today consisted of a couple links of deer sausage (chedder & jalapeño infused), two small-medium sized baked potatoes, and a delicious salad made in part from greens harvested from the Jacobhouse garden.
Dusk of 12/18/2021.
Dinner consisted of some egg tacos topped with a ‘slaw’ of collards, lime, & coconut oil.
Final Note: Despite the weather sometimes not being the best for swimming in late autumn and early winter, it is still my favorite time to go to the springs. Here is one of the reasons why.
Nobody here except for me.
1 thought on “Week of 12/12/2021 – Noodles & Sauce”
Again, it seems like so much happens in a week of Jacob.
Again, it seems like so much happens in a week of Jacob.