Week of 10/25/2020 – Hügelkultur.

[Above: Watering a primitive Hügelkultur placed within an old water trough. In the bottom, there are a variety of rotting sticks / logs which provide excellent aeration, drainage, and long term soil nutrition, and at the top there is a thick layer of compost (Moo Magic). I have planted arugula just within the outer rim and kale at the center.]


  • Cows at dawn.
  • Compost bags
  • Arugula sprouts
  • IV'ing a sick calf
  • Garlic mozzarella homemade pan pizza.





The cool front. I ventured outdoors after its passing, and there was a noticeable shift in temperature.
The vegetables and the livestock are going to enjoy this change.



Final Note: Thus far, the new format seems to be working quite well. It takes less time, and I find myself taking better pictures due to their being the sole content of these posts.