(Above: These stripes of cloud were precursors to the coldest weather I have experienced since living in Jacobhouse. My abode remained warm and cozy.)
Dawn of 11/29/2020. Grey skies speak of impending changes in weather. Lunch today: Grilled Master Blend shoulder steaks of utmost tenderness. Dusk of 11/29/2020. A replaced light bulb brought luminance to the west side of the Master Blend freezer room. The same occurred on the freezer room building’s east side. A Jacob-made pan pizza (topped with prosciutto, arugula, and Balsamic vinegar) resides in the foreground as a Padre-made pan pizza (beef & peppers) resides in the background. The two aforementioned pizzas astride a mound of arugula.
Dawn of 11/30/2020: A young bald eagle (not yet ‘bald’) perched on the pine atop the south beef pasture’s hill. A young British Blue Brahman hybrid peering quite intently at me after I intruded on its nap. A unique trail of clouds to be seen near the beginning of the day’s final beef pasture inspection. As the pasture inspection progressed, the sky gleaned more and more bands.
Morning of 12/1/2020. A chilly and quite cloudless sky. Mother #662 and her young British Blue offspring. Both appear content with the cold weather.. Installation of linoleum plank flooring began this day. Dusk of 12/1/2020. As soon as the sun began to set, the morning’s chill returned with a vengeance. I shall be watering the garden tonight to attempt staving off the freezing temperatures. Our tremendous dinner at La Cuisine. The main course consisted of pan-seared porkchops served atop a bed of arugula and shiitake mushrooms. It was dressed with a creamy whole-grain mustard sauce. A close-up of my platter. A close-up of Padre’s dish. This is the braised Caesar salad that was served to the side. It was cooked quite well and bore some salty & savory garnishes in form of anchovies, parmesan chunks, and a toasty crouton.
Dawn of 12/2/2020: The coldest we have had in over two years. I turned the sprinkler on at 11 PM last night in an attempt to protect the frost-vulnerable plants (Jewels of Opar and Cucumber). As of 7:30 PM today, the Jewels seem to be faring well, and the cucumbers may be capable of recovery. We found this fellow patiently awaiting rescue at the gate to the beef pasture. Frost aplenty. It is my hope that the freeze has neutralized some of the parasites and bacteria that have not experienced a freeze for the past two years. So much frost, it almost looked like snow. Close-up a frost-resistant succulent that grows just outside of Jacobhouse. The new British Blue remains unperturbed by the chill. Dusk as seen from the central hay barn. More colorful clouds post-sunset. With aid of a new work light, Madre and I were able to continue flooring after darkness fell. Dinner: Puff pastries filled with prosciutto, Gruyere (Swiss), and garlic. Topped with a dressing of basil / balsamic / clarified butter (leftover from the pastry).
Dawn of 12/3/2020 – Sky bespotted by clouds. Field bespotted by bovines. Bread for Grandma. The loaf ended up looking quite normal, but I first had to deflate this massive bubble. This afternoon’s meal for #505 was a mixture of pellets, potato-ration, and corn chips. Sunset of 12/3/2020. This is the car that my Grandma gave me, and I have a feeling it shall be taken on a multitude of adventures in the near future. As darkness fell, I completed the first portion of dry-fitting for the sink at Jacobhouse. Dinner: A bacon pizza dressed with a light honey-butter glaze. It went very nicely with garden-fresh arugula and De Nigris balsamic.
The sleepy grey dawn of 12/4/2020. At a glance, this papaya appeared to have been decimated by the recent cold weather. On closer inspection, though, it can be seen that the top – the core – is still quite green and healthy. A 5-pound rump roast cooked for lunch. The gravy mixed well with balsamic vinegar to form a splendid salad dressing. Lunch today: Roast beef n’ greens. The outdoors remained grey into the afternoon. A slot for the final plank in the east-room of Madre’s office container. #505 and offspring after being painstakingly reunited. Videos of the process can be found below. Padre’s pizza looked quite photogenic, so I decided to take a picture.
Dawn of 12/5/2020. Another weekly IV picture just to show that it does still occur from time to time. The Jacobhouse Garden in nearly full sun. It is recovering quite well from the frosty weather. Lunch today: Roast beef (leftover), potato, and greens. A triple-berry (Blueberry, Raspberry, & Blackberry) pie I made for my cousin Dana and her family. It turned out quite well, and I have since received much approval for this creation. Dusk of 12/5/2020. Cirrus uncinus (mare’s tail) clouds can be seen to the left. The Blue consuming refuse vegetation in a rather relaxed manner. Progress was made in the Madre-Office this week. The entire east chamber’s floor has been installed, and furnishings have begun to appear. Dinner: A bacon-mushroom omelet topped with garden green onion and arugula.
Final Note: Every week is unique, but in the coming week, it my hope to experience and include pictures of novel scenery.