(Above: This is a picture of Wall #6 from the inside. The doors were closed during a test to make sure that they could close with the frame in place.)
Building Summary: Today I started off by procuring the 4-foot level and 2-foot square, and then I set about adjusting Wall #6’s frame before attaching it to the base board via 3″ woodscrews*. This was followed by my using clamps to fasten the top of the frame as closely as possible to the container’s rim and then by my attaching the frame via 3″ self-tapping screws. After that, I attended to the center board (the RO top), taking the bow out of it by adding a brace right at its center. I finished off the morning at Jacobhouse by fastening Wall #6’s side boards to the container via self-tapping screws.
Commentary: There’s not much for unique commentary in regard to this morning, I’m afraid. It grew to be quite hot again, so I used the box fan and opened the front windows to create a cross-draft… Oh, but at least there were no incessantly bellowing heifers! That’s something for which I was quite appreciative.
(Update:) Padre found and showed me a very unique plant specie. At first I thought it was simply a diseased milk-weed vine, but on closer inspection, I found that those infected leaves were actually the backside of some alien-like blossoms. Padre was brave enough to touch the plant and turn a flower so it was facing us, and as he did so, I was able to capture an image of its odd beauty. The orchid shaped bloom is decorated with a brown and white zebra-like print, and on our looking it up (Madre was the one to find out what it was), we discovered that the specimen was a Calico Vine / Calico Flower.

Final Note: I did not get the sliding glass door frame out to Jacobhouse today, so that will likely be tomorrow’s task. After the frame has been brought out, I will place it into Wall #6’s opening and see how it fits. This will be followed by my removing it, caulking it, ‘squaring’ it, and then fastening it in. Only after the sliding-glass door frame is in place will I put in the two RO side-boards**.
*At one point, one of the screws met with metal lip that resides just behind the 2×3 base board. The screwhead commenced to break off, but not before it lifted the entire frame up about ½”. To fix this, I ended up using one of my largest drill bits to create a sizeable hole right beside the screw and then drew out the shattered remnant with a pair of pliers. Fortunately, the initial mistake was made in place that will never be seen (there are plenty of those spread throughout Jacobhouse… such is the way of learning).
**Typically, the entire rough-opening is present when putting in the sliding glass doors. With this method, though, I will be able to ‘cheat’ and square up the frame much more easily because I have the option to install the two side-RO boards after the door frame is in place.
Mistakes remain so only if learning doesn’t place, so I’m guessing there might not be quite as many as you think.