(Above: Returning from the beef pasture inspection on 10/9/2021.)
10/3/2021: This morning began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm to the high 80s by mid afternoon. A tiny sprinkling of rain fell in the afternoon and lasted less than two minutes.
Morning of 10/4/2021.
Another picture captured during our morningly beef pasture inspection. Due to the clouds hovering above the east horizon, it almost appeared as if there was a more distant and even taller line of trees beyond the usual.
After morning farm activities, I cleared away weeds from the easternmost row of the Jacobhouse garden.
A delicious lunch of cubed round steak accompanied by a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad and couple mini-baked potatoes.
Farm fresh chicken in the making.
10/4/2021: Temperatures began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm to high 80s. Less cloud-cover this day than yesterday.
Dawn of 10/4/2021. A tropical scene from the heart of Florida.
Lunch today consisted of a flame-seared Wagyner Blue chuck blade steak accompanied by a pile of Jacob-made cabbage salad.
Dinner: A delicious repast of gnocchi-crust pizza topped once again with the potato-skin remnants of the tubers that went into the dough.
A new project. As suggested by Robero of Magnificent Resort, I am going to utilize this book become more fluent in the Spanish language both through translating it and through reading sections aloud each day.
10/5/2021: A day beginning in the low 70s and warming to the low 90s – in other words, a brief return to summer.
Dawn of 10/5/2021.
A morning project: First I fixed the southern portion of fence where a cow broke her way out yesterday, and then I applied a piece of plywood and privacy fence to deter such escapes in the future.
A delectable and satiating lunch of Wagyu round steak, a couple small baked potatoes, and a pile o’ cabbage salad. The latter is only becoming better with age ( though I do need to put more vinegar in next time).
Later in the afternoon, I proceeded to neaten the west side of the garden. Arugula will be planted soon.
As a late-day task, I split a 12 lb Belgian Blue rump roast into 8 pieces (one is missing because it is in the refrigerator for tomorrow).
Dinner: Spiced-egg tacos accompanied by a salad comprised of many Eduardo-greens.
10/6/2021: This day began in the mid-70s and proceeded to warm into the high-80s. Cloud cover kept temperatures comfortable.
A lunch procured at Latin American Café of Ocala during Ritsabittle #36 (Alexander Springs, Latin American Café, Library, and Magnolia Bakery). The sauteed beef and onions were excellent, but I especially the enjoyed the tostones and yucca fries. Those fries were some of the best I’ve had; they were of perfect texture (soft but not dry).
Preparing the reverse-seared rump roast for reentry into the oven at 550F. I placed two tablespoons of butter on toothpicks to melt down and over a sprig of fresh rosemary.
Reverse-seared Belgian Blue rump roast (one of the 7 cut from the 12 lb piece of beef).
Dinner: Rosemary-butter basted Belgian Blue Rump Roast accompanied by a Padre-made salad, and a hunk of freshly baked bread from the Magnolia Bakery of Ocala (the lattermost item was dunked into the juices resulting of the roast’s cooking.)
10/7/2021: A warm day beginning in the mid-70s and warming to the high-80s. Cloud cover kept temperatures from reaching the 90s for most of the afternoon.
Dawn of 10/7/2021.
‘Manuring’ the garden. Arugula shall soon be planted in this rich compost.
More plots destined for leafy greens. I believe the row of Jewels of Opar may be departing soon (but I will be keeping the Opar-bush toward the postern side of the garden).
Peppers produced by the Jacobhouse garden along with a clove of garlic and a purple onion. These will be utilized in the evening repast.
Dinner: Some downright fantastic fajitas. Those Cachucha peppers and the tiny bit of dragon’s breath pepper that I utilized made for some excellent flavor enhancement.
10/8/2021: A warm day beginning in the low-70s and proceeded to warm into the low-90s in the afternoon. There was a brief bout o’ rain at about 3 PM.
Dawn of 10/9/2021: The rising sun made the fog appear a brilliant white, but it could not pierce the mists.
Grazing bovids.
A lunch wrought from left-over cabbage salad, beef, some baked potatoes, and sautéed onions. All of this was cooked in a Dutch Oven until soft and tender throughout.
A dinner comprised of freshly baked sourdough bread, sautéed-then-broiled eggs, and a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
10/9/2021: A day beginning in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s. Mostly sunny throughout.
Dawn of 10/9/2021.
A view of the rising sun through Spanish Moss.
Returning from the beef pasture inspection.
A glimpse into early morning activities on the farm.
In the afternoon, I deemed that it was time to remove the row of Opar. This was the final picture before removal began.
Much more room has been availed. I believe there will either be arugula, spinach, kale, or radishes grown here.
A dinner of Wagyner Blue shoulder steak accompanied by two baked potatoes and a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
Final Note: Como el hombre piensa, así es su vida. As a man thinks, so is his life.
1 thought on “Week of 10/3/2021 – Sunlight.”
William Clay Puckett
I liked this.
Como el hombre piensa, así es su vida. As a man thinks, so is his life
I liked this.
Como el hombre piensa, así es su vida. As a man thinks, so is his life