Week of 10/17/2021 – A little bit o’ work in the garden.

(Above: I added plenty of compost to the row that used to harbor Jewels of Opar. )

10/17/2021: Day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. It was some of the best weather I have experienced in months. No clouds.

10/18/2021: A day beginning in the low 50s and warming into the low 80s by late day. No rain.

10/19/2021: A day beginning in the mid-50s and warming to the mid-80s. Mostly sunny.

10/20/2021: A day beginning in the low 50s and proceeding to warm into the mid-80s.

10/21/2021: This day began in the low 50s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s by late afternoon. Clouds were almost nonexistent.

10/22/2021: A pleasant day with a slight increase in humidity. Temperatures ranged between the low 60s and the mid 80s.

10/23/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Very little cloud cover.

Final Note: Esta semana, aprendí que cuándo yo busco en un espejo, veré alguien muy guapo. Yo tambien empezé aprender las conjugaciones.

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