(Above: A picture o’ all four of us at the end of the pier.)
And here are the pictures that were mentioned last week: our undersea escapades in Mexico.
Final Note: Time in Mexico, ritsabittles, and other recent events have granted me some insight into the Walden path. Here is a brief essay I have been working on. It is subject to change, but I think the core concept is there.
On Consciousness and Luck:
I perceive events, activities, and behaviours as constructive or destructive.
What makes an event / activity constructive?
It results in growth of physical, spiritual, and mental potential.
It increases and/or maintains one’s conscious appreciation/awareness of their reality.
Examples: Learning, work (so long as it does not become distraction), socialization (so long as it does not become distraction), and food / drink / leisure that is consciously enjoyed.
What makes an event / activity destructive?
It results in degradation of physical, spiritual, and mental potential. AND/OR
It decreases one’s conscious appreciation/awareness of their reality.
Examples: Substance abuse past a certain point (that point being anything that results in either of the above-mentioned attributes of destructive events) and engaging in distraction (distraction’s definition being anything that pulls one’s attention away from reality – whether intentionally or not).
What is the definition of being lucky?
Being lucky can be described as experiencing constructive events on a more frequent basis than destructive events. That is the point of this dissertation. It is my attempt to put into a logical and more memorable format the epiphany that occurred to me approximately 1.5 to 2 months ago. The epiphany was this: So long as I pursue growth in physical, spiritual, and mental potential, and so long as I endeavor to consciously appreciate my existential sphere, I will be lucky.
Granted, I have engaged in destructive events and activities since this epiphany, and I likely shall continue to engage in them from time to time because I am not without fault. For example: playing an online game out of habit rather than conscious enjoyment, watching a couple more Youtube videos than I should have late at night, and a few unfortunate bouts of ego-inflammation. I do not condone these actions or sentiments, but in reflecting upon them, they do provide a refreshment of contrast between constructive and destructive events & activities. Adding to this, the more conscious I have become of this contrast between destructive and constructive occurrences, the less that destructive events & activities tend to occur, meaning that by pursuing conscious decision-making, I inherently engage less in distraction.
Adding to this, many events that I previously considered negative (those that resulted in physical and mental discomfiture), have taken on a positive light. Now, most occurrences – whether comfortable or not – are actively reflected upon, thus resulting in a strengthening of resolve to continue the behavior OR a conscious decision to discontinue it. It is surprising how often this reflection results in a continuation of the uncomfortable behavior because that uncomfortable behavior is determined to result in growth – growth that sooner rather than later results in a diminishment of the original discomfiture until it becomes enjoyment. Examples? Visiting distant locations, swimming in the springs, swimming in the ocean, playing the piano in front of other individuals, engaging in new (more open) social behaviors, and more that I am probably not thinking of at this time. The fact of the matter is, when I realized that a positive event may be any occurrence – uncomfortable or comfortable – that results in growth of physical, spiritual, and mental potential AND/OR increases my conscious appreciation & awareness of reality (these two often go hand in hand), I became a far luckier individual than I already was.
On a side note, what is a true definition of luck?
Being born as who I am to the series of events which led to the realization that I am lucky, and so long as I exercise my consciousness, I shall remain lucky for the remainder of my days.
1 thought on “Week of 1/10/2021 – On Consciousness and Luck”
Here’s to luck and conscious choices, many thanks for sharing.
Here’s to luck and conscious choices, many thanks for sharing.