10/24/2021: This day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Quite dusty.
Lunch of 10/24/2021: A delectable lunch of pulled pork, Polish mustard, and a delightful green salad accompanied by Madre-roasted-&-seasoned asparagus.
A note left to us after an egg delivery from my second cousins next door. Their cursive is better than mine.
Dinner of 10/24/2021: A pan full o’ tomato-paste-enriched homemade noodles dressed in a sauce comprised of olive oil, garlic, pepper, and fresh rosemary.
And, of course, accompanied by a salad of fresh greens.
10/25/2021: A few small bouts of rain at night led into a slightly humid day beginning in the mid-60s and proceeding to warm into the high-80s.
Dawn of 10/25/2021.
Lunch today was eaten at Lorito’s. The vegetation was fresh, and after I ‘stole’ all of Madre’s black olives, my salad looked ridiculous.
Picture of a Green Hover Fly that my Uncle took a couple weeks ago.
The same hover-fly changing direction mid flight.
Another picture taken by my Uncle Wag which displayed a remarkable spectrum of colors.
Mid-afternoon in the central beef pasture.
A delectable dinner consisting of Wagyner Blue chuck roast accompanied by a plenteous salad. The shear-value and leanness of the Wagyner Blue is akin to tenderloin.
10/26/2021: Today began in the mid-60s and proceeded to warm into the mid-80s. Sky almost cloudless.
Lunch of 10/26/2021: Wagyner Blue cubed steaks accompanied by delectable baked potatoes and fresh greens.
And Dinner: Spiced egg tacos accompanied by more fresh “Eduardo Greens”. Topped with cilantro.
I had some cowmpanions while picking chiltepin peppers this afternoon.
10/27/2021: A day beginning in the mid-50s and proceeding to warm to the low-80s. Partly cloudy throughout.
Dawn of 10/27/2021. Intriguing clouds spotted in a line across the western sky.
Ritsabittle #39: A few hours at he Fern Hammock, followed by a dip in Juniper Springs, a delectable lunch at Latin Cafe of Ocala, and a little bit of reading at the Ocala Public Library.
This time at Latin Cafe, they gave me a couple pieces of toasted Cuban Bread sprinkled with parsley.
This was ensued by a lunch of the Miami Chicken. The meal consisted of: a roasted chicken leg & thigh, a mound of golden rice, some sweet sautéed plantains, and a bowl of black bean soup. The chicken and the beans were my favorite, especially with a little bit of lime-juice drizzled over the top.
Late-afternoon in the central beef pasture.
A late-afternoon project: Padre and I installed a cell signal booster in the barn where the tin roof was previously obstructing the signal…
Now, it is one of the best places on the farm to access the internet.
An update on the Hugelkultur. Everything within is growing to large and lush proportions.
This goes for the arugula, collards, AND even the chiltepin pepper plants.
10/28/2021: A humid day bearing intermittent rains and temperatures ranging between the mid-60s and low-80s.
Lunch of 10/28/2021: A delectable repast at Off-Duty Tavern consisting of a Caesar Salad topped with a blackened boneless chicken breast.
Produce from the Jacobhouse garden. These were all extremely spicy peppers that made my hand feel ‘burny’ from just holding them.
A Chiltepin pepper plant loaded with its spicy and seed-filled fruit.
Dinner tonight consisted of a Master Blend Wagyner Blue burger steak accompanied by a baked potato and salad. All of it was delicious.
10/29/2021: A day beginning in the mid-60s and warming to the high-70s. Minimal precipitation until midday after which it ceased entirely.
Dawn of 10/29/2021: A cloud front departing over the east horizon. This is a few minutes before it covered up the sun.
A new stretch of electric applied over a span of square-wire to prevent the Big Ole Stein’s daughter, #596, from reaching over and bending the fence.
Two loaves of bread destined to become lunch for tomorrow (and dinner for Madre tonight). The sandwiches will contain prosciutto, mozzarella, tomato, basil, olive oil, and Balsamic vinegar.)
Pork chops made from the meat of a home-raised pig. Sugared, salted, slow-roasted, and then seared. They were tremendous.
This night’s dinner consisted of spiced beef-egg tacos accompanied by a Padre-made and Jacob-dressed salad.
10/30/2021: A cool day beginning in the low 50s and proceeding to warm into the high 70s. Perfectly autumnal and mostly sunny.
Dawn of 10/30/2021.
The beauty of entropy.
Lunch, Part 2: After sharing a delectable albeit not entirely satiating prosciutto sandwich with cowmrade Hannah and her mother, I ventured to the studio and had a bit of salad with Padre.
I also tasted some of the sausage-and-potato soup (garnished with arugula). It was reminiscent of the Zuppa Toscana that we used to get at Olive Garden long ago… except much better.
Plants that Hannah’s mother brought during AI class today. I told her it was a convenient coincidence because I have a whole open row ready to be planted.
A young Holstein reclines in the feed trough.
A sidelong view of the garden after being ‘mulched’ with old horse bedding.
A view from beneath the rusted-out grill whilst a Belgian Blue chuck steak cooked above.
Dinner: The aforementioned grilled chuck steak accompanied by a baked potato and plenitude of salad. A satisfying repast.
Final Note: Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go dormant for a season just as the pecan trees do… especially on those chilly mornings where the bed seems extra cozy and comfortable. How would it feel to awaken from such a rest?
3 thoughts on “Week of 10/24/2021 – Autumn Springs and Decay”
Clay Puckett
Hello Jacob,
What comes to mind about the Pecan Trees going dormant. It does for a season, then it awakens and produces. Like us, we need a time to be still, sleep, and produce in many different ways the next day. How much better we sleep with a clear mind with no expectations or regrets.
My life in the current season is to see how simple and basic I can make each day. I am far from complete. Tomorrow I sit and plan my next year with simplicity in mind, reducing expectations. In simple way how to be more into myself. Life has many seasons and adjust for each one.
I like the fact that I am learning to be quiet, thus being able to listen to the nature that surrounds me. How do we completely clear our minds and purify them.
How to reduce anxieties and any worry. I thinks it’s simple, we just do not allow ourselves to do so.
I have a favorite saying. Each morning we wake up with a cup full of joy and humble. We allow this to deplete by our actions or mindset.
Most importantly, each nigh leave in a mental bag all that keeps us back and give that bag to God.
I enjoy your posts. Take care. Clay
Clay, there’s much to contemplate in your reply. No doubt there’s a clarity in the stillness you speak of, but the habit of expectation, not so much regret for me, is a constant pull. I’m working on it though. Appreciate your thoughts.
Clay Puckett
Do we expect to much from ourselves. Has society, the work place, friends and family place undue expectations upon us? For every one it is different. I catch myself placing expectations on others. Is this right? We have to live, exist, and maybe be a part of society. Not so sure of that. I think our expectations on ourselves in part are a result of our actions being positive, negative, routine, or habit. It’s like a new journey to be on going thru this. Allow ourselves to travel a new journey with a clear mind. I think we will see all in a new light. It’s difficult to break old habits. Reformat our minds and thoughts.
Hello Jacob,
What comes to mind about the Pecan Trees going dormant. It does for a season, then it awakens and produces. Like us, we need a time to be still, sleep, and produce in many different ways the next day. How much better we sleep with a clear mind with no expectations or regrets.
My life in the current season is to see how simple and basic I can make each day. I am far from complete. Tomorrow I sit and plan my next year with simplicity in mind, reducing expectations. In simple way how to be more into myself. Life has many seasons and adjust for each one.
I like the fact that I am learning to be quiet, thus being able to listen to the nature that surrounds me. How do we completely clear our minds and purify them.
How to reduce anxieties and any worry. I thinks it’s simple, we just do not allow ourselves to do so.
I have a favorite saying. Each morning we wake up with a cup full of joy and humble. We allow this to deplete by our actions or mindset.
Most importantly, each nigh leave in a mental bag all that keeps us back and give that bag to God.
I enjoy your posts. Take care. Clay
Clay, there’s much to contemplate in your reply. No doubt there’s a clarity in the stillness you speak of, but the habit of expectation, not so much regret for me, is a constant pull. I’m working on it though. Appreciate your thoughts.
Do we expect to much from ourselves. Has society, the work place, friends and family place undue expectations upon us? For every one it is different. I catch myself placing expectations on others. Is this right? We have to live, exist, and maybe be a part of society. Not so sure of that. I think our expectations on ourselves in part are a result of our actions being positive, negative, routine, or habit. It’s like a new journey to be on going thru this. Allow ourselves to travel a new journey with a clear mind. I think we will see all in a new light. It’s difficult to break old habits. Reformat our minds and thoughts.