(Above: I added plenty of compost to the row that used to harbor Jewels of Opar.)
10/17/2021: Day began in the high 50s and proceeded to warm into the low 80s. It was some of the best weather I have experienced in months. No clouds.
Morning of 10/18/2021: Farm tasks were initiated with my cleaning out this feed trough via shovel.
A small handful of these wonderful pistachios served as a fine breakfast. Thank you, Madre!
Lunch consisted of spiced-egg tacos topped with salsa verde and accompanied by a Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
Before heading in for the evening, I weeded the garden and read a little while sitting on the yellow bucket.
For dinner, I made two pizzas – one for me and one for Madre.
Mine was a fajita pizza topped with spiced beef, onion, garlic, and cachucha peppers. It was truly delectable.
Madre’s pizza consisted of mozzarella, garlic-butter sauce, prosciutto, and a small amount of shaved Parmesan cheese.
10/18/2021: A day beginning in the low 50s and warming into the low 80s by late day. No rain.
Morning activity on 10/18/2021: Replacing the old piece of plywood (left) with a new piece so the bovines cannot access the waterline that runs just behind it.
A delectable lunch procured from Sushi Bistro. The rice was of an excellent texture, and the fish was fresh.
Two dragon’s breath peppers ripening beneath the leaves of a very healthy plant. If I found these in the wild, I would not eat them.
Two Wagyner Blue New York Strips destined for testing.
A late day on the farm. This is the sunset Padre, Madre, and I witnessed while awaiting the arrival of 12 malnourished Holstein heifers from the market. Feed and water was already prepared for their arrival.
A delightful dinner of Master Blend Wagyner Blue NYS along with salad and a glass of Columbia Crest Merlot. The beef was very reminiscent of a very tender and slightly marbled Belgian Blue.
10/19/2021: A day beginning in the mid-50s and warming to the mid-80s. Mostly sunny.
Dawn of 10/20/2021: An almost picture perfect scene.
There… that’s better.
One of today’s morning tasks included adding the top board along this fence. As for the random papaya tree in the background, it has already put on small green fruits. Perhaps, I will be able to harvest some before the winter frosts.
A pan-seared Wagyner Blue burger-steak accompanied by a baked potato and a fresh salad dressed in homemade vinaigrette.
Liver, onion, & cachucha pepper tacos accompanied by another fresh and refreshing salad.
10/20/2021: A day beginning in the low 50s and proceeding to warm into the mid-80s.
Morning of 10/20/2021: One of this day’s early tasks included digging up a post-stump. It was lodged almost 4 feet in the ground and bore a diameter of about 5-6 inches.
Late-morning beef pasture inspection with Padre.
Today I had lunch with Padre and Madre at Lorito’s Italian Kitchen. The service was swift, food was fresh, and it was all a pleasure to the palate.
Today’s spring-venture occurred after noon and consisted of my driving to Salt Springs, reading a book for a while, playing some accordion, and swimming.
This is the location where I often sit at the Salt Springs.
Two gaur-lings laying about as close to one another as they could.
Dinner this evening consisted of Wagyner Blue chuck roast accompanied by a Padre-made salad dressed in a balsamic vinaigrette and smoked breadcrumbs.
10/21/2021: This day began in the low 50s and proceeded to warm into the high 80s by late afternoon. Clouds were almost nonexistent.
Morning of 10/21/2021. A clear sky graced with ‘horse-tail’ clouds.
Lunch today consisted of some excellent yellow tail fish fillets (provided by Master Blend Customer Jeff), a couple baked potatoes, and a pile o’ Padre-made & Jacob-dressed salad.
Noodle recipe from class at the Fat Tuscan in Gainesville. I proceeded to make the bow-tie noodles.
The product of class: a plate filled with tomato-flavored bow-tie noodles topped with an in-house made Bolognese sauce, parmesan, and some Jacob-wrought oak-smoked breadcrumbs. A few other patrons requested the lattermost condiment after taste-testing it.
A vision of the moon upon reaching home. Needless to say, it appeared much more vivid and crisp in-person.
10/22/2021: A pleasant day with a slight increase in humidity. Temperatures ranged between the low 60s and the mid 80s.
Lunch of 10/23/2021: A delectable acquisition from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. The square was alive with activity because many people were setting up stalls for tomorrow’s FAFO Festival.
Sun-beams pierce the late-afternoon clouds.
Preparing tonight’s roast consisted of trimming off silver skin, coating the entire piece with olive oil, and then sprinkling salt and pepper all over the outside.
The end product.
Reverse-seared Wagyner Blue London Broil alongside a delicious salad and accompanied by a glass of Robert Hall Merlot (2018).
10/23/2021: Today began in the low 60s and proceeded to warm into the mid 80s. Very little cloud cover.
Dawn of 10/23/2021.
One of this morning’s tasks consisted of adding a board (the lowest 2×10) to this fence where the young weanlings were reaching through.
Farm activities ended early this morning, so I spent some time in the garden. I add more compost to the left-most row and filled in the path with shavings.
I also added plenty of compost to the row that used to harbor Jewels of Opar.
Picture of a late-season chiltepin pepper.
Lunch today: a few exceedingly delicious liver, cachucha, & onion tacos accompanied by a fresh salad.
West of Jacobhouse near the feed-mixing barn, I found this patch of dried mud which appears to have been thoroughly perforated by the proboscises of ibises.
Dinner this evening consisted of delicate beef-sausage omelet. Tremendous.
Final Note: Esta semana, aprendí que cuándo yo busco en un espejo, veré alguien muy guapo. Yo tambien empezé aprender las conjugaciones.
1 thought on “Week of 10/17/2021 – A little bit o’ work in the garden.”
Muy guapo, mismo a su padre